The black-robed man in the middle also laughed loudly when he heard the old man's words:

"You still dare to mention the Sect? Hahahaha, it's ridiculous, who doesn't know that your puppet religion is already a dead end, put down that picture, maybe the five of us show mercy and let you have a way to live.

These words also caused the other four black-robed people to laugh.

The old man was also extremely angry at this time, although he wanted to refute two sentences, but the current Sect no longer had the ability for her to brag.

In other words, what the man said was not wrong, the Sect was really at the end of the road.

Shen Xuan also got off the carriage, but he did not step forward, but stood silently next to the carriage, waiting for the next development of the matter.

At this time, the five people who blocked the road were also a little impatient:

"Well, I'm not in the mood to continue talking nonsense with you puppet people, since they are unwilling to hand it over, then don't blame my brothers for being ruthless."

Saying that, the five people took out a black flag from the black robe, and Shen Xuan stood behind the carriage, and he couldn't see it clearly, only felt that the black flag seemed to be a little strange.

At this time, the five people took out the black flag, plunged it into the ground in unison, and shouted loudly in their mouths:

"The five ghosts are killed together, the treasure banner is listed in the Bufa Array, and the five disciples are doing the same thing, the sky is dark and there is no dare to exist, please ask the Shenyin Old Ancestor to respect the law, urgent as a command, edict."

In an instant, black qi continued to fly out from among the five black flags, and instantly spread out towards the surroundings.

This black qi struck in the direction of the caravan, and the black gas permeated the caravan, and those guys were frightened by this black qi, and they were all holding their heads.

Hiding in the carriage, hiding in the woods, and some people hiding under the carriage, for a while, the whole caravan was in chaos.

Shen Xuan also naturally saw the black qi, took out the tiger xuanqi, and slammed it against the black qi that was rushing towards him.

In an instant, the black qi was like a ball of marshmallows, and after being directly dispersed, it also emitted a miserable scream.

At this time, Shen Xuan also saw what the black qi was, it was a soul, men and women, old and young, one by one, constantly stirring in the air, emitting a fierce ghost cry.

The guys in the caravan were already frightened by the black qi, and at this moment, the ghost cries from all directions made these people even more frightened.

Shen Xuan also took the opportunity to run back to his carriage, he did not have the idea of going head-to-head with those people, the other party had already occupied the advantage in terms of numbers alone.

On his side, he and the drama girl will spell, not to mention, the trash combat power of the drama girl, there is not much difference.

Shen Xuan looked at the five people who stood in the way through the curtain, not in a hurry, waiting for those people to open the door before going up.

Just as Shen Xuan sat in the carriage, waiting for when the five people of the Shenyin faction could suspend their means.

A crisp sound came from overhead, and Shen Xuan heard the sound to check, and saw that the top of his carriage had been opened with a small opening.

Shen Xuan was a little puzzled, why this carriage is not bad in the morning, not bad in the evening, but it is bad at this time.

Before Shen Xuan could take a closer look, on the roof of the roof at the top of the carriage, there was a "boom" and it was directly flown off.

Shen Xuan was dumbfounded, what kind of thing, he saw a figure fall from the roof of the shed that was lifted.

The figure landed in the carriage, but because it was facing away from Shen Xuan, he did not find that there was anyone in the carriage.

Looking closely, the figure was dressed in black, and his head was also wrapped in a layer of black cloth. Shen Xuan didn't make a sound, but the figure said to himself:

"Hey, the brainless things of the Shenyin faction, they only know how to fight and kill all day, how can they be as witty as Uncle Ben, the so-called thief captures the king first, and when the uncle I take the scroll and run away."

Saying that, the figure searched for it in the carriage, and Shen Xuan looked at the man in black who ignored him in front of him.

Good, good, you steal chickens and steal me, I'm here, designated to tell you to come or not.

The man in black searched in front of him for a while, but found nothing, and said to himself:

"Huh? What's going on, uncle, am I looking in the wrong carriage? It shouldn't be, I'll wait for Uncle..." Before

the words were finished, it was a turnaround, and the man in black was opposite Shen Xuan, and the two stared wide-eyed.

Shen Xuan

grinned: "So, you're smart?"

Saying that, before he went to get the tiger Xuanqi, he raised his hand and punched towards the black-clothed man's face.

Before the man in black could react, Shen Xuan's fist had already hit his left eye.

"Snap", the man in black was directly knocked over on the carriage by Shen Xuan, and just wanted to say something, Shen Xuan pounced, it was a punch and kick.

The man in black was screaming repeatedly, and the man in black was just a mortal, where could he withstand Shen Xuan's violent beating.

Within two or three strokes, he was beaten by Shen Xuan with a blue nose and a swollen face, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

Shen Xuan picked up the tiger Xuanxian on the side, put it next to the head of the man in black, and asked:

"You kid, you also ate the bear heart leopard gall, dare to come to the carriage of this seat to steal things, today this seat has a good heart, so that you know, the person who killed you, Ma Xian, Shen Xuan is also."

Saying that, Shen Xuan had a charge in his hand, and the tiger Xuanqiao was about to smash towards the man in black.

The man in black was stunned by Shen Xuan's beating, but when he saw Shen Xuan's move, he was afraid that he was going to die, so he hurriedly waved his hand again and again, and shouted in his mouth: "Slowly

, uncle, slowly, uncle, all the way, all the way, listen to the little brother."

This man in black is also anxious at this time, life and death, what is there to say.

Shen Xuan stopped his hand and put the Xuan Gong on the neck of the man in black again:

"This seat can still be with you all the way?" What are you? When

the man in black saw Shen Xuan stop his hand, he was also relieved, and hurriedly explained to Shen Xuan:

"Uncle, the younger brother is a thief in the door, and he also came for this scroll of inviting gods, see that the uncle is also a cultivator of the left path of the side door, presumably, it is the same purpose as the younger brother."

Shen Xuan looked at the man in black who had some expectant eyes, and said lightly:

"You are still a person in the Daomen, which Daomen sect can ask for this thief-eyed dog thing of yours, lie and not make drafts, and dare to lie to me?"

The man in black was obviously stunned, and seemed to have some doubts about Shen Xuan's belief that he was not a thief in the door.

However, he quickly reacted, and the person on the other side was afraid that he had misunderstood:

"No, uncle, the little brother is not that door, the little brother is the thief, the thief in the ninth stream."

Shen Xuan also reacted at this time, there are thieves among the nine streams, that is, thieves, these people are convenient for walking outside.

In order to give his family a better name, the thieves among the nine streams are collectively called "door thieves".

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