Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 136: The Monkey Of Ten Thousand Paths Extinct

"Where's the monkey?"

"Yeah, where's the monkey?"

Looking at the empty forest, Lu Bao and his team members looked at each other.

Fifty-eight of them searched a large circle in the shade of Yan Mogu, but they didn't even see a monkey hair!

"Could it be that the group of demon monkeys migrated?"

"It shouldn't be!"

"According to previous observations by the Administration of Foreign Lands, the demon monkeys have a strong sense of territory, and they will not easily leave the shadow of the mountain shrouded in demon energy!"

Lu Bao was a little confused.

"What's the matter?"

"Let's continue to look for it. If we can't find it again, we can only announce the end of this campaign in advance."

Lu Bao said to the team members.

"Then captain, our salary?" The team members looked at Lu Bao in unison.

Usually, there has never been such a strange thing that the monkey cannot be found. If they return empty-handed, everyone is a little worried about the salary issue.

"Don't worry, the Nanshi Foreign Land Management Bureau has approved a full 200,000 credits for the suppression fund this time. Even if you don't kill a demon monkey, the basic salary will still be paid as usual, and you won't let everyone go for nothing."

Hearing what Lu Bao said, the team members felt relieved.

"Should we send a few speed-type supernatural beings to investigate? After all, there are more than 100,000 demon monkeys. If there is a large-scale migration, we should find out the situation in advance to prevent accidents."

An ability user stood up from the team and volunteered: "I am a speed type ability user, Captain Lu, why don't you send us brothers to check?"

Lu Bao thought for a while, and felt that what they said made sense. The demon monkeys were already infested. If there were any changes, they should alert the Nanshi Foreign Affairs Bureau.

"I'll go with you. Even if we can't wipe out the Demon Monkey this time, we should at least bring back the information."

After discussing for a while, everyone decided that 50 people with supernatural powers would stand by on the spot, and Lu Bao would take seven speedy people with supernatural powers to investigate the situation.

Eight people ran deeper into Yan Mo Valley.

In the depths of Yan Mo Valley, poisonous miasma filled the air, and the purple mist was hazy.

quack quack ~

A large group of soul chasing birds flew up from the forest, and flew towards the outside of the forest desperately.

The black woods were trembling, and the branches were twisted and twisted, as if something huge was running inside.

"what happened?"

Lu Bao and the others were in shock.


The demon monkeys jumped from the treetops like an antelope flying across the sky, drawing an arc above the heads of Lu Bao and the others.

"No, the group of demon monkeys is really migrating!"

"No, not only the magic monkey, but also other strange beasts, this is a beast tide!"

The supernatural beings saw not only a group of monkeys, but also strange beasts such as wild boars, magic wolves, and poisonous snakes running in the forest.

"Quick! Avoid the path of the herd!"

The eight people also desperately ran towards the high mountains. If they were hit by the beast tide, even the earth-level masters would probably lose their bones!

"It seems that something is chasing the beasts..."

Lu Bao blinked and saw a figure following behind the group of demon monkeys.

"Which evildoer is it that can chase the demon monkeys and run away?"

The eight people held their breath and looked at the shadow intently.

In the hazy mist, Master Bao ran out with two large travel bags on his shoulders.

Lu Bao and the other eight were dumbfounded.

What's the situation? This is it?

Master Bao is driving the herd away?

Seeing Lu Bao and the others, Zhang Xibao frowned, and shouted while running: "Don't be so dazed, there is a big one coming from behind, run!"

Before the words fell, a huge monster jumped out of the mist!

The strange beast was covered in pitch-black fur, with three horizontal stripes on its forehead, and its four extremely sharp fangs. Counting its tail, it was more than twenty meters long and ten meters high. Its limbs were strong and powerful, and its tail was like a steel whip.

Everyone gasped, and squeezed out a name between their teeth:

"Yan... Yan Mohu!"

"Yan Mohu: An Earth-level Class A alien beast, the overlord of Yan Mo Valley. An adult tiger is three feet tall and six feet long. Tiger teeth, tiger claws, tiger skin, tiger bones, tiger meat, and tiger blood are all treasures of heaven and earth. 』

Yan Mohu was running tightly behind Baoye's buttocks, panting like a gust of wind, and the air from his nose was as hot as a flame.

The corners of Lu Bao's eyebrows twitched, and he couldn't help shouting: "Master Bao, why are you messing with that thing?"

Zhang Xibao replied vaguely from afar, "I don't want to either!"

"Hold my bag, you won't be able to afford it if you lose it!"

Zhang Xibao roared, and threw the bag on his shoulder over.

What time is it, are you still looking after your bag? Lu Bao's lungs were about to explode!

The little mouse tucked into Zhang Xibao's pocket was tightly holding a Ganoderma lucidum-shaped herb.

Half a day ago, Zhang Xibao waved the Wraith Banner to drive away the monkey spirits and collect the magic core in the monkey's body.

I don't know if his talent has awakened, but Chin Maoshu suddenly said that there is a baby nearby.

Zhang Xibao immediately opened his Tongtian Tong to look for it, and finally found a fiery red Ganoderma lucidum in a cave.

『Huojingzhizhi: One of the Lingbao fairy grasses, it looks like Ganoderma lucidum, red in color, sweet in taste, and contains pure fire spirit elements. 』

As soon as the Huojingzhi was picked, Zhang Xibao found that the Chinchilla and the fungus were silent.

He turned his head and saw two eyeballs the size of a millstone staring at him!

Yan Mohu!

Zhang Xibao had sharp eyes and quick hands, raised his hand to activate the shiny cane, the strong light blinded Yan Mohu, and he ran out of the cave holding Huo Jingzhi.

So there was Yan Mohu chasing Zhang Xibao, triggering the beast tide.

"Yan Mohu's speed is too fast, Captain Lu, what should we do?" A team member asked anxiously.

Fortunately, the seven supernatural beings led by Lu Bao are all speed-type. If they are other players, they may fall into Yan Mohu's mouth.

But Lu Bao understood that if Yan Mohu chased him to death, these team members would never be able to escape.

Lu Bao reacted instantly: "Separate and run!"

There is almost no solution to this matter, and running separately is the best way.

The team members reacted and diverted eight routes to run in different directions.

Let it be fate, it depends on who is the most unlucky to be chased by Yan Mohu...

Running and running, the eight people felt that something was wrong and stopped one after another.

They saw that Yan Mohu was not interested in them at all, so they just stared at Master Bao and chased him to death!

Moreover, Lord Bao didn't mean to bring disaster to the east, he just threw the two large bags on his shoulders and the big black pet cat over, turned around and led Yan Mohu to another direction.

"It turned out to be a false alarm..."

Someone suddenly sighed: "Master Bao is feeding a tiger with his body, it's really noble!"

As for why?

Lu Bao squinted his eyes and saw that Yan Mohu's fur was not only scorched by fire, but also shocked by thunder talismans. I'm afraid these are all left by Master Bao...

Lu Bao didn't know that in addition to the fire and electric shock, there was also a matter of seizing the fairy grass, and the feud between Yan Mohu and Zhang Xibao became serious!

"Oh, by the way, what is in this bag that is so important to Lord Bao?"

A team member was really curious and wanted to open the bag to see what was inside.


The fungus squatting on the bag exploded furiously, like a miser guarding his own treasure, a group of fierce.

"Oh, Master Bao's beast pet is quite fierce, I don't want to watch it, I don't want to watch it..."

Suddenly, the bag under the fungus burst open a small crack.


Piles of magic cores fell out of the gap.

The air froze for a moment.

"Ah, this..."

"The two big bags are magic cores!"


The team members swallowed unconsciously.

"10 points, how much is it?"

"Captain Lu, is the 200,000 suppression fund you mentioned... enough?"

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