Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 126 Brother, Do You Want Medicinal Materials?

"A big river~ the waves are wide..."


Zhang Xibao dodged the sand shot from the bottom of the water and smashed it down with a stick.

"Lonely! 』

Shesha clam uttered a scream and ended its sinful life.

"Hey, one thousand and one..."

"This thing is too weak!"

Zhang Xibao sighed: "Or am I too strong?"

Zhang Xibao threw the Shesha clam behind him, the fungus popped out its claws, and peeled off the toads neatly, and the Chinchilla stretched out its small claws to dig out the poisonous glands.

Zhang Xibao dried the toad venom and the poisonous glands with a different fire, and two sets of medicinal materials for refining the treasure pill came out.

One person, one mouse, and one cat put this assembly line operation together, and hunted and killed a thousand and one sand clams.

Toad venom and poisonous glands were piled up into two hills, while those useless toad meat piled up into a hill.


Zhang Xibao stood on the shore holding a stick: "Why don't Shesha clams come out?"

"Forget it, it's almost done, let's do something else in another place."

Zhang Xibao was just about to pack up the toads and poisonous glands and leave the river when footsteps could be heard not far away.

The footsteps were chaotic, and there were at least five people who came.

Zhang Xibao, the fungus, and the Chinchilla instantly entered the state.

Through the white mist, the visitor also vaguely saw the shadow standing by the river, so he stopped and did not approach.

"Who is coming, report your name!"

Zhang Xibao's voice made the opponent completely confused, and the man who led the team wondered if this person had some serious illness?

After deliberating for a while, he replied leisurely, "I am Wu Yong, the captain of the foreign land exploration team."

"Oh? So you're brave?"

Zhang Xibao deliberately delays time, causing Fang Rui to change the appearance of an ordinary person.

Bao Ye’s face is so iconic that it’s hard to avoid being recognized by fans. After all, he entered this fan Kirishima by stealing the sky and changing the sun. He didn’t even buy a ticket, which is considered a smuggled immigration.

what! The forest in Kirishima was set on fire?

It's none of my business, my treasure has never been a fan of Kirishima!


Wu Yong couldn't keep up with what Zhang Xibao said, so he changed the subject and asked, "What's your brother's name? Can we get closer?"

" name is Wang Meng, meeting is fate, you guys come here, I have something to ask."

Wu Yong gave the team members a wink, telling them to pay attention to vigilance, and then slowly approached the river.

I saw an ordinary-looking guy holding a glowing stick, squatting on the ground to pack something.

Looking like a passerby, he doesn't look like a powerful person at first glance, Wu Yong is relieved, there are six people on his side, what are you afraid of?

"Captain, look!"

The team member pointed to the corpse of the clam next to it. When Wu Yong saw the clams piled up like a hill, he almost burst out.

"Ah, this... Brother Wang Meng, you killed all these sand clams?!"

"Yes!" Zhang Xibao didn't deny it, was it just killing a toad, what's so great about it?

Wu Yong began to re-evaluate the combat power of Wang Meng in front of him.

The sand ejected by sand clams is as dangerous as the iron sand ejected from a shotgun, and it cannot be dealt with without professional protective equipment.

This guy killed so many sand clams with his bare hands? There must be 1,800 of them, right?

Oh no, he also has a strange stick in his hand, but that thing doesn't look like a weapon, it's more like a flashlight...

You really can't tell what you look like!

Wu Yong saw clearly that Zhang Xibao was cleaning up the toads and poisonous glands of the clams.

"Are you also here to hunt?" Zhang Xibao looked up at Wu Yong's team while tidying up.

There are six people in the small team, led by Wu Yong, five men and one woman, all of them are supernatural beings, they can't be seen from the same level, but they shouldn't be too strong.

"Ah, yes, we are also here to hunt!"

Wu Yong glanced at the toad venom and poisonous glands piled up like a hill, and said enviously, "I just came here not long ago, so far I haven't found anything."

"Brother Wu Yong is interested in these things?"

Seeing Wu Yong's expression, Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up: "Are you going to accept it?"

"Ah? Take what?" Wu Yong didn't respond.

Zhang Xibao pointed to the dried toads and poisonous glands: "Do you want to keep these things?"

"Take it!" Wu Yong replied confusedly.

"Okay, what's the price? Points or cash?" Zhang Xibao stood up, his eyes sparkling.

"The purchase price outside is 30 points for Toad Su and 50 points for Venom Gland. A pair of them adds up to 80 points..."

Wu Yong's heart trembled. Could it be that this guy wants to buy and sell by force, and sell it to himself at a price higher than the market price?

Zhang Xibao thought for a while: "How about this, I have a thousand and one sets of medicinal materials, and I'll give you a thousand sets, the market price is 80 points per set, and I'll sell it to you at 90% of the market price, will you accept it?"

Wu Yong brainstormed and made a rough calculation.

A pair of medicinal materials is 80 points, a thousand pairs is 80,000 points, and the market price of 90% is 72,000 points. As long as I recite these things, I can earn at least 8,000 points in price difference!

I haven't done anything yet, and I've earned 8,000 points in price difference. This is a good deal!

"Collect, collect!"

Wu Yong couldn't wait to say: "The mobile phone can't be used in the foreign land, and I will transfer the points to you on the spot when I leave the gate of the foreign land!"

"Okay, then ask the team members to pack the things!"

Zhang Xibao clapped his hands, Wu Yong collected these herbs, and saved him the trouble of getting them out and selling them.

After hammering for a long time to shoot sand clams, more than 7 million yuan was credited to the account, or how to say that getting rich depends on foreign lands!

"Old Wan, Xiao Yan, hurry up and collect the herbs!"

Wu Yong yelled, and a team member who was five-year-old and three-year-old and a young man brought two empty bags and began to load the medicinal materials on the ground.

"Little Yan, be gentle, don't damage the medicinal materials, they won't be worth the price if they don't look good!"

Wu Yong looked at the toads and poison glands in his two pockets. He couldn't figure it out. These toads and poison glands were in excellent condition, and they could be sold at a good price in any elixir shop outside. Why did Brother Wang Meng sell them to What about yourself?

Who cares, some earn, earn a lot!

"Brother Wang Meng, do you still want the meat of these sand clams on the ground?"

Wu Yong pointed to the clam meat.

Zhang Xibao reminded: "This meat is poisonous, what are you doing with it?"

"Ah, it's true that humans can't eat this meat, but other exotic animals on Kirishima can eat it, so you can take this meat as bait!" Wu Yong is quite frank.

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "That's it, take it, I don't need it anyway."

"Oh, by the way, do you have any extra water?" Zhang Xibao was already parched, but after hammering the toad for a long time, he became even more thirsty.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Wu Yong greeted the female team member: "Xiao Yi, get mineral water for Brother Wang Meng!"

"Is there any detoxification pill?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

It's not a solution to keep holding the shiny crystals all the time, not to mention the exhaustion, and the hands are still sore.

It's been a long time, and people like Wu Yong haven't realized that the white mist has dissipated within the range of the light.


Wu Yong took out the box from his arms, and gave Zhang Xibao a detoxification pill.

"Three, I want three, you can buy them with points, deduct from the points you owe me."

Wu Yong was stunned for a moment, took out three detoxification pills, and said with a smile: "Hey, why are you so polite, I'm giving it away to Brother Wang Meng for free!"

Zhang Xibao swallowed the detoxification pill, took the mineral water from the female team member, looked at the lid, it was intact, opened it, took a sip of water, and sent the pill down.

He turned around and squatted down, fed the fungus a detoxification pill, and secretly stuffed one to the Chinchilla in his pocket.

The golden mouse hid in Zhang Xibao's pocket, and the fungus was too big, so it kept standing behind Zhang Xibao.

Only then did Wu Yong notice that the big black cat was not an ordinary thing, and asked curiously, "Brother Wang Meng, is this your beast pet?"



The fungus meowed very well.

Wu Yong exclaimed enviously: "Sure enough, spiritual wisdom is not low!"

Chinchilla in his pocket rolled his eyes wildly.

"Then send this green tea cat to school!" 』

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