


I connected seven or eight treasure friends in one breath, and the treasures in their hands were all fake, maybe they took antiques, but they were not exotic treasures at all.

There are stories but no miracles.

It is believed that the story can be fabricated, but the miraculousness of the strange treasure cannot be faked.

"Anchor, take a closer look. I'll ask other masters to read it, and they all say it's true! It's just that I haven't found the right way to activate the treasure. I must be a treasure!"

A friend of Bao didn't give up and asked Zhang Xibao to take another look at the statue in his hand.

The material of the statue is metal, and it is carved like an eagle. Looking at the patina, it seems to be very old, but "Tongtian Dabaojian" has no response to it.

In other words, "Tongtian Dabaojian" can't even arouse the appetite for eagle statues.

It's like making a table of feasts out of plastic, no matter how beautiful the food made of plastic is, you can't eat it!

"Don't look at it, it's fake."

Zhang Xibao's nose is almost crooked. You call me a master liar, but you call me an anchor. You still don't believe me, and you want me to watch it carefully.

"Defective products of modern industry may still be made of chromium-nickel alloy. If you touch too much, it won't grow!"


The treasure friend on the opposite side was defenseless by this sentence, and shouted: "What kind of treasure appraiser are you, you can't see the magic of my treasure at all. I asked the masters to see it, and they said that this treasure can be auctioned for hundreds of dollars." Ten thousand."

"If you pull out a treasure friend at random, you will know that it is all a routine!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand speechlessly: "They first told you that the baby was worth several million, and then asked you to pay tens of thousands of yuan in auction money to them for auction. Finally, the baby went out for a round and said it was a failed auction. In your hands, they earned you tens of thousands of dollars!"

Seeing that Baoyou is still obsessed with his obsession, everyone in the barrage has laughed out loud.

"I don't have a fortune, but I have a dream of getting rich! 』

"If you are not greedy, you will not be fooled! 』

"The anchor said it was fake, hurry up and get down!" 』

"The water of Yibao is too deep, you can't grasp it, you know? Don't keep thinking about W! 』

This is the end of the story, whether you like it or not.

Anyway, don't listen to the old man's words and die in front of me.

Zhang Xibao stopped talking, waiting for the other party to cut off the live broadcast.


Zhang Xibao exhaled a foul breath.

He didn't expect that the live broadcast was quite tiring. Although he sat on the stool all the time, it took a lot of energy.

Zhang Xibao really wanted to take out the drunken fairy gourd and take a sip of the wine in it to relieve fatigue, but he knew that his wealth was not in vain.

The more known conditions, the faster one's identity will be exposed. The Drunken Immortal Gourd is very attractive and should not be shown in public.

Seeing that the time has come to half past ten, the last connection has been made. No surprises, it can be finished before eleven o'clock.

"Okay, let's connect with the next Baoyou, this is the last one, I hope to get a real one!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's so boring to always come to fakes! 』

"However, it's justifiable. If everyone has a strange treasure, is it still called a strange treasure?" 』

"The earth's environment is changing so fast and so dangerous, so there are already weapon refiners and alchemists in the relevant departments. It is not impossible for everyone to have a rare treasure in the future. 』

"Standard treasures are incomparable with those produced in foreign lands, but ordinary people can't use too powerful treasures, and even a baby can't hold Gatling!" 』

Discuss in the barrage.

Zhang Xibao clicked the link button, and the words "Linking" began to be displayed on the screen.

The screen is divided into two, one side is Zhang Xibao wearing a mask, and the other side is Baoyou wearing a peaked cap.

Zhang Xibao: ...

Both of them didn't show their faces. This treasure friend's strange treasure might be real, Zhang Xibao guessed.

"Baoyou, what do you want to identify?" Zhang Xibao broke the silence first.


The mysterious treasure friend took out a black claw, Zhang Xibao frowned.

Someone said in the barrage:

"This thing looks familiar! 』

"Isn't this the monkey's paw Elder Niu mentioned?" 』

"Yes, yes, yes, I remembered, it's that thing! 』

"I heard other friends talk about the origin of this thing, and it made me sick. Is this claw real or fake? 』

Behind the mask, Zhang Xibao frowned, because "Tongtian Dabaojian" gave a reaction, this claw is really a treasure!

In other words, the three wishes and the backlash are also true...

However, this time the Baojian opened not the chapter of strange treasures, but the chapter of strange beasts.

Strange Beast Chapter: Demon Monkey

"Monkey Monkey: A Class C Alien Beast of the Mysterious Rank. Those who absorb clean energy are immortals, and those who swallow turbid energy are demons. There are monkeys in Yan Moshan, who breathe purple miasma, swallow and breathe turbid air, and are cruel and murderous. Their souls have supernatural powers. Evil Control Treasure! 』

"Mysterious rank, although it is the lowest level of Xuan rank, it is still one level higher than Huang rank."

Zhang Xibao knew from Baojian's description that this claw was not a good thing.

It's not the monkey's paw in the horror story, but the soul of a strange beast.

The monkey spirit hidden in the claws caused the claws to produce strange effects. The claws can be regarded as a rare treasure, but Baojian did not give a rank.

Baoyou covered his face in the mask and said nothing, Zhang Xibao also held his chin in silence, they were all waiting for the other to speak first.

The bullet screen is in a hurry

"The two of them remained motionless and did not speak, am I stuck? 』

"I'm stuck too? 』

"No card, it's the anchor and Baoyou who have settled down. 』

"Anchor, quickly tell me if this is a rare treasure, I will give you a gift!" 』

In the end, Baoyou couldn't bear to ask: "Anchor, is this thing a strange treasure?"

Zhang Xibao nodded, shook his head again, and said, "Yes, but not entirely."

【Bao Ye】Successful, the audience listened attentively to what he said, and the number of bullet screens dropped a lot for a while.

"The claws are miraculous. They should be considered rare treasures, but they don't have a grade. They are by no means monkey claws, because the spirit of a strange beast is sealed in the claws."

"However, I would like to advise you, this thing is not good, evil!"

As soon as Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Baoyou on the other side was shocked, his eyes hidden in the shadow of the peaked cap glistened.

"Master, you are really a master!"

Zhang Xibao curled his lips, he called himself an anchor just now.

"Okay, the appraisal is complete, you can do it yourself!"

Just as Zhang Xibao was about to end the connection, Baoyou on the opposite side was in a hurry.

"Don't, don't, master, I have something to ask."

Zhang Xibao paused: "How to say?"

Baoyou on the opposite side pointed at the camera and shouted: "I'll brush 100 big flying swords for you, and you get rid of this damn thing for me!"


A hundred flying swords! 5,000 points is a huge sum of 500,000! ! !

Not only Zhang Xibao gasped, but the audience in front of the camera also widened their eyes, unable to believe what they heard.

The special effect of a flying sword blows up the live broadcast screen. What would happen if there were a hundred flying swords?

Even if I stay up late tonight, I still have to watch the live broadcast of 【Bao Ye】!


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