This 107th unit is the guards army stationed in the rear in the hands of Yu Dashuai, and this time because the front line and Zhang Dashuai and other northern warlords fought too hard, all warlords used the troops they could use.

Like Jiang Dashuai, Yang Dashuai, Lu Dashuai, several southern marshals, all called their own guards stationed in the rear to the front, and for the jurisdiction of the Yangtze River, they were ready to go head-to-head with the northern warlords.

It is also because of the war that there is a lack of materials, the people themselves do not have enough to eat, and where is there surplus food for the army to fight.

How can an army without food unite to fight the enemy, so this back and forth has spawned many cases of armed robbery of materials and food, and many towns outside Ma County have experienced such incidents to a greater or lesser extent.

The reason why Ma County can still be stable is largely because this county commander was a general under Yu Dashuai before, and he had made great battle achievements, if it were not for the unforeseen storms, how could he come to this small place of Ma County to retire.

And although this county order was assigned to Ma County to retire, the previous military merits and connections of the people are still there, so no one will come to Ma County to touch the mold.

However, this commander Sun was also decent, and did not do those things of burning and looting, but it was not a way to have no food, so he thought of his old friend Li Weiguo, who is now serving as a county commander in Ma County.

Then there is the current situation, Li Xianling saw that his old friend came to ask for food, and he himself had led soldiers, naturally knowing the importance of food for the army, but suffering that he did not have much food supply, so he handed this problem to the two big households in Ma County to solve together.

This county order is a matter of words, but this is suffering the Zhao family and the Qian family, although their two are a big household, but when is it now, who will think that they have less food?

Naturally, they wanted to find a way to pay a little less grain, but they were afraid that they would not be able to hand over grain, and Nasun commanded a hurry, and asked people to give them both of them a sudden break, then the gain was not worth the loss.

Only then did the county order call them over, and then they discussed the supply and distribution of this grain together.

Commander Sun's meaning is very clear, I just want food, I have soldiers under me who want food, as for how the food comes, then he doesn't care.

The meaning of the county order is also very clear, my old friend came to ask for grain, I can give food, but I don't have much food on hand, you Zhao, the money family has been a big household for so many years, there must be some surplus grain on hand, so let's contribute it generously.

The meaning of the Zhao family and the Qian family is that I have a large family to support, and I don't have much food on my hands, please raise your noble hands, anyway, I cry poverty.

Shen Xuan was looking at these old foxes who were proficient in human affection, you push me, I push you, and I can't discuss a result.

In the end, the old foxes discussed for almost an hour, but they still couldn't discuss a reason, and finally, that Commander Sun spoke.

"The supply of this food is not much, I rushed to the front again, I can't delay the military order, but if there is no food, my brothers can't agree, so let's do it, I also told my brothers, on the way we came, we also encountered a strange thing, if you solve it, then this time the food supply, I will be less than thirty percent."

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