Carrying this ring-headed knife, Shen Xuan walked towards the group of people in the caravan, and when the work was done, the good things in this caravan were laughed at himself.

Just walked a few steps, Shen Xuan saw that the group was packing up, it seemed, it was about to run, Shen Xuan frowned, what is the matter, dare to rely on my account, did not see that Jiang Li's brain flowers were scattered.

After walking two steps quickly, Shen Xuan slipped a cigarette and arrived at the place where the caravan parked the carriage, and at this time, the old men who were helping to carry things were also sharp-eyed, and they were the first to find Shen Xuan who came over.

That was to hurry forward, before Shen Xuan could speak, the old man was grateful to Shen Xuan, looking at the situation, he couldn't wait to kneel on the ground to give Shen Xuan a few knocks.

Shen Xuan naturally didn't stop the old man's words, excuse me? Hehe, it doesn't exist, he now feels that these people in front of him had better kowtow to himself, and while kowtowing, he must also be grateful to himself.

Of course, these words, Shen Xuan naturally will not say them in person, he also has to take a good look at this caravan, in addition to the God Invitation Scroll, there are other good things, Qiang.

After the old man thanked Shen Xuan for a while at this time, Shen Xuan didn't talk nonsense with him anymore, saying so much, you old Deng, I will take a look at the actual one.

Stopped the old man who was still going to make a move, there was no unnecessary nonsense, directly stretched out his hand towards the old man, Shen Xuan's meaning was not clear, how could the old man not understand Shen Xuan's meaning at this time, took out a handful of gold and silver from his cloth pocket, and handed it to Shen Xuan's hands.

Shen Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, this is the meaning of wanting to send himself, a few taels of gold and silver want to let himself go, it seems that this old man still does not know the seriousness of the matter.

Raising his hand to scatter the gold and silver handed over by the old man, Shen Xuan pinched the old man's neck, stared at the old man's cloudy eyes and said:

"What is in this caravan, I don't know now, show the sincerity you should have, otherwise you, including everyone here, will not see the sun tomorrow."

The old man was lifted into the air by Shen Xuan from the ground, and his two feet kicked in the air for a while, but because he couldn't find a focus point, he could only hang on the side like this, at this time, the old man was also frightened, and did not say yes, but where did he dare not accept it first:

"Good, good, young man, and slow hand, the old man knows, knows."

But Shen Xuan's series of actions still disturbed many people around, and those guys who moved things put down the things in their hands one by one, all looking at Shen Xuan, some were not convinced, some did not dare, some were afraid, and some did not even dare to look.

But without exception, none of these people who looked at Shen Xuan dared to step forward and theorize with Shen Xuan, or in other words, the current Shen Xuan, in their impression, was similar to the man in black just now.

However, Shen Xuan did not let the old man go, what he wants now is not the old man here to fight with him haha, he wants the old man to give an accurate answer, if he gives, then everyone is good, if he does not give, hum, just like Shen Xuan said, everyone in the caravan here will not see the sun tomorrow.

There were about twenty or thirty people in front of him, and even if these people rushed up, Shen Xuan was confident that within half a blaze of incense, blood would flow here.

But just when the two sides were deadlocked, the rich kid who had always been considered by Shen Xuan to be neither male nor female rushed out from those guys and rushed to Shen Xuan's side, and it was a mess hammer to this Shen Xuan's right hand holding the old man's neck.

Shen Xuan originally felt a little angry because this old den hit himself, seeing that there were actually people who dared to do something to themselves, his right hand was loose, he let go of his breathlessness, and the old man who was about to faint to death, for this face that was neither male nor female, it was a big match.

"Snap", a crisp sound This time Shen Xuan used one percent force, he just hit Jiang Li, all used three percent force, but obviously this force is not what this rich kid in front of him can bear, directly after being fanned by Shen Xuan, he fell to the ground and fainted.

The old man broke away from Shen Xuan's claws and fell to the ground, first gasping for breath, but before he could react, he saw Shen Xuan stunned the rich boy with a big bibi.

Suddenly shocked, he ran over with a rolling belt, picked up the rich boy who had a large swollen face, first probed his nose, confirmed that he just fainted, and then let go of his heart.

However, when the old man was about to cry, he suddenly realized that he was still at Shen Xuan's feet, and quickly got up and kowtowed directly to this Shen Xuan:

"Young man, the old man is wrong, the old man is wrong, please show mercy to your subordinates, let him go this time."

Hmph, I used to pretend to hit haha, but now it's okay, I have to slap you in the face, you understand that you are a fart.

"Well, this seat doesn't want to talk nonsense with you garbage, again, one last time, take out all your caravan things and I'll take a look, by the way, my temper is really bad, if you grind with me again, next time, it's not as simple as fainting."

Shen Xuan also doesn't want to talk nonsense with your gang, he already has an idea in his heart, if these people don't know how to lift up, then they will simply kill them all, saving himself more time to talk.

At this time, the old man listened to Shen Xuan's words, and he also hesitated, and in an instant, there was no sound in the entire field.

Shen Xuan's eyes flashed, could it be that he looked very good at talking? If you dare to hesitate, then all die.

Shen Xuan didn't care what happened to this old man at this time, it just so happened that a guy next to him accidentally touched a gravel at this time, and made a little movement.

Shen Xuan glanced at this guy, and then stepped forward with an arrow, and the Beijuku demon qi condensed on his right hand, and smashed it into this guy's head.

"Pong", with a crisp sound, this guy directly followed in Jiang Li's footsteps, and the body fell to the side, and Jiang Li, who had not been going down for a long time, went to accompany Jiang Li who had not been going down for a long time.

Beijuku's demon qi slowly condensed on his left hand, and Shen Xuan was about to send everyone in this place down to accompany Jiang Li, when at this moment, a white light appeared on Shen Xuan's fist that was about to hit another guy, blocking Shen Xuan's heavy punch.

Oh, and anyone else dares to move? Shen Xuan was also a little angry at this time, really what kind of philanthropist this seat is, kill one, just because I don't dare to kill the second.

Shen Xuan looked towards the person who emitted white light, as expected, it was the drama girl who fought with Jiang Li before, Shen Xuan sneered, you can't even beat Jiang Li that-like thing, and dare to provoke me.

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