Shen Xuan stayed on the canopy of the tree again, squatting for a while, until the two ghosts were fully engaged in absorbing the ghost qi, Shen Xuan did not intend to make a move.

Those two ghosts were already only practicing at this time, and above the Tiger Fire Xuan Gong on Shen Xuan's right hand, there was a strong abnormality, like boiling water, the Tiger Flame Qi was surrounded by Xuan Gong, and on the Yang Fire Talisman in his left hand, the talisman was shining.

Shen Xuan seized the opportunity and jumped down, and while he was still in the air, the Yang Fire Talisman flew towards the fang-toothed ghost, while he held the Xuanqi and hit the starving ghost.

Only listening to the "boom" sound, the fangs ghost was blown out directly from the cultivation state and fell to the ground.

That starving ghost was smashed into the Heavenly Spirit Cover by Shen Xuan's Tiger Xuan, and the thin head immediately dissipated, leaving only a body, eroded by the Tiger Qi.

After Shen Xuan finished playing this set, he immediately opened the distance to prevent any accidents from happening.

The fang-toothed ghost that flew out "rattled" on the ground, and the starving ghost who was beaten headless by Shen Xuan dangled the only remaining ghost body and fell.

Shen Xuan withdrew the Yang Fire Talisman, and then shot out towards the fangs ghost who was still on the ground without having time to react, and he also followed closely, quickly approaching the fangs ghost, ready to take advantage of his unpreparedness and make a quick victory.

That fangs ghost was attacked sneakily in the practice, it was already weak, and when he saw the Yang Fire Talisman flying, he hurriedly wanted to hide, but before he could dodge, a black shadow came over.

Hit the fangs ghost's body hard, and after the fangs ghost was hit, he couldn't dodge again, and was hit by a Yang Fire Talisman again.

Before this fang-tooth ghost could react, it was attacked three times in a row, and it was already three levels lower at the beginning.

Looking at the starving ghost, its Dao practice was not as good as the fangs ghost, at most, it was eight or nine years of Dao practice, and it was killed by Shen Xuan's blow, and at this time, the ghost's body was eroded by the tiger and dissipated somewhat.

At this time, the victory has basically been set, the second ghost has been seriously injured, but Shen Xuan is still full of blood, and he sees it high.

The fang-toothed ghost was able to breathe at this time, and then he breathlessly said to Shen Xuan: "

Who are you, where are your intentions, why are you lurking here, sneaking up on me, etc.?"

Where did Shen Xuan care what it said, he raised the Xuan Gong and continued to smash it, Shen Xuan only knew one truth, either not to do it, once he started, it was to cut the grass and remove the roots without leaving a living mouth.

At this time, the fangs ghost also had no way to retreat, and also pounced and fought with Shen Xuan.

One person and one ghost, you grab it, I don't give in to each other, but Shen Xuan has the Yang Fire Talisman on the side to constantly interfere, that fangs ghost just fight with Shen Xuan for a few rounds, some ghosts are unstable.

Shen Xuan also seized the opportunity, chased after the victory, and the attack became more and more ferocious, smashing into the fangs ghost one by one.

No matter how many fangs there are, it is only more than ten years of Dao, and it has been severely damaged by Shen Xuan's sneak attack before, and now he has to fight with Shen Xuan, where can he fight.

Shen Xuan did not fight with it for life and death, but slowly consumed it, and when the fangs ghost really couldn't hold on, Shen Xuan began to gradually exert his strength.

More ferociously hit the fangs ghost than before, and finally, when the fangs ghost couldn't support it, a flaw was exposed, and Shen Xuan swept away, and this powerful blow became the last straw that overwhelmed the fangs ghost.

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