The ghost

locust gradually dissipated, and the lush canopy was also stained with a little fire, and the ghost locust was set on fire.

In this empty land, a spiritual root that had grown for more than a hundred years turned into a fire tree and burned clean little by little.

With a "boom", the already charred ghost locust lost its vitality, and the originally powerful trunk could no longer support the lush canopy at this time, and the two crashed to the ground.

Shen Xuan stepped forward to check, generally some rare supreme treasures will be bred in this kind of spirit root, and this hundred-year-old ghost locust is not bad if you think about it.

After searching for a while among the remains of the ghost locust that turned into char and fell to the ground, Shen Xuan gradually groped for an unusual object in the darkness.

It was also a dark black thing, but as soon as Shen Xuan touched it, he noticed a difference, different from the dry wood fragments around him.

This piece of things, smooth to the touch like jade, smooth a little wrong, the hand seems to touch the surface of the water, but it is solid.

Shen Xuan picked it up and carefully observed, this jade-like object was probably the size of a palm, black throughout, irregular shape, not heavy, and it looked like seven or eight taels.

When Lao Huang on the side saw this object, he floated up and said to Shen Xuan:

"Master, this is the ghost locust heart, the little one has seen it in books before."

Shen Xuan glanced at Lao Huang with a little surprise, and asked:

"Lao Huang, I didn't see it, in addition to stealing chickens and dogs before, you harmed the people, and I couldn't imagine that you still read poetry books."

Lao Huang was a little embarrassed to say this:

"Hehe, when Xiao Xiao used to practice, he also communicated with those ghosts who turned into ghosts after the death of scholars, and I also heard them talk about some strange things, and this ghost locust heart was heard from their mouths."

When Shen Xuan heard this, he said strangely that "the book has its own face like jade, and the book has its own golden house", it turned out to be like this.

It seems that this ghost locust heart is also a treasure, Shen Xuan only felt that the ghost locust heart exuded a trace of coolness, thinking that this ghost locust heart can also exude ghost qi.

It's really that the old one doesn't go, the new one doesn't come, I lost a ghost locust tree, and I got a ghost locust heart.

Shen Xuan took this ghost locust heart and fled the "crime scene" with Lao Huang.

Just came out of the woods, it was already dark, tossed all night, at this time it should be late at night, did not stay, one person and one ghost went down the mountain overnight, rushed back to Ma County.

When this person returned home, the sky was already dark, and Shen Xuan also put down his hand, gave himself a beautiful hot bath, and then went to bed.

Lao Huang continued to absorb ghost qi cultivation on the side, and a ghost like him, in addition to being withdrawn from Xuanqi, did not need to rest, so that Lao Huang could stand guard for Shen Xuan in addition to cultivating to ensure safety.

After sleeping until noon, Shen Xuan looked at the time, and now passed, just ate with Zhao Yuanwai's house, and took Lao Huang back into Xuanqiao, Shen Xuan thought about it, or carefully brought Xuanqiao with him.

Came to the backyard of Zhao Yuanwai's house, Shen Xuan released Lao Huang, Zhao Yuanwai also knew Lao Huang, for Shen Xuan to be able to subdue the monsters that had harmed his family before, Zhao Yuanwai admired Shen Xuan more.

This time, he directly arranged for himself and Shen Xuan to eat together in the backyard, and saw that Lao Huang was very interested in the food on the table, and also asked people to prepare a few more meals.

Seeing that Lao Huang only needed to inhale and suck up the taste of that meal, Zhao Yuanwai felt very novel.

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