Zhao Yuanwai,

Qian Yuanwai and Li Xianling naturally won't go, but with these people, they can be regarded as contributing.

After greeting these people, Commander Sun took Shen Xuan to the place where they ordered troops.

Just in the distance, Shen Xuan hadn't noticed that those tents had been torn down, and the remaining open space was densely packed with rows of soldiers.

Shen Xuan saw Zhang Hei among the soldiers in the first row, and the two raised their eyebrows at each other, which was considered to have said hello.

At this time, Commander Nasun stood at the front of the group, held his head high, and spoke passionately to the soldiers below:

"Brothers, this time we have received an order from the marshal to go to Ma County, Yang County and Qingyuan County to collect grain, and now there is only one Qingyuan County left, we can complete the task as soon as possible and send the grain to the front line, which can ensure the supply of our brothers on the front line."

"All stand upright! At ease! Turn right! Target Qingyuan County! Let's go! "

The soldiers, receiving the order, also turned to the right in an orderly manner and set off.

Shen Xuan naturally understood that the so-called "grain collection" was just a pretense, and the real purpose was still the tomb of General Zhenyuan in Qingyuan County.

It's just that of course, this kind of thing can't be directly told to those soldiers, so it is just a different reason, and it sounds good on the surface.

Commander Sun was also riding a tall horse at this time, followed by Zhang Hei, a henchman, and there was a horse next to him that did not ride a person, which was naturally a mount for Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan is the main force, how can he walk, Shen Xuan is not tired, that is, Commander Sun is afraid that Shen Xuan is tired, this is not to free up a horse for Shen Xuan to walk.

However, Shen Xuan was in trouble, he had never learned to ride a horse, and now he suddenly asked him to ride, he really wouldn't.

Zhang Hei next to him had an idea, he dismounted and lifted Shen Xuan onto the back of the horse, and then straddled another horse himself, but his hand was always holding the horse that Shen Xuan was riding.

In this way, Shen Xuan can completely control the direction of the horse without having to do it himself, which can be said to be automatic driving.

Shen Xuan could ride a horse, but those people outside Zhao Yuanwai, Qian Yuanwai and Li Xianling did not have this treatment, and they also ran behind the soldiers.

The three of them rode horses and followed behind the troops, just like when the troops entered Ma County before, except that this time, it was Shen Xuan who sat on the horse.

Qingyuan County Lima County is not far away, that is, seventy or eighty miles, from Ma County to there is only half a day away, but because of the summer, it still takes half a day to reach Qingyuan County, which is why, before dawn, you have to set off.

The summer sun was vicious, and Shen Xuan, who was sitting on his horse, felt a little hot, not to mention the soldiers on foot.

So every time they marched for a while, they had to stop and rest, and those soldiers who had been in the sun had to stop and look for shade, to find water, to replenish their water.

Shen Xuan was a little thirsty from the sun on the horse, and the helpers who followed the soldiers were also tired, especially those sent by Zhao Yuanwai and Qian Yuanwai, all of them were physically exhausted.

A large group of people staggered on the road, and Shen Xuan looked at the scenery along the road, and also sighed:

this road went to Qingyuan, and the sound of horses neighed in his ears.

If you want to find out the difference between right and wrong, is it not fair in your heart?

Like a dragon going out to sea, like a fierce tiger descending into the forest.

The grass and trees are also soldiers and horses, and the scorching sun cannot stop my journey.

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