Shen Xuan followed the playgirl and the old man to one of the carriages, the interior of this carriage can be regarded as luxurious, silk satin, gold and silver jewelry a lot, it is estimated that it is a carriage for this puppet drama girl.

The playgirl and the old man were sitting in the carriage, and Shen Xuan was sitting opposite, looking at a wooden box at the feet of the playgirl, and the qi in Shen Xuan's body was telling him all the time.

In that wooden box, there was a clear and bright holy breath, that kind of breath that Shen Xuan had only felt in one place, that is, the moment when the incense space in his Black Mountain altar condensed.

It seems that the things in the mouth of this drama girl should be in this wooden box, and I don't know what unexpected good things can be harvested this time.

At this time, the drama girl also knew that the contents of her wooden box were already difficult to escape Shen Xuan's hands, and she also sighed slightly, as if she was lamenting the injustice of fate.

Where did Shen Xuan see her twisting and pretentious, seeing that the drama girl was still sentimental over there, she was also impatient, and went up to give her, forehead, and the old man next to her made a big bibi:

"Okay, if you grind it again, the two of you will go down first to accompany the waste before."

The old man was beaten by Shen Xuan's big bibie, and it was also painful, and he quickly looked at the drama girl, who was also frightened by Shen Xuan's big bibi, and she couldn't understand why this person in front of her liked to beat people so much.

However, at this time, it is already a man-made knife trick, I am for fish meat, so she can't think more, and hurriedly opened the locked wooden box, in fact, in Shen Xuan's opinion, this wooden box is not locked, there is no big meaning, at most it is used to prevent a "righteous gentleman".

Watching the box being opened, Shen Xuan did not wait for the reaction of the drama girl, and dragged it over, now what is this box, it all has to belong to himself, as soon as he thought of this, Shen Xuan did not have a burst of excitement.

This wooden box was not big, it was as big as two or three vinegar jars, and the contents were full of piles, and Shen Xuan had to find them one by one.

This red iron is good, mine, this aqua blue orb is good, mine, this green fruit wrapped in aura, mine.

Good guy, there are more than a dozen things in it, more or less some spiritual energy on it, Shen Xuan is not picky, all of them are accepted, turned to the end, I saw that there was a layer of fabric at the bottom of the box, Shen Xuan also picked it up, this layer of fabric is actually a picture scroll.

When the playgirl saw that Shen Xuan had turned this out, she suddenly couldn't sit still, and quickly stepped forward to snatch this picture scroll over.

When Shen Xuan saw this picture scroll, he naturally had a decision in his heart, and when he saw that the drama girl directly wanted to grab it, he flew up and kicked the drama girl who had just stood up back next to the old man.

"Be honest, be dishonest with Honza again, chop off both of your heads."

When the girl was originally fighting with Jiang Li, she was seriously injured, one arm was scrapped, and she was kicked by Shen Xuan repeatedly, but at this time, she couldn't hold on, and fell to the spot, except that she was not dead, I am afraid that it would be difficult to move anymore.

Shen Xuan saw that this restless drama girl was kicked honestly by himself, and also nodded, one by two, they are all here with me to pretend to be a confused teacher, all give you an An.

Looking at the picture scroll with a golden edge in front of him, what can still make the drama girl react so much should be the picture scroll called "Zhenshan Ye".

However, for this scroll of inviting gods, Shen Xuan did not mean to pocket it, he is not a cultist, he does not know the secret method of the sect, and it is useless to get this scroll, it is better to leave it to the sect, it should be a rare good thing for him.

He also did not open this picture scroll, in case this "Zhenshan Ye" left any means for this God Petition Map before he died, and he was not a disciple of the Sect, he was afraid of being secretly calculated, so he didn't take more, and threw this God Invitation Scroll to the drama girl who fell to the ground and looked at him deadly.

"Okay, okay, don't look at the main seat with the eyes that killed your whole family, don't want you to ask for this god scroll, return you, look at your dead family appearance."

Looking at the scroll of invitation thrown by Shen Xuan, the old man was first stunned, and then hurriedly caught it, looking at the drama girl who fell to the ground, the two were also a little confused now.

The reason why the old man was there before was that he didn't want Shen Xuan to get this God Invitation Scroll, and the drama girl originally had this thought, so when Shen Xuan picked up the God Invitation Scroll, he got up and grabbed it, but he was kicked over by Shen Xuan.

The two also thought that the God Invitation Scroll was going to be taken away by Shen Xuan, but they didn't expect that after Shen Xuan picked it up, he threw it to them, the key is that Shen Xuan also knew that this scroll was called the God Invitation Scroll.

Rao used the brains of the two of them, and he couldn't figure out why all the people on the left side of the door now wanted to make a move on the Sect, and Shen Xuan, who obviously belonged to the side door, why didn't he take this scroll of inviting gods.

However, the two of them did not have time to think much at this time, seeing that Shen Xuan did not want this God Scroll, the old man hurriedly thanked this Shen Xuan again, but this time, it was obviously more sincere than the last time.

And the drama girl was also a little confused at this time, but her impression of Shen Xuan as a person was gradually getting better, and now there were very few cultivators who could maintain their sanity and not be disturbed by other factors from the outside world.

Moreover, most of the Zuo Dao sects have issued orders to hunt down and kill the disciples of the Sect below them or the scattered cultivators within their jurisdiction.

The current Sect not only has to resist the pressure exerted by the Daomen, but also defends against the threats and secret calculations brought by people from the left side of the door and those scattered cultivators from everywhere.

Shen Xuan didn't have any other mind to think about other things at this time, there were really a lot of useful things in the wooden box, although he couldn't recognize what these things did, but the only thing that could be confirmed was that they were all objects with aura.

Shen Xuan felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart, all the cultivation objects he got from the beginning of his practice were simply pitiful, except for the method of cultivation, there were basically no others.

At the moment, there are actually so many good things in his hands, how can he not be excited.

The drama girl looked at Shen Xuan who was smiling strangely, and the big stone in her heart was also completely put down, looking at this person, but did not mean to take away the God Scroll of Invitation, although what the person was holding in his hand was all his savings over the years, but compared with the God Scroll of Invitation, what could it be counted as.

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