Hearing the words of the man in black, Shen Xuan was also interested, picture scroll? Stalling? I haven't heard of it myself.

"Why is the Sect taught? What kind of picture scroll is it? Say it.

"Stalling was originally the state religion of the previous dynasty, and later because its power was too strong, it was abolished by the last emperor Yunhengdi, but because of the accumulation of the previous hundreds of years, it was very powerful."

"Even if there is no support from the previous dynasty, it still survives to the end of the current Zhou Dynasty, and even now, the strength of the Qiao Sect is still not small, it is the topmost existence among the left-way religions of the side door."

Shen Xuan looked at the man in black who was lying on the ground and had become honest, and asked with some doubt:

"Oh? Since you all say that this sect is so powerful, how dare you rob the things of the sect?

"Hey, it's not this sect itself, this sect thinks that it is a generation of state religion, and it is self-respecting, and naturally refuses to be confused with us who are on the left side of the sect, but that sect, Buddhism, Confucianism, and the demon sect do not recognize that the sect is the same as them, what is an orthodox sect."

"Although the Sect is strong, it is still not enough to shake the hegemony of these four major sects, and in this way, the Sect is in a stage where it is not up or down, neither being recognized as orthodox, but also looking down on the side sect, and never cooperating with other sects."

"It is precisely because of the self-congratulatory and noble character of the Puppet Sect that not only annoys the Daomen of the four major sects that have always looked down on the left side of the side door, but even some of the sects in the left side of the side door are also a little dissatisfied with the Dao Sect."

"In this way, the Daomen wanted to make a move against the Sect, and all the sects of the side sects that were dissatisfied with the Sect also united, wanting to share the Sect, a behemoth for them, with the Daomen."

"Ao" Shen Xuan somewhat understood, that is, Xiao Diao Mao thought that he was very powerful, but he couldn't beat the four big brothers, but he looked down on those little brothers below, and provoked one of the big brothers behind, resulting in Xiao Diao Mao now being beaten by the big brother and those little brothers he looked down on before.

"Then what kind of sect are the Tiger Summoning Sect you are talking about?"

Hearing that Shen Xuan heard about his own sect, the confidence that had just been dispelled by Shen Xuan swelled again, and he said with some pride:

"Speaking of the Tiger Summoning Sect, hmph, although it is not a gate sect, the "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa" in my door is also a Dafa with a head and a face in the side door."

"This great law sword goes the wrong way, cruel and obedient, it is the fundamental great law of my Tiger Summoning Sect, and with this Great Law, my Tiger Summoning Sect is also a sect that dominates several counties in Jiangnan, and those fellow practitioners on the left and right are also respectful."

As soon as Shen Xuan heard this, he also muttered in his heart, listening to the waste and saying, this "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa" is the fundamental great law of the Tiger Summoning Sect, so how can the man in black he killed before have this great law? Could it be? Wait for me to knock on the side.

"Oh, then apart from doing something to the Tiger Summoning Sect, what major things have happened in your Tiger Summoning Sect in the past few years?"

When the man in black heard this, he also thought about himself:

"In the past few years, in my Tiger Summoning Sect, except for some actions in the joint sect of several sects, nothing major has happened, but at that time last year, the second son in charge of our sect disappeared while wandering outside."

"The Palm Sect mobilized many people to look for it, but they couldn't find it, and later, because this time Zi's own cultivation talent was extremely low, and his own and his mother's origins were not good, plus no matter how they searched, this matter was over."

When Shen Xuan heard this, he naturally had an inference in his heart, it seems that the man in black he killed should be the second son of the Tiger Summoning Sect, and after he killed him, he threw his corpse into the wild, and now it is estimated that he has turned into the nourishment of the earth.

"Okay, let's talk about the origin of that puppet sect, and what happened to the picture scroll you were going to grab this time, why did your Tiger Summoning Sect send you such a garbage to rob it?"

Although this sentence was a great insult to the man in black, that is, Jiang Li, at this time, Jiang Li was still under the eaves, and had to bow his head and continue:

"This scroll is just a tool used by the people of the Sect to practice, and the practice of the Sect pays attention to incense and worship the gods, invite the gods into the body, use the divine power, condense the godhead, and finally the godhead is cultivated and becomes a god on the spot."

And if this sect wants to condense the divine personality, he must have divine power, and the safest way to have divine power is to invite a god into his body.

Then absorb the divine power left by this god, slowly purify it into your own divine power, and then condense this divine power into your own divine personality.

And if you want to invite a god, this is the most brilliant place in the sect, which did not have any god support at first, or where in the world there are so many gods, willing to enter the human body and leave their own divine power.

Later, this sect didn't know where to find an ancient and declining god lineage, and reached a consensus with the few remaining gods in that god lineage.

The gods in the sect are responsible for providing incense to the revived or unrevived gods in this god lineage, and the resuscitation gods in the god system must enter their bodies by responding to the god invitation ritual of the people in the god system, help them do things, and when they leave their bodies, leave their own more or less divine power to help the people in the sect condense their godheads.

In the end, the gods of the fallen god system got incense, either revived or went further, and the people in the stall sect relied on the divine power left by the gods to condense the godhead and become gods on the spot.

At that time, the Emperor Zhao began to cooperate with the founding emperor of the Yun Dynasty at that time, that is, Emperor Yun Zhao, to help Emperor Yun Zhao solve all the problems caused by other cultivators during the war, and also indirectly helped Emperor Yun Zhao to establish the Yun Dynasty, and later, the Yun Dynasty was established, and Emperor Yun Zhao naturally did not forget the good of the Sect, so he established the Sect as the state religion.

It is also this that led to the previous dynasty, that is, the Yun Dynasty, the number of gods in the sect was increasing, and all kinds of strange gods in the ancient god system were also revived, at that time, the power and prestige of the sect were close to the current Daomen, Buddhism, Confucianism and Demon Gate.

After hundreds of years of operation in the Yun Dynasty, the major systems and divine forces in the stall sect have developed and improved, and almost every sect believer has one or more gods to protect it, that is, at that time, the sect has reached the peak of its own strength.

In the era of the Yun Dynasty, the power of the Sect could compete with the four major sects that dominated the world, and it could almost be called the fifth family.

Later, at the end of the Yun Dynasty, Emperor Yunheng was in power, and somehow abruptly abolished the position of the state religion of the Sect and branded it as a crooked path.

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