Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 119 Wang Meng's Redemption

In the hut.

Zhang Xibao held the mouse claw knife upside down in his left hand and the black short knife in his right hand, confronting the "tree man" in front of him.

Two minutes ago, the old farmer who lost an arm was alienated again, his skin changed from loose to wisps of air roots.


The old farmer roared, stretched out his remaining arm towards Zhang Xibao, and a large group of roots curled towards Zhang Xibao.

"The old tree is rooted?!"

Zhang Xibao stared, and cut off a large piece of tree roots with a few strokes.

The cut off part fell to the ground and turned into flesh and blood, returning to its original appearance.

This is very simple, doesn't it love to tie people up?

Then cut it into a stick!

Zhang Xibao took a step forward and took the initiative to attack, wherever the saber light passed, the roots kept falling to the ground.

If the strange fire can't be used, then just work hard to create miracles.

Zhang Xibao doesn't know any moves, he only has one move, that is chop chop chop!

Hack horizontally, hack vertically, hack diagonally!

In less than a minute, Zhang Xibao slashed eighty-eight knives, none of which were fatal.

Because the old farmer's head is too iron, I don't know how this guy looks.

Several times the short knife was hacked up, but the blade was only inserted a little bit, if it was ordinary flesh and blood, the bones would have broken and the tendons would have broken.

The hut has become a slaughterhouse, and the old farmer has become a blood gourd.

"You forced me to do this!"

The old farmer roared: "I am afraid of complete alienation!"

The root of the old farmer did not know where to roll out a black pill, the pill entered, and the roots began to swell.

The old farmer's black eyeballs turned dark green, a trace of air roots hung down his face, and his broken arms turned into countless twisted roots. He completely turned into a "tree man"!

The tree man's body rose two meters out of thin air, breaking through the roof of the hut in an instant.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang Xibao kicked open the wooden door and ran out.

The small huts of more than ten square meters were smashed into pieces by the tree men.


The tree man roared indistinctly, and chased after Zhang Xibao with two thighs.

"Did he talk neon just now?" Zhang Xibao frowned twice.

He originally thought it was an internal conflict, but he didn't expect that it was a neighbor who lived a good life doing something in Nanshi!

"You're done, you know?"

Zhang Xibao spat on the ground, and ran up with a short black knife.

Facing the menacing treant, Zhang Xibao did not retreat but advanced!


A large group of tree roots hit the ground, and a big ditch was blasted out of the ground.

Zhang Xibao dodged the roots of the tree, leaped five meters into the air with one leap, looking as vigorous as a leopard.

"Chop you to death!"

Zhang Xibao became ruthless, holding the saber in his right hand, and pressing his right wrist with his left hand, all the strength of his body was concentrated on the saber.

No one knows that Zhang Xibao is left-handed, and his left hand is the strongest!


There was a crisp sound from the right wrist, and the short knife in his hand sank into the tree man's head, half of the tree man's head was cut off.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The tree man knelt down, holding his head and shouting.

If it was a state of flesh and blood, this person would have died long ago, but now he doesn't.

Zhang Xibao saw that the tree man's head was covered with lumps of wood.

The serious injury triggered the tree man's stress response, and a large number of roots emerged from his body, fell to the ground, and penetrated deeply into the soil.

Zhang Xibao saw that the tree man's dark green eyeballs even had air roots growing.

The tree man knelt on the ground, and its air roots went deep into the ground. It struggled twice and couldn't get up.

" me!" the tree man murmured.

Zhang Xibao curled his lips: "Ba Ga!"

"Is your brain broken, we are enemies, oh, forget that your brain has turned into wood..."

"You just kneel here, wait until I find out all your accomplices, and send you back to the happy hometown together."

Zhang Xibao turned his head and glanced behind him, there was a large black forest.

The old farmer stewed a pot of meat waiting for someone, he definitely has accomplices, there is too much movement here, his accomplices are aware of it, and they will definitely not show up easily.

Zhang Xibao blew a whistle, and the big black cat with fungus jumped out nimbly.

"Agaric, you stay here. If someone wants to get out of the cave, you can do it as you can. If you can't do it, you will remember his smell!"

The fungus meowed twice and ran away deftly.

"Little mouse, follow me into the woods to find someone!"

Approaching the black forest, the Chinchilla sniffed the white mist and squeaked.

"poisonous! 』The Chinchilla reminded Zhang Xibao.

"This is easy to handle..."

Zhang Xibao took out two detoxification pills that he always had at home, gave one to the little mouse, and swallowed one by himself.

One person and one mouse stepped into the dark forest.

The night is humid and cloudy, and the temperature in the woods is even colder.

In the pit.

Wang Meng sneezed unconsciously and woke up leisurely.

"This is where?"

It was pitch black all around, and he couldn't see his fingers. Wang Meng could only tell by groping.

Suddenly, he touched a metal object, which was a lighter.


Wang Meng rubbed the flames, and the orange flames lit up the pit.

"Hey, wake up, wake up!"

Wang Meng slapped and slapped the younger brothers awake.

The six people stared wide-eyed, their faces full of horror.

"This is where?"

"I remember we drank mountain spring water and passed out."

"Those two bad old men are bad people!"

"Are we locked up?"

A nameless anger welled up in Wang Meng's heart.

The bad old man is very bad. He tricked people into drinking mountain spring water, but knocked them down and imprisoned them.

Dare to trick me, I didn't expect Meng Ye to have a punching strength of 600 catties!

When you go out, you must make them look good!

"You guys, squat down and let me step on you so that I can break this wooden fence!"

The five people hurriedly built a ladder, and Wang Meng stepped on them, breaking the wooden fences one by one.

"Go, take revenge!"

Crawling out of the pit, Wang Meng gritted his teeth and said, "They messed with the wrong person!"

"The phone has no signal!"

"The compass above doesn't work either!"

"The fog is too heavy!"

The six of them plunged into the dark forest like headless chickens.

"Brother Meng, my chest feels tight!"

"Me too!"

Wang Meng's face changed drastically: "No, this fog is poisonous, go back!"

No wonder the two old men only threw them into a pit that was not deep. It turned out that the poisonous fog in the woods was a natural prison.

Only the open area of ​​the pit is free of white poisonous mist, and those who are lucky enough to climb out of the pit have to stay where they are!

The six people ran back to the pit again, looking at the white fog with despair on their faces.


Suddenly, Wang Meng sneered, like a night owl at night.

A guy shrank his neck, "Brother Meng, what are you laughing at, it's so scary."

"I laughed at the two old guys for being too careless. Look, what is this?!"

Wang Meng took out a gold pendant from his clothes. The pendant was hollow. Unscrew the upper part, and there was a black pill in the hollow pocket of the lower part.

"Detoxification Pill!" Someone recognized the product and exclaimed.


Wang Meng sneered: "People are floating in the rivers and lakes, and it is inevitable that they will be stabbed. This detoxification pill is a life-saving pill I prepared. I never expected to use it today!"

"There is only one pill, I ate it and went out to ask for help, you first find some branches to make weapons, and wait for me to come back to save you!"

Wang Meng swallowed the detoxification pill in one gulp, and rushed into the black forest without looking back.

"Brother Meng, you must come back and save us!"

Five poor little brothers shouted behind him.

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