Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 128 The Death Star Is Blinking


People run in front, and crocodiles chase after them.

The person in front also slowed down from time to time to shorten the distance from the big black water crocodile. It seemed that he was a kite-flying genius, and he sat down with taunts.

bang bang bang!

The pillar-like limbs of the big black water crocodile smashed into the soil, leaving a series of big footprints behind it.

Zhang Xibao took out the Suppressing Evil and Expelling Evil Plaque from his bosom, hesitated for a moment and then stuffed it back.

"Hey, if you chop the ancient scroll of the Five Thunders, the quality of the leather will be bad, and the price will definitely drop. It's not the blackwater crocodile, it's my money!"

The black water crocodile has not been solved yet, Zhang Xibao has already started to think about whether the crocodile skin should be sold.

"Let's capture him alive..."

As he spoke, Zhang Xibao took out a shiny cane from his arms.

"It's better to have this baby, it can be used as a light and as a weapon."

Zhang Xibao injected a stream of fresh air into the walking stick, and the light bulb instantly blazed brightly. He turned around sharply and hit the light on the face of the black water crocodile.

"watch out!"

The blinding light hit the eyes of the black water crocodile, and the black water crocodile was instantly blinded, but its huge body rushed towards it with terrifying inertia.

Zhang Xibao turned around and rushed towards the black water crocodile.

"The star of death is shining above your head!!!"

He raised the shiny cane high, and slammed it on the black water crocodile's skull, only heard a crisp click, and the crocodile's skull seemed to be cracked.

"If it's broken, bones can be sold for money, but don't break them!"

Zhang Xibao jumped on top of the black water crocodile and touched the black water crocodile's big head.

The black water crocodile is worthy of being a first-class alien beast of the mysterious rank. Its head suffered a blow from a staff comparable to a skull-crushing hammer, but it was only a bone fracture!


The blackwater crocodile screamed and shook its head violently, trying to throw Zhang Xibao to the ground.

Zhang Xibao took advantage of the trend and jumped behind the black water crocodile, put his magic staff in his trouser pocket, and grabbed the big crocodile's tail with both hands.

The black water crocodile flicked its tail, trying to throw Zhang Xibao away, but it was surprised to find that its tail seemed to be clamped and remained motionless.

Relying on instinct, the black water crocodile began to roll over, it didn't believe that Zhang Xibao could still catch its tail.

"Oh oh oh, there it is, death rolling!"

There was a huge twisting force from the palm of his hand, Zhang Xibao grabbed the tail of the black water crocodile even more forcefully, he swung it upwards suddenly, and the four claws of the black water crocodile came off the ground.

"Fan, I tell you to turn, come up for me!"

"Look at my super big pendulum!"

This move was invented by Zhang Xibao through experimentation on the spirit ape. It requires the strength of the performer to be stronger than the weight of the enemy. It is extremely difficult!

The black water crocodile was held by Zhang Xibao's tail, it was thrown high, and then fell heavily.


The black water crocodile hit the ground, and before it could react, it was thrown into the sky again.


It was thrown to the ground again.

The spellcasting will not be interrupted until the caster runs out of strength.

The black water crocodile is being beaten repeatedly!

After going back and forth like this for more than 20 times, Zhang Xibao's hand felt sore, and the blackwater crocodile flew out of his hand, and fell to the ground motionless.

The black water crocodile's own weight brought huge inertia, and the inertia smashed its soft internal organs into a paste.

The big black water crocodile finally ended its sinful life.

And Zhang Xibao had two big holes in front and behind him, which were made when he beat the blackwater crocodile.


Zhang Xibao walked over, checked the skin of the black water crocodile, and found that it was intact, he couldn't help but whistle happily.

This blackwater crocodile weighs at least eight tons, which is conservatively estimated to be 16,000 jin. If the skin, viscera and bones are removed and its 10,000 jin of flesh and blood is calculated, it will be nearly 300,000 points!

If I had known that the foreign land made so much money, what kind of autumn would Zhang Xibao do!


Zhang Xibao had eaten some compressed biscuits in the past two days, and just now he used a big pendulum, and suddenly felt drained of energy.

"Why don't you try it first?"



Fungus and Chinchilla expressed strong support.

Shuling hadn't finished digesting the monkey spirit yet, so he was too lazy to come out, and it would be nice to have one less person grabbing food.

After all, he couldn't resist the greed, so Zhang Xibao drew out his short black knife, and chopped off a large chunk of the crocodile's tail.

"The most important parts of the crocodile skin are the back and abdomen, and the tail should be out of the way..."

The fungus came out for a picnic for the first time, and meowed excitedly, but didn't know what to do.

Chinchilla is more proficient, and knows how to find a flat stone slab and a few non-toxic and fragrant fruits as seasonings.

"Today's conditions are poor, so the slate barbecue!"

Zhang Xibao poured the juice on the crocodile meat, then baked the slate on a different fire, and the fat of the crocodile meat fried the meat until it crackled.

The aroma was tangy, and the three guys swallowed their saliva...

Wu Yong here.

The flesh and blood of the sand clam successfully attracted a juvenile blackwater crocodile.

The little crocodile smelled blood, crawled over slowly, and swallowed a piece of flesh.

Huh? There is one more piece ahead!

The little crocodile continued to crawl forward and swallowed a piece of flesh and blood.

Vomit? Another piece ahead!

The little crocodile continued to crawl forward...

The six of Wu Yong lay down in the grass, not daring to breathe.

Even though it was a juvenile blackwater crocodile, its body length was more than two meters, and its strength was incomparable. Ordinary people with supernatural powers would not be able to stand being targeted.

The little crocodile ate one piece after another, but the flesh and blood were too small to fit between its teeth.

There was a huge piece of meat not far away, the little crocodile's eyes lit up, and he crawled over impatiently, disappearing from the sight of his companions.


The little crocodile stepped into the air and fell into a long pit. The pit was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The little crocodile was stuck tightly and couldn't move. In front of him was the piece of blood food that hadn't reached its mouth yet.

"Yeah, hit!"

"Go, get it!"


Six men jumped out of the grass and rushed towards the trap, swarming with weapons in hand.

"I suddenly feel that this is so cruel!" The girl Xiao Yi suddenly sighed.

"let me."

Wu Yong took out the rare treasure of the machete that he carried with him, and murmured to the crocodile: "My knife is fast, bear with it..."

Under Wu Yong's severe blow, this black water crocodile also ended its sinful life.

"Okay, this wave of teaming up into foreign lands will make a lot of money!"

All six of them had happy expressions on their faces.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

A discordant voice suddenly came from not far away.

"Six people, beating a black water crocodile, it's not too shabby, it's really embarrassing for the supernatural being, I'm sorry!"

A team of fully armed supernatural beings came over, led by a handsome boy.

"Who are you?" Wu Yong looked at each other warily.

The other party was fully armed, and their combat power was higher than theirs. Wu Yong was afraid that they were here to grab the spoils.

"What are you looking at? Country bumpkin!" The handsome man snorted coldly, "Have you never seen such a handsome man?"

"Hahaha..." The girl Xiaoyi couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at, isn't he handsome?" the man asked with his eyes wide open.


Xiaoyi added another sentence: "I just haven't seen such a girl..."

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