Shen Xuan got down from the kang and shook his head, a little dizzy.

Opening the wooden door, Shen Xuan came to the courtyard, empty.

Blown by the cold wind outside the door, Shen Xuan snorted, his brain became more and more sober

, the night before, Old Man Cao took another "job" outside, and set off the next morning.

Shen Xuan didn't care too much, after all, this kind of thing Old Man Cao can do a few times a day, it is a pit and a quasi, and an unlucky egg.

But this is a sparse and ordinary job, but Old Man Cao has not come back for a day and a night, which is not quite right, if it is like before, Old Man Cao will go down for a few hours.

If it is slower, it will only take half a day at most, and the guarantee will take the money and leave.

But this day and night did not come back, it is not right, not to mention, with Old Man Cao's pit money unique work, it is definitely a lot of money.

But even if he meets some "real guy", Old Man Cao still has the ability to put it down, after all, the strength is there.

A character that can be dry by tigers, that is the same level as Wusong, and this tiger is all wild, a wild tiger that can really roar the mountains and forests.

The more Shen Xuan thought about it, the more panicked he became, if this old man Cao is not there, Shen Xuan can not eat anything, this soldier is in chaos, and if he has no real skills, he can only wander outside.

Just thinking of this, I only heard the sound of the courtyard door and was pushed open.

When Shen Xuan heard the prestige, he saw an old man break in, and the person who came was none other than Old Man Cao.

Shen Xuan watched Old Man Cao walk in, and just wanted to step forward, but before the person arrived, Old Man Cao fell down with a "poof".

Seeing this, Shen Xuan was startled, and hurriedly ran over and helped Old Man Cao up.

Old Man Cao trembled and got up, walked a few steps, but before he reached the door of the house, a mouthful of blood spurted out, splashing Shen Xuan's face.

Shen Xuan was stunned, and with a retraction in his hand, Old Man Cao fell down again and fainted.

The two lives were people, Shen Xuan saw blood for the first time, stunned for a long time, and after a while, Shen Xuan came back to his senses.

Hurriedly carried Old Man Cao, put him on the bed, and covered him with a quilt.

Shen Xuan hurriedly went outside the house to buy a few pairs of herbs, which were the prescriptions that Old Man Cao had taught him before, to deal with unexpected needs.

Shen Xuan went home and hurriedly fried the medicine.

Back in the house, Shen Xuan saw that Old Man Cao had woken up and came to the bed, Old Man Cao half-squinted and looked at Shen Xuan.

"Alas, Xiao Xuan..."


"Xiao Xuan, this time, the old man pecked his eyes."

"Ah! Old man, how could it be".

When Old Man Cao told the reason for the matter, Shen Xuan knew why Old Man Cao was so embarrassed.

It turned out that Old Man Cao exorcised ghosts from Zhang Dahu in Ma County the day before yesterday, but this time he lost his hand.

It turned out that when Zhang Dahu came to invite Old Man Cao to exorcise ghosts, he said that his family did not seem to be peaceful recently, and he wanted to invite Old Man Cao to see what happened.

Old man Cao originally heard that this was not to send Buddha to the west and send money to home, but he didn't think much about it, and directly followed Zhang Dahu and left.

Then I went to Zhang Dahu's house and saw that something was indeed wrong.

I didn't think much about it, and I directly opened the altar practice, which is also a little exquisite.

It must be powerful, not for something else to see, but for the owner's family to see, so as to deceive... Ahem get paid.

As a result, as soon as the altar opened, Old Man Cao didn't even start speaking.

It was a black in front of him, and he fell directly from the altar and fainted.

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