Killing him is only secondary, and what is left on his body is Shen Xuan's goal this time.

Originally, Shen Xuan also planned to wait until the caravan left Ma County before starting, but he didn't want to, and the next day, this opportunity came.

Slowly approaching the street where the caravan stopped in the east of the town from the corner of the alley, Shen Xuan saw from a distance that the sky in front of him was already red.

It seems that the fire of this fire is not small, Shen Xuan smiled, the bigger the fire, the better, the more muddy the water is stirred, the better he can touch the big fish.

The path in front was blocked by a wall, and behind this wall should be the backyard of an abandoned yard on the left side of the street, as for why, Shen Xuan knew so well, it was naturally because there was Lao Huang who wandered around in Ma County every day.

And Lao Huang can't appear on the street, then he can only take this kind of trail, so he is familiar with every trail in Ma County.

Seeing that he was about to get close to that wall, the tiger Xuan Xuan on Shen Xuan's right hand flashed, and it was a blow against this wall, and now Shen Xuan's physique has reached a bottleneck through the practice of the breathing method in the "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa", and his own strength is already as big as a fierce tiger.

Coupled with the weapon of the tiger Xuangong, it was smashed on this wall made of earth and stone, which was like a fist smashed on tofu.

This seemingly solid wall was directly opened by Shen Xuan into a large hole half a person high, and from this big hole, Shen Xuan came to this abandoned backyard.

At this time, the shouts outside were rising and falling, and naturally no one would notice the sound of Shen Xuan smashing the wall.

Shen Xuan looked at a path next to this abandoned yard, there was some light, and he also smiled viciously, hehe, catch you.

That dog thief's residence has long been inquired by Lao Huang, and even if he used the money from Shen Xuan's pit last night to bring back a few girls from Yihong Courtyard in Ma County, Lao Huang knew it clearly.

And the dog thief's residence was in an old yard in the path next to this abandoned yard, but the dog thief was lucky that such a big fire did not reach his residence.

Shen Xuan put the tiger on his back, stepped on a dead wood stump next to him, and with both hands, he climbed up the courtyard wall of the old courtyard.

Looking at the brightly lit small house in front of him, Shen Xuan jumped off the courtyard wall and came to the old courtyard.

This dog thief is also rich, and he actually bought an old yard in Ma County to live in, but I don't know if there is Shen Xuan's fifteen taels of silver in it.

With his right hand grabbing his back, Shen Xuan slowly approached the door, and there was a burst of laughter in the room.

Shen Xuan did not rush in, first listened at the door, and the laughter coming from inside was mixed with the voices of men and women.

Shen Xuan carefully analyzed for a while, and deduced that there should be a man and two women, and the man's voice was very familiar, it was the voice of the dog thief.

Good guy, one person still dares to ask for two chickens, good good, everyone outside is putting out the fire, you are comfortable right, good good, so can play right, good good, today designated is to have your good fruit to eat ah.

Shen Xuan held the Xuanqiao, and he couldn't help it at this time, and he kicked at the half-closed wooden door.

This originally dilapidated wooden door was directly removed from the door frame by Shen Xuan's powerful kick.

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