Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 114 Journey To The South City (Part 1)

[Graduation Tour Group and Friendly Exchange Group of Class One, Senior Three]

This is the name of the new group established by Wang Meng, which is quite similar.

Han Meimei pulled Zhang Xibao into the group, and everyone greeted her one after another. Zhang Xibao casually responded with a few words and then stopped talking. Others chatted actively, and it was obvious that everyone was very excited after the exam.

There were only 22 people in the group, and there were more than 30 people in the original class. Wang Meng only invited these, and those who were not invited should be those who failed the physical test.

Zhang Xibao is an old man, and he can see the purpose of Wang Meng's establishment of this group. Traveling south to relax is just an appearance. What he really wants to do is to pull a net among these future supernatural beings.

But whatever it is, no matter what Wang Meng's purpose is, it has nothing to do with Zhang Xibao, he just went to play and see if anyone in Nanshi is doing something.

Take advantage of this opportunity to visit Yan Mo Valley in Nanshi, things like pitting autumn winds are rare, and getting rich depends on traveling to foreign lands!


Wang Meng asked: "Students, in order to have fun, we will not sign up for the group this time, what do you think?" 』

Classmate A: "Agreed, I agree. Brother Wang's suggestion is good. If you go with a group, you won't be able to go shopping at all, and you will be dragged to buy things." 』

Classmate B: "I also agree. It's better for everyone to rent a car and choose a team leader. I suggest that Brother Wang be the team leader." 』

Classmate C: "I also agree. 』

Classmate D: "Agree +1"

The following are all +1, +1, and Zhang Xibao also pressed +1.

This greatly satisfied Wang Meng's vanity. He typed and said, "Since everyone thinks highly of me, Mr. Wang, please leave the chartered car to me this time!" Han Meimei is responsible for collecting information, and I will buy tickets for everyone. 』

Zhang Xibao grinned, and it would be nice for Wang Meng to jump out and be taken advantage of, and save a lot of money.

In the end, the students agreed to set off early tomorrow morning for a three-day trip to Nanshi.

"This time it's a chartered car, and both the fungus and the little mouse can come with me."



The big black cat and Chinchilla let out a happy cry.

Zhang Xibao started to pack his luggage, he just took two sets of clothes, mainly equipment.

Although the Discouragement Pill made him lose all Qi, the validity period is only three days, and the Qi will gradually recover after today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, so there is no need to panic.

It's just that he can't use the strange fire, and it's not that he lost all his strength, but he still has more than ten tons of fist power.

Zhang Xibao put all the exotic treasure equipment in his hand on the table to choose.

The equipment he finally chose: Rat Claw Knife, Black Short Knife, Two Dragon and Carp Whiskers, and a Shiny Cane (This thing can be used as a hammer during the day, and a flashlight at night, so super convenient!) Suppressing evil spirits and exorcising evil spirits .

Oh, I also took the remaining monkey wine and juling peach cores for snacks, which can be used to satisfy my gluttony on the road...

"The fungus and the little mouse will be hidden in my travel bag tomorrow. The bag will be placed in the storage room. You can come out to get some air after you get in the car. Endure it for a few hours and we'll be there."


creak creak...

"Did I carry a little too much luggage?"

Zhang Xibao didn't use a trolley case, and only carried a half-person-high travel bag.

When the students came to the waiting place early in the morning with their luggage, Zhang Xibao's worries completely disappeared.

Because he is the one who takes the least things!

"Han Meimei, if you want to travel, or do you want to move?"

Zhang Xibao poked Han Meimei's big and small bags, and asked curiously, "What's in it?"

"Tents, tablets, snacks, facial masks, cosmetics, what a mess..."

Han Meimei curled her lips: "Do you think this girl is a rough guy like you? She should be beautiful when she goes out!"


Zhang Xibao felt like vomiting.

Han Meimei angrily handed over some luggage to Zhang Xibao.

"Hurry up and get some for this girl, don't you see that I'm going to get tired and lie down, the snacks I brought you are useless!"

Zhang Xibao threw Han Meimei's luggage into the storage box built into the car, and put his travel bag on top, and patted the bag to signal the fungus and chrysanthemum to come out to breathe.

in the car.

Zhang Xibao and Han Meimei sat side by side, Han Meimei took a lot of snacks, Zhang Xibao was not stingy, and took out a handful of juling peach pits.

"Huh? What is this?" Han Meimei asked curiously.

Zhang Xibao squeezed open a peach pit, and threw the nuts into his mouth: "Walnuts, foreign walnuts, eat to nourish your brain, you must eat more."

" mean I'm out of my mind?"

Han Meimei rolled her eyes, tasted a peach pit, and thought it tasted good.

The two ate up a handful of peach pits, Zhang Xibao drank a couple of sips of monkey wine, and began to lean on the chair and close his eyes to rest his mind.

Zhang Xibao unceremoniously took Han Meimei's eyepatch and put it on his face, muttering, "Hey, sleep in the car, pee in the car, don't forget to call me when you get there!"

Han Meimei clasped her hands together: "May Zhang Xibao not be able to sleep, Jesus Buddha Harry lure!"

I have to say that Zhang Xibao's sleep quality is really good, Han Meimei gnashed her teeth and ate snacks beside her without waking him up.

About three hours later, Nanshi arrived.

Han Meimei just stretched out her big slap, trying to wake Zhang Xibao up, but Zhang Xibao jumped up like clockwork.

"Has Nanshi arrived?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Han Meimei was startled, and hit her head on the luggage rack on the roof of the car, holding her head and screaming non-stop.

Wang Meng clapped his hands: "Students, please go to the hotel with me to put your luggage first. I suggest that you catch up on sleep first and take a good rest. Let's organize a group to go to the scenic spots in the afternoon."

Everyone agreed, because we got up too early in the morning and spent a long time in the car, everyone was tired.

Zhang Xibao was just the opposite. He had a good night's sleep in the car and was in great spirits.

He put down his luggage, slipped out of the hotel with the fungus and Chinchilla, found a place where no one was around, and covered Fang Rui's face!

Little Vest Master is online!

"My friends, Master Bao, I'm here for a tour in Nanshi. I'll take a stroll around Yibao City in Nanshi to see if I can meet the stall I mentioned last night [Tornado Destroys the Parking Lot]!"

Zhang Xibao walked slowly holding the selfie stick, Chinchilla was lying in his pocket, and the big black cat, Fungus, followed him with catwalks.

There is also a strange treasure city in Nanshi. Its predecessor was also an antique city. Treasure pills, strange treasures, and exotic materials are all business opportunities to make a fortune.

"Look, take a look, our baby is not simple anymore!"

"It's a big sale by jumping off the building. The boss ran away with his sister-in-law. We have no choice but to take the strange treasures to pay for our wages!"

Zhang Xibao wandered around with a smile on his face.


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