Zhang Hei, who was counting the harvest with his subordinates next to him, walked to Shen Xuan's side at this time, took out a handful of gold jewelry, and said to this Shen

Xuan: "Brother Xuan, the brothers came down together, you can take as much as you want."

Shen Xuan looked at the handful of gold jewelry in Zhang Hei's hand, and also shook his head:

"No, brother Kuroko, you better keep these things and give them to Commander Sun, I don't need these."

Zhang Hei was also very surprised when he saw Shen Xuan refuse, there were actually people, and he didn't even want the money sent to the door, but he didn't force it to Shen Xuan, and picked a jade pendant from it and handed it to Shen Xuan's hand, which was meaningful.

When Shen Xuan saw it, he did not refuse, after all, it was also a piece of people's heart, which showed that Zhang Hei really regarded Shen Xuan as his brother.

After accepting the jade pendant, the three Wang brothers also packed up their things, greeted everyone, and prepared to go somewhere else again.

Zhang Hei and his men were also finished cleaning up at this time, and everyone followed the Wang brothers out of the tomb and walked towards the only Yong Road on the left.

After walking for a while, everyone found a tomb at the end of the Yong Road, but the door of this tomb had been opened a crack.

When Zhang Hei saw this situation, he was also stunned, could it be that there was still someone in the tomb?

Shen Xuan stepped forward to check, there was a lot of dust on the ground, and the tomb door that was opened was also covered with dust, it seemed that the door was not opened recently, but it seemed to have been opened for many years.

After telling everyone about his discovery, Zhang Hei also nodded in agreement, logically speaking, this neighborhood has been cleaned by Commander Sun, and there will be no one in the tomb, it should be the person who came before.

But this is something wrong, if people have come here before, then how can there be funeral goods in this tomb, shouldn't they be taken clean by those who came before?

The three of the Wang family also thought of this, and pushed open the open tomb door, which was similar to the tomb just now, and there were jars placed on the wall, and there was also a coffin in the middle.

However, at this time, the lid of the coffin on the coffin had already fallen aside, and everyone stepped forward to check and found that the corpses in the coffin did not know where they went, only a few white bones and a few pieces of weathered cloth remained.

It seems that the people who came here before were also a group of native masters, and they were also ruthless, and they took out the bones of the people.

Everyone searched in this tomb again, and as before, there was nothing, there were not even frescoes on the walls, and nothing was found.

Everyone did not waste time here, left the tomb, and continued to move towards the Yong Road on the left.

It was not very dark in the Yong Road, and the torches of the people illuminated the entire Yong Road brightly, until they reached the end of this Yong Road, and everyone still found nothing.

There is a Yong Road to the right that appears at the end, but after exploring for so long, I don't know how much I have walked in the Yong Road, and I don't know the time now, and everyone is tired.

Therefore, Zhang Hei also ordered everyone to rest in place for a while, eat some dry food and drink some water, and replenish their physical strength.

Shen Xuan also stayed in place, taking out the dry food and water he had prepared, his physical strength was indeed much better than that of ordinary people, but not to the point of not eating or drinking.

However, at this moment, Qian Dali walked to Shen Xuan's side and whispered in Shen Xuan's ear:

"Brother Xuan, someone on my side has disappeared."

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