Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 139: Lord Bao And Bird Have Enmity

"This forest is so quiet..."

Zhang Xibao broke off a branch at random and burned it with different fire.

Ordinary branches would burn to ashes in an instant when they encountered a strange fire, but the wood in the forest didn't burn so fast, so it was obviously highly resistant to flames.

"Let these trees grow for another hundred or eighty years, and it is estimated that they can be used as materials for refining low-level rare treasures."

Zhang Xibao touched the big tree with a diameter of more than three meters and a height of one hundred meters and sighed.

"It looks like a cedar tree, but it is different from all the species I have seen. There is no record of this kind of tree in the treasure book, but it seems to be some kind of mutant tree species."

Ever since entering the forest, the surroundings have been extremely quiet. The tall trees block out the sky, and the sun occasionally falls from the gaps in the canopy, embroidering strands of golden lines in the hazy tree smoke.


There was a faint bird call from the crown of the tree. Zhang Xibao looked up and saw a black crow standing on the tree trunk.


That crow actually pulled a lump of bird droppings!

Zhang Xibao tilted his head abruptly, and the bird droppings fell on his feet. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise this steaming poop would have landed on his forehead!

"Your uncle!"

Just as the so-called master humiliated his ministers to death, Zhang Xibao just cursed, the fungus reacted instantly, and rushed up the big tree with a whoosh.


The black pupil of the fungus shoots out a ray of light. If a low-level beast is hit by the gifted pupil technique of the fungus, it will be sluggish, but this crow is obviously higher than the fungus. Not only did it not get hit, but it counterattacked!

"Agaric, come back quickly!" Zhang Xibao roared.

Because Baojian records, the breed of this big crow is not simple.

『Flame Crow: A mysterious Class A beast with red eyes, three legs, a sharp beak, and red feathers on its head. It is a rare fire attribute beast with Golden Crow bloodline. The red feathers on its head are the best materials for refining exotic treasures. 』

The crow opened its mouth and spewed out a rocket, which shot towards the fungus' head.

Cats have been known to react seven times more than cats...

The fungus exploded and jumped, narrowly dodging the rocket, but the flames burned the cat's fur.

The fungus was deflated, knowing that he had encountered a hard stubble, he jumped off the big tree a few times, and asked Zhang Xibao for help.

Zhang Xibao quickly checked the injury of the fungus, but fortunately no flesh was injured, only the hair was burnt.

Thinking of the bald husky, Zhang Xibao comforted the fungus: "It's okay, the hair will grow back soon..."

Squeak! The Chinchilla is clearly gloating.

"What are you laughing at? The fungus protector is eager to protect the Lord. He has made no mistakes, but you still dare to laugh. You will be punished with three days of blood energy pills!"


"No! 』

The little mouse froze immediately.

"You dare to hurt my beloved pet, and you dare to attack me with bird droppings, have you eaten the heart of a bear?!"

"You are the only one who knows how to play with fire! Don't you know how to play with fire?"

Zhang Xibao looked up at the big crow viciously, put his fingers together like a pistol, aimed at the flame crow on the tree, and shot out a red flame.


The Flame Crow flapped its wings to avoid the flame, its red bird eyes were full of doubts, it couldn't figure out how the humans under the tree could do this trick!


The Flaming Crow opened its mouth and spewed out another rocket, which hit Zhang Xibao's feet, scorching the ground.

"Hey, you're still in good spirits, aren't you?!"

One person, one bird, began to shoot at each other with flames.

This stinky bird flew too high, Zhang Xibao couldn't do anything to it, so he sneaked out of the ghost flag, waved the flag, dozens of monkey spirits circled around and sneaked behind the flame crow.

"On the shoulders, get it!"

Zhang Xibao waved the wraith banner to signal to the monkey spirits who were attacking the Flame Crow. Dozens of monkey spirits swarmed up and beat the Flame Crow in mid-air.

"Come here, you!"

The flame crow, who was still invincible just now, instantly turned into a prisoner, and was firmly held in the palm of Zhang Xibao's hand.

"Are you hanging?"

Zhang Xibao flicked the Flame Crow with his fingers and his brain collapsed.

The Flaming Crow was in pain, and a flame was accumulated in its mouth, trying to spit out rockets to attack Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao's hands were quick, and he grabbed the Flame Crow by the throat.

quack quack!

The unformed flame extinguished in the flame crow's throat, and a stream of smoke gushed out from the bird's beak, and the flame crow coughed suddenly due to choking.

Zhang Xibao grabbed the flame crow's life gate, and the stupid bird turned off the flame.

"If you hurt my pet's fur, I'll pluck your feathers as atonement..."

As he said that, Zhang Xibao plucked the red feathers on the top of the Flame Crow's head, the pain was so painful that the Flame Crow almost burst into tears.

"Just one red feather, you can't do it, can't you grow two more?"

Baojian said that the red feather on the head of the flame crow is the best material for refining exotic treasures.

"Attack me with poop, and I will punish you to turn into poop!"

Zhang Xibao glared fiercely at the Flaming Crow, then turned to the fungus and Chinchilla and said, "Quick, get on fire, I'll give you two some meat today!"

Zhang Xibao made a gesture to pluck the bird's feathers, when suddenly a large group of flaming crows flew from afar.

Flaming crows landed on the branches one by one, looking at Zhang Xibao who was preparing to barbecue with cold eyes.

"Damn it, did that silly bird cry for help just now? The clown is actually me!"

"No, the flame crow is a rare fire-attribute beast, how could there be so many of them all at once? This forest is really abnormal!"




Thousands of flame crows slowly opened their mouths...

Zhang Xibao threw away the silly bird, picked up the fungus and Chinchilla and ran away.

If he took another step slower, Zhang Xibao would become a scarecrow borrowing arrows from a straw boat.

When hundreds of flame crows of the mysterious rank circled overhead like bombers, that posture seemed to be the end of the day.

Zhang Xibao waved the wraith banner, nearly a thousand monkey spirits came out and rushed towards the flaming crows.

Puff puff!

One by one, the monkey spirits dissipated under the rockets.

"It's broken, the Flaming Crow has the blood of the Golden Crow, and the flames it spouts are naturally restrained against the spirit body!"

There were less than a thousand monkey spirits, and they lost miserably against thousands of flame crows, but Zhang Xibao won precious time.

"Let's avoid the edge for now..."

Zhang Xibao put away the Wraith Pennant, and fled with the fungus and Chinchilla.

The Flaming Crows screamed, but they could not find Zhang Xibao in the woods, so they dispersed slowly.

On a certain big tree, the dense branches and leaves shook suddenly, and Zhang Xibao, the fungus, and Chinchilla showed their heads.

This wave was dark under the lights, and the flame crows were patronizing to patrol the ground, but they didn't find that Zhang Xibao was hiding above their heads.

"I'm furious!"

Zhang Xibao smashed the bark with one punch, not to mention all the monkey spirits in the Wraith Banner, and he was chased so embarrassingly by a group of silly birds.

"It's not a gentleman not to take revenge!"

Zhang Xibao took out dragon carp whiskers and the black stone scorpion he caught on the rocky beach earlier from Tong Tian Bao Curry.

"Get ready for bird hunting!"

"If I don't pull out the red feathers on their heads, it will be hard to solve the hatred in my heart!"

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