After practicing in the post station for a night, when Shen Xuan opened his eyes again, it was already the morning of the next day, and Lao Huang was already sitting next to the Black Mountain altar at this time adding incense to worship the gods.

Shen Xuan got up from the bed, cleaned up, and first went out to find a wonton stall not far from the post station, and then said the whole mouthful.

In the shocked gaze of the wonton stall owner, Shen Xuan alone almost contracted his transaction volume for most of the day, patted his stomach, and after Shen Xuan gave the boss a piece of broken silver, he returned to the station.

Shen Xuan didn't have anything else to do today, so he didn't go out to wander around, after all, there were not many cultivators who went to Xiangfu Lou yesterday.

And today, the gambling between the Sect and the Five Poisons Sect is still continuing, so those cultivators will come again, so they will definitely not be too far away from Yantai City, or they are in this Yantai City.

Among these cultivators, there are many side doors or scattered cultivators like Shen Xuan, which also leads to uneven good and bad among them, and Shen Xuan naturally respects these people and stays away.

Continuing back to the post station, Shen Xuan found himself at the door of his room, where a small house was standing ready to knock.

Shen Xuan immediately stopped him and asked what was going on in this small house.

The little man took out a booklet and handed it to Shen Xuan, saying that someone had asked him to send this thing over.

Shen Xuan took the pamphlet and looked at it, and the cover said "Qiuyun Gift to Young Heroes".

Seeing this line, Shen Xuan knew that this booklet should be the only words about murder that the drama girl was looking for for herself in the Sect.

However, the efficiency of this drama girl is fast, and in less than two days, this thing was done, it seems that this drama girl has many advantages in addition to her low combat power.

Taking the book in the hand of the small house, Shen Xuan waved his hand, gave the errand boy a few copper plates to send him away, and then took the book into the room.

Walking into the room, Shen Xuan couldn't wait to open the booklet, which read.

The so-called "killing" is also a kind of human nature, and also belongs to the multifaceted nature of human beings.

Killing is different from other sex, killing has two characteristics: hidden and uncertain.

Concealment refers to the fact that a person who is born with a killing nature will not feel that he is any different from others, and only when the person experiences something or encounters a certain opportunity, this hidden murderous nature will be revealed.

Uncertainty means that it is impossible for everyone to know whether they are murderous when they are not showing their murderous nature, just as people will not know whether they are male or female when they are not born.

And it is precisely with these two distinctive characteristics that killingness is not known and studied by most people.

And even if someone reveals their murderous nature, it will change differently because of the severity of the killing.

Some people may be light in killing and will not have any impact on themselves, but some people may be murderous, directly affecting their own minds, and have since become a bloodthirsty monster.

It is said that in a village in northern Binzhou, a man with heavy murderous qualities appeared, and as a result, the village was slaughtered overnight.

Of course, this kind of killing is not uncontrollable, but if you need to control your own killingness, you need not only your own talent, will, but also an important method.

This method is also basically unknown, because not only is the origin of this method unknown, but those who have really mastered this method will not allow this method to be known to the world.

However, this kind of method that can control and even use murder is also rare in the world, and naturally there is no such method in the sect.

Although there is no such method in the teachings, there are some records of this method.

It is said that among the seven families led by the hundreds of families, the soldier family has a deep understanding of killing, and it can be said that the foundation of the soldier family is based on killing.

But the people of these hundreds of families have always acted secretly, not to mention the most prosperous soldiers.

This sect also has a certain record of the soldiers.

There are also four factions among the soldiers, skill, yin and yang, situation, and power scheme.

In addition to the four factions, only the founder of the soldier family, Sun Shang, remained.

The people of these four factions have always been the dragon who can't see the end of the dragon, some people have been searching hard for a lifetime and may not be able to find a person, or it is possible that a passerby you met today is the soldier who is in this secret situation.

Because the cultivation of the gods is the divinity of the gods, basically there will be no things affected by their own murderous nature.

Although the Puppet Sect used to be the state religion, it did not pay much attention to things that had little to do with their own cultivation, so the Puppet Sect did not have too many records on killing.

Shen Xuan finished reading this pamphlet, and also thought about it, it seems that this murderous matter on his body is estimated to be slowed down.

Shen Xuan also knew that his strength was weak, where did he go to find those soldiers and children.

Shen Xuan started from Ma County to the current Yantai City, and the cultivators he met here, in addition to those disciples of famous big schools, were also some small families, or scattered cultivators.

Those sons and hundreds of families, he Shen Xuan has never heard of it, which makes Shen Xuan where to find.

After thinking about it, Shen Xuan also had no choice but to throw the pamphlet aside, if he couldn't find it, he wouldn't look for it, and if he couldn't think of it, he wouldn't want to, or look at his future chances.

However, since there were not many records of killing in this sect, Shen Xuan had read all of these few records.

Naturally, there is no need to stay here anymore, after all, Shen Xuan came to Yantai City for that little reward and asked the theater girl to find the classics.

However, Shen Xuan himself didn't know where he was going, forget it, he had time to get a map first.

Looking at the time, Shen Xuan was ready to practice for a while, and then in the evening, he would go to see Xiangfulou to see the gambling between the Sect and the Five Poisons Sect.

After these few days of cultivation, the Beijuku Demon Qi in Shen Xuan's body has almost recovered, but it can be regarded as not having the feeling of being squeezed dry before.

Not only that, the Dong Lian in the altar of the Black Mountain is also under the continuous nourishment of the incense of worship, and the Taoist practice is growing every moment.

Taking out the Gathering Spirit Pill he got from the Sect and knocking it out, Shen Xuan also accelerated the speed of absorbing Spiritual Qi himself.

After the lesson of almost dying from drug use last time, Shen Xuan now had an accurate assessment of his ability to bear.

Generally speaking, in one night's practice, Shen Xuan only needs to knock a Gathering Spirit Pill, and Shen Xuan's body can only store that bit of Spiritual Qi, so too much Gathering Spirit Pill is not the slightest use for Shen Xuan.

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