Tearing open the spinning fabric, a black silver iron shovel lay quietly inside, Shen Xuan reached out and took it out, holding the handle of the gong, the distinctly defined hammer on it was squarely arranged, the whole iron shovel was 78 centimeters long, held in the hand, about six or seven pounds, for Shen Xuan, it was just right.

Holding this iron shovel in his hand, Shen Xuan had followed the method in the "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa" and smeared his blood all over the iron shovel.

Suddenly, a familiar feeling came, just like that refining altar mouth, Shen Xuan also refined the iron gong.

With this newly obtained iron hammer, Shen Xuan thought about it and gave this iron hammer a name - Tiger Xuan Gong.

Thinking of the practice method in "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa", Shen Xuan went out to buy a live native chicken again, he wanted to try the daily killing thing, this killing chicken is not considered a killing thing.

Holding the tiger Xuangong, Shen Xuan faced the local chicken that was still jumping alive, and "bang" was to go down and hit the head of the chicken.

There was no imaginary chicken blood that flew out, and as soon as Xuan Gong smashed the chicken's head, he absorbed the chicken blood clean, and the chicken shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, that is, the chicken's qi and blood were absorbed clean.

Shen Xuan also obviously felt a feeling of hunger coming from the tiger Xuanxuan, it turned out that killing chickens can also be regarded as killing, but one chicken is not enough.

After getting what he wanted to know, Shen Xuan went to the vegetable market again to buy chickens, and there were three or four chickens, and those who sold chickens were a little surprised.

According to the current people's eating and dressing use, only those big families will buy three or four chickens at a time, and other ordinary people, they may not be able to eat chickens once a year, so they wonder how Shen Xuan can buy so much, Shen Xuan also snorted, just said that he also wanted to raise a few chickens.

Those who sell chickens don't say much, and it is reasonable for rich people to keep some chickens for backup.

Shen Xuan returned home with the three or four chickens he bought, and brutally killed them all with Xuan Gong, and Shen Xuan felt the feeling that he had eaten enough from Xuan Gong.

Stewed all the five chickens he bought, enough to stew a large pot, Shen Xuan ate them all, since Shen Xuan's practice, his amount of rice has improved, and he has to eat the amount of rice of two strong men on weekdays to be full.

After putting these five chickens in his stomach, Shen Xuan wiped his mouth with satisfaction, and played two more tricks, and Shen Xuan began to think about how to find the seven days to kill a tiger in the method.

But Shen Xuan thought about it, or decided to personally go out to hunt, after all, in this horse county, although there are hunters, but they are just weekdays, hunting some hares, pheasants and the like, at most it will fight wild boars, to say that fighting tigers, the entire horse county, I am afraid that no hunters dare.

In order to hide yourself, after all, you can't buy so many chickens every day, anyone can see that something is wrong, even if you have money, you can't be so scourge.

Thinking about it, Shen Xuan still packed his luggage, during this time, he had to live in the mountains until he practiced the "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa" to Xiaocheng.

As a result, before the preparation was completed, someone sent something, and when he heard that it was the furniture sent by the money officer, Shen Xuan did not shirk, it just so happened that the furniture in the home was already old, and some were about to be scrapped.

After getting all the furniture sent by the money clerk, Shen Xuan went out to buy some flatbread and other things, sorted out his baggage, and went out today.

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