This "Yanyang Fire Talisman" records two kinds of special talismans, the Yanhuo talisman and the Yanghuo talisman.

Simply put, the flame talisman can only burn the physical object, and the yang fire talisman can only burn the virtual body without the physical object, which is often called "ghost".

And if you want to cultivate these two talismans, you must have an altar mouth of your own, and connect the spiritual energy of heaven and earth through the altar mouth in order to condense the talismans.

And this altar mouth is also divided into two types, one is the altar mouth opened by oneself, called the altar of one's own body, which can be moved at will, and the other is the altar mouth passed down from one's own home or master, called the inheritance altar, if moved, it is very consuming.

In comparison, the foundation of one's own body altar is not as good as that of the inheritance altar, and the flexibility of the inheritance altar is not as good as that of one's own body altar, in short, the two have their own advantages and disadvantages.

In addition to the mouth of the altar, if you want to cultivate the talisman, you must also take a special skin to use to depict the talisman.

This special skin comes from the backs of five kinds of domestic animals, namely pigs, sheep, dogs, cats, and chickens, and the back of these five domestic animals is taken from a leather three inches long and one inch wide, and it is stitched together with silk, and exposed to the sun for two hours every day in the noon sun, and after seven days, it can be small.

It is necessary to take the same wide and narrow leather in each part of itself, sew it with the skins of the five animals, and then contact the sun for two hours each day when the sun rises in the morning and when the sun sets in the evening, and then seven days later.

On these two pieces of leather, a mixture of cinnabar, lead and mercury is used to depict the two talismans of flame and yang fire, and after placing them at the mouth of the altar overnight, the refining is completed and can be completed.

Among them, there is no problem with the altar mouth, five animal skins, cinnabar, lead and mercury, sewing, and the means of drawing talismans, Shen Xuan has followed Old Man Cao for so many years, and the sewing and mending are all done by him, and Old Man Cao also taught Shen Xuan to draw those "ghost drawing talismans" before, Shen Xuan did not understand it at that time, but now I think about it, but Old Man Cao is laying the foundation for himself.

The altar entrance, on the other hand, was directly left by Old Man Cao, although it was inconvenient to move, but now it is still used first.

Since Old Man Cao's death, the strong sense of crisis in Shen Xuan's heart has become heavier and heavier, and it seems that there is an invisible sword of Damocles hanging high above his skull.

Back in the house, Shen Xuan found the iron incense altar that Old Man Cao had enshrined in the room before his death.

Take out half of the incense ash that is about to overflow in the incense altar, and then take out three fine incense sticks from the incense box next to it, light it, and insert it in the incense altar, and a stream of fragrant smoke floats from the lit incense head, slowly flying into the air, and returning to nothingness.

When these three sticks of incense were burned, Shen Xuan could be regarded as inheriting the altar mouth left by Old Man Cao.

Closed his eyes, felt it, faintly, something of unknown origin came from the incense altar, and when it flew to Shen Xuan, there was a cool feeling, which is probably the "aura" mentioned in the book.

Looking at the sky outside the window, it was late, and those slaughterhouses where you could buy five animal skins had long been closed, Shen Xuan thought about it or go again tomorrow.

The few remaining fine incense in the incense box were all lit and inserted in the incense altar, Shen Xuan was under this incense altar, took out a stack of yellow paper, this is when Old Man Cao was alive, Shen Xuan's compulsory course every night, practice is the "hot fire" and "yang fire" two talismans.

After practicing for an hour, Shen Xuan packed up the incense altar and went to rest.

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