With today's harvest, Shen Xuan returned to the cave, roasted the few silly roe deer he had just killed, and boiled the water he brought back to ensure the water quality.

Shen Xuan then began to put all the wolf corpses of Yu Ding outside yesterday, drying them into dried meat, and preparing them as reserve food.

I have to say that the qi and blood of this wild wolf is the best Shen Xuan has ever encountered, compared to those stupid roe deer and night dogs that he killed before, I don't know how much better.

These are still bloody wolf meat dried outside the cave, there are nearly a hundred pounds of wolf meat, these are enough for Shen Xuan to eat for half a month, and when Shen Xuan is all done, the roe deer meat and water in the cave can also be eaten and drunk.

After another full meal in the cave, Shen Xuan took Xuan Gong and set off to hunt, he can encounter some mountain beasts every day these days, just like the wild wolf last night, so Xuan Gong is in a saturated state these days.

Of course, the Tiger Xuanqi in this state did not reach Xiaocheng in "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa", seeing that he had been practicing for five days, but he didn't even see the shadow of the wild tiger.

Shen Xuan couldn't help but be a little anxious, if he couldn't find the wild tiger, this tiger Xuan Xuan was always imperfect, so today, Shen Xuan decided to move forward to the depths of the stone mountain again.

After walking for a while, Shen Xuan, who was just about to stop and rest, heard an unusual voice.

It seems, it's a tiger roar.

Mentioning Xuan Gong, Shen Xuan quickly ran towards the front, there are many mountains in this stone mountain, so there are not many tigers here, but because there are too many mountains, large mountains and small mountains are uneven, so the distribution of tigers is uneven.

Sometimes, a big mountain may not have a single tiger, or it may be that there are three or four tiger dens on a small hill.

At the moment, it seems that there are tigers fighting with other fierce beasts, otherwise the tiger will not reveal his location at will, if he rushes at this time, he may be able to pick up a bargain.

After running for a while, getting closer and closer to the roar, Shen Xuan also slowed down at this time, hiding his figure, and approaching little by little.

Slowly, Shen Xuan heard that the roar of the tiger was mixed with the roar of some other animals.

Shen Xuan couldn't help but be overjoyed, sure enough, as his own guess, the tiger will only use its roar to deter and threaten the enemy when fighting, if the tiger is hunting, it will not roar in advance, which will only alarm the prey.

Shen Xuan could also see the general situation at this time, so he hurriedly lay down and observed it from a distance.

In the distance, a carriage-sized colorful tiger is grappling with a three-meter-tall black bear, the two sides have come and going, do not give in to each other, the big tiger is already bloodstained, the black bear is not much better, one left eye has only a blood hole, blood flows down the eye socket, is already a veritable bear blind.

It seems that this big tiger and the black bear have been fighting for a while, Shen Xuan saw that the big tiger was a little physically exhausted, and the black bear also lost some blood.

Generally speaking, the battle of this kind of beast is also common in the stone mountain, after all, resources are limited, if you want to survive, you have to pay a price, and the fight is a way to determine the ownership of resources between the beasts.

This way, placed among people, is also common, just like Shen Xuan killed the cloaked man, won the Dafa, killed the black hair ghost and the long-tongued ghost, and got money, this is the law of survival in nature.

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