Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 103 Betting Dogs Has Nothing

"One knife is poor, one knife is rich, and one knife makes you Qiufeng's underwear!"

Zhang Xibao stretched out the selfie stick in front of Qiufeng, so that his friends could see Qiufeng's frantic face, and said provocatively: "How should I say, credit card, cash or points transfer?"

Qiu Feng was so angry that he was trembling all over, the remaining rationality prevented him from yelling in front of the camera, he was walking the idol route.


Qiufeng took out his mobile phone and transferred 50,000 points to Zhang Xibao on the spot.

Working in Liuli Pavilion these years, Qiufeng earned a lot of points, but because he spent a lot of money, part of the 50,000 points was borrowed from the company.

50,000 credits were credited to Zhang Xibao, and Zhang Xibao watched helplessly as his balance increased by a decimal point.

Hey, it's so exciting!

Barrage rolling:

"Bao Jiajun, congratulations to Master Bao for his repeated victories! 』

"Bao Ye, I want a big red envelope!" Send, send a big drop, is 500W enough, enough, thank you Baoye, Baoye is so kind! 』

"Good guy, the seven-figure balance has changed to eight-figure. It's not so fast to rob banks and banks!" 』

"Don't worry, don't worry, there are definitely red envelopes!"

Zhang Xibao pressed his palms against the camera, his eyes sparkled, showing a sly look, and asked the audience: "Compared with red envelopes, do you want to see something more exciting?"

"More exciting? what……"

"What are you thinking upstairs? Housing management, housing management? 』

"Bao Ye, the stimulation you mentioned, is it a serious stimulation?" 』

Zhang Xibao played tricks and didn't answer his friends. Instead, he picked up the microphone and looked at Qiufeng: "In the third round, I will bet 100,000 points."

"Qiufeng, do you dare to take it?!"

A loud voice came from the loudspeaker.

The audience was in an uproar!

There are many senior treasure appraisers present who are rich in money, but few of them have the courage to take out 100,000 points as a bet.

If he loses, it won't happen if he sees it on the rooftop, but it must be so painful that he can't breathe!

Qiufeng felt that he had been provoked!

Everyone's eyes fell on Qiu Feng, his face flushed red at first, and then turned livid.

"Accept or not?"

"Do you dare to accept it?"

People who watched the scene and didn't think it was a big deal began to boo.

This is tantamount to roasting the autumn wind on the fire.

"The autumn wind took over! 』

"Feng Bao, let's win back with profits! 』

"You can do it, Fengdi! 』

The fans on Qiufeng's side didn't know if they were mixed with black fans, and many people also encouraged Qiufeng to take over Lord Bao's competition.

Qiu Feng hesitated, and he said hoarsely: "How do you want to play?"

Standing at the highest point of the stage, Zhang Xibao pointed out from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the original stone warehouse: "Have you seen Pan Ziyuan on the East Third Ring Road?"

Everyone didn't know what small biscuits were sold in Zhang Xibao's gourd.

Zhang Xibao stretched out a finger: "With 100 points, that is, 10,000 yuan as the principal, Panzi Garden will be closed this afternoon as the time limit. You and I will enter the garden to pick up the leaks. Whoever picks up the leaks with the highest premium will win."

"That is to say, I spent 100 yuan and missed something worth 1,000 yuan, which means the premium is 10 times. If you spend 100 yuan and missed something worth 10,000 yuan, the premium is 100 times. You win."

"How about it, is it fun? It's more interesting than your competition, isn't it?"

Zhang Xibao tilted his head and asked Qiufeng, "Do you dare to take it?"

The guy who bet on the top is irrational, so Zhang Xibao bet that Qiufeng would not refuse his invitation.

Losing 50,000 points hurts everyone, and Qiufeng is no exception. As long as he wants to win back the points, Zhang Xibao will make him spit out more.

This wave...

This wave is catching a sheep and squeezing it to death.

Catch the grievances and go to death.

"I'll take it!"

Qiu Feng roared, because his expression was not well managed, which made his face look a little hideous.

"It's up..." Ye Changan muttered.

With Comrade Xiaobao's pissing nature, it means that if you don't see a rabbit, you won't scatter an eagle. This third match is definitely a pitfall!

Back then, the iron-winged eagles on Hao Cang Island were all turned into hairless chickens. This autumn wind is still too young...

Qiu Feng took out his mobile phone and didn't know who to call: "I signed a ten-year contract with the company and lent me 100,000 points. I will definitely win this one!"

After the points were credited, Qiufeng projected the account balance on the big screen, which showed 100,000 points.


I am not afraid that you will answer, but I am afraid that you will not answer!

Zhang Xibao smiled: "Okay, continue!"

The tens of millions of fans in the two live broadcast rooms were collectively excited, and the senior appraisers on the scene were also full of interest.

"With the testimony of master appraiser Ye Weng and fellow appraisers, cheating will never happen. Let's go, Pan Ziyuan!"

"Hey, the young people nowadays are too stunned, we don't want to learn from them!"

Ye Weng sighed and reminded his grandson Ye Changan.

Ye Changan shook his head: "Grandpa, you don't know that guy, he looks like a monkey with hair..."

Hundreds of people followed [Bao Ye] and [Autumn Wind] and walked towards Pan Ziyuan.

Half of the people followed [Bao Ye] and entered from the east gate.

The remaining half followed [Autumn Wind] and entered from the west gate.

On May 30th, Sunday, an earth-shattering event happened in Panziyuan, the third east ring road of the imperial capital.

With 100,000 points as a bet, the two iron-headed children came to Pan Ziyuan to pick up the funnel.

I want to ask if Pan Ziyuan has any treasures?

Yes, less likely.

The difference between 0 and 0.0000000001 is to create something from nothing.

Panziyuan was originally an antique market, but since the revival of the aura, some materials from foreign lands began to be shoddy in the market, pretending to be exotic treasures to trap people.

Let the data speak.

Ninety-nine percent of the things in Pan Ziyuan have nothing to do with strange treasures.

Of the remaining 0.10%, ninety-nine percent of the things are shoddy.

The difficulty of picking up leaks from Panziyuan is equivalent to looking for gold in a cesspit.

Zhang Xibao walked in the front with a selfie stick in his hand, followed by a group of senior treasure appraisers in black suits. Those who didn't know it thought the Crooked Mouth Dragon King was coming.

Ye Changan couldn't help asking: "Comrade Xiaobao, what's the process?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at Ye Changan and replied, "There is no process."

"I'm just going for a stroll..."

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