Shen Xuan looked at the man in black in front of him and touched his left and right, but finally did not take out his crotch again, which was okay, Shen Xuan still did not have much rejection.

The man in black took out a small box for a long time, and I didn't know where to take out a small box, and he said that it was a small box, and he lifted it a little.

In fact, it is a small shabby that looks like wood, but is actually dilapidated.

Of course, for the sake of safety, Shen Xuan still did not take it, but shook his left hand and signaled the man in black to open it himself.

The man in black also knew that his way of collecting was disliked by the other party, but at this time, he could only do the same.

Shen Xuan watched the man in black slowly open the box, and all his eyes were attracted to it.

Suddenly, the man in black threw the box, and Shen Xuan had not yet seen clearly what was in this box, and where he could run.

This man in black was also funny, just wanted to push away the iron hammer that Shen Xuan was holding, and with his right hand, he sadly found that he couldn't push this iron hammer.

The man in black also reacted quickly, seeing that the right side did not work, and hurriedly rolled sideways towards the left.

Shen Xuan did not pay attention to the man in black at this time, compared to the man in black in front of him, he was more concerned about the box that the man in black took out.

Inside that box, a refreshing orange-yellow color shone in Shen Xuan's eyes.

Baby, Shen Xuan almost glanced at it, and already determined that the treasure in this box was indeed a treasure, and this treasure was not ordinary.

The feeling of qi in Shen Xuan's heart was already buzzing, all indicating that the things in this box in front of him were worthy of Shen Xuan's shot.

Not much attention was paid to the man in black who rolled to the side.

However, Shen Xuan did not plan to let go of this man in black, since the man in black had the intention of escaping, he had to be prepared to be killed by himself, although Shen Xuan did not intend to let him live.

"The Lord of the Black Mountain Altar is in trouble today, please ask Dex to help."

Directly let Dong Li come out and catch the man in black who had almost escaped from the carriage.

However, Shen Xuan himself was towards the small box that flipped in the air.

As soon as his left hand moved, he grabbed the small box.

The man in black on the other side was already overjoyed at this time, and he could finally run.

I think of him Liu San Yingming I, but today he almost folded here, but fortunately, he was extremely clever and made a little trick to win a glimmer of life for himself.

Although the thing in that box was a relic left by the mentor who brought him into the burglary door.

Although he got this thing, he still didn't know the origin of this thing based on his insight.

However, although he did not know the origin of that thing, Liu San still felt that this thing was not an ordinary thing.

Not only from the point of view of appearance, but also that thing has a role, which he has been a thief for many years and tried it step by step.

Whenever he climbed onto someone's roof, he had to panic.

Liu San himself did not know where this panic came from, but it was real.

This is also what Liu San has been a thief for many years and wants to change the most.

But when Liu San once went out to steal, he brought this thing with him, and since then, the inexplicable sense of panic has disappeared.

Therefore, this thing can also be regarded as the most precious thing since Liu San became a thief.

However, now it is different from the past, his life is already hanging by a thread, in order to save his life, he can only take out the things at the bottom of his box.

It is also to buy himself a little time to escape, although Liu San can't help but feel some flesh pain, but for his own little life, everything is worth it.

This is also the biggest truth he learned after entering the theft door, for the sake of his own life, everything can be abandoned, everything can be used, even if groveling, even if he endures humiliation.

Shen Xuan didn't have the kung fu to take care of that Liu San, and his attention was completely attracted at this time.

In this small, worn-out box in front of me, a cherry-sized bead is wrapped in it.

From the first time Shen Xuan saw it, he already had the intention of taking it.

The small beads were orange-yellow all over, without a trace of impurities, crystal clear, but there was something like nothing flowing in it.

Shen Xuan didn't know what that thing was, he only knew that the small bead in front of him was indeed not an ordinary thing.

Throwing away the box, Shen Xuan put this small bead in his hand, and a feeling that was completely different from the Anshen Talisman and the Clear Heart Talisman, but had the same path, appeared in Shen Xuan's heart.

If the uncontrolled part of Shen Xuan's heart was compared to a roaring flame.

That tranquility talisman is a cool breeze, and the clear heart talisman is a trace of cool air.

And the bead in front of him was a pouring water, directly pouring the flame in Shen Xuan's heart into a heart-cooling.

The uncontrolled thoughts of the past were also suppressed at this moment.

Shen Xuan was overjoyed in his heart, what he had always wanted, but it was in his hands today.

Now the origin of this bead is no longer important, what is important is its unique role.

Without looking closely, Shen Xuan stored this bead close to him with the Tranquility Talisman and the Clear Heart Talisman, this is a treasure, and it is also a treasure that is of great use to himself.

A crackling sound came from outside, presumably it should be the drama girl and the five people.

Originally, Shen Xuan planned to make a sneak attack like before, but the man in black had already escaped from the carriage.

In order to ensure that his bead was not remembered, Shen Xuan's first thing was to kill the man in black, no matter who he was, he would die.

Shen Xuan turned over, jumped off the carriage, and just wanted to check around, he saw a man in black behind the carriage, under Dong Lian's feet.

Shen Xuan smiled, it seems that you are destined to be planted in my hands today.

Without hesitation, Shen Xuan didn't want to listen to this man in black beep Lai Lai anymore.

A few steps back, seeing Shen Xuan coming, Dong Li moved his feet, and the man in black had already been beaten by Dong Li to dizzy.

Now seeing Shen Xuan coming, he no longer had the mind to escape:

"Uncle, uncle, the little one did it, the little one knows that it is wrong, the small one is called Liu San, if the uncle does not dislike it, he will do things under the uncle in the future, uncle, spare ..."

Before the words were finished, Shen Xuan just came down, then Liu San's end, there is no need to say more.

Shen Xuan looked at Liu San, who was still struggling on the verge of death, and shook his head, how could Shen Xuan let him live.

For his own bead, Shen Xuan could only hurt the killer. After all, only the dead do not leak secrets.

"Hahaha, you little lady skin, a body of puppet god power, I thought how powerful, I didn't expect to be so weak."

Shen Xuan listened to this sentence, and also knew that the drama girl could no longer hold on.

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