Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 141 Goodbye Nan Vermilion Bird


The Tongtian Treasure House was opened, and the face of the Flame Crow Flag was spit out, and Shuling's resentment was passed on to Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao reached out to catch it, and the Flame Crow Flag fell into his hand, and the flag shook violently, accompanied by the sound of rattling and cursing.

"Oh, here we go again, here we go again..."

Zhang Xibao deftly injected a strange fire into it, and the flame crow in the flag calmed down. Regardless of Shuling's resentment, Zhang Xibao threw the flag back into Tongtian Treasure.

Ever since the two hundred Flame Crows were brought into the Flame Crow Banner, they have been screaming and screaming from time to time, and the originally quiet Tongtian Treasure House is about to become a vegetable market, making Shuling very annoying.

"Others are cooking eagles, but I'm cooking two hundred flame crows, absolutely!"

As for how to tame the Flame Crows, Zhang Xibao planned to adopt a carrot-and-stick policy, starve the Flame Crows for three days first, and then talk about it when their little brains were too hungry to rebel.

At present, the flame crows have been hungry for two days, but they still look very energetic, so Zhang Xibao plans to add another three days.

The more he went to the deepest part of the forest, the stronger the fire element's breath became. Zhang Xibao knew that he must have found the right place.

In the woods ten miles away from Zhang Xibao, another team was being chased by the Flame Crow.

quack quack!

The flame crows all over the sky chased after the team's buttocks, and rockets landed behind the tail fire tiger and Kiki.

"My God, did this stab the flame crow's nest? Why did so many flame crows pop up all of a sudden!"

Tail Huohu didn't know that the instigator was Zhang Xibao, so he glanced at Zhenshuichen resentfully, wondering how this fellow led the way!

A few stones popped out from his fingers to drive back the flame crows at the front, and he ordered everyone: "The flame crows are black-ranked Grade A beasts. There are too many of them. The task is urgent. Go forward at full speed and escape from the flame crows first." Let’s talk about the hunting range!”

A group of four rushed straight out of the flame crow's encirclement like arrows flying off the string.

When they reached a safe place, the team stopped and took a short rest.

Tailed Fire Tiger touched Kiki's tail distressedly, and he found that the tip of Kiki's tail was burnt bald.

"Zhenshuiworm, can your broken plate work?" Finally, the Winged Fire Snake next to him couldn't help but complain.

"Don't insult my baby!"

Zhen Shuichen rubbed his face against the Xuanyi plate in his hand, and glanced at the Winged Fire Snake: "You can insult me..."

The Winged Hydra's knuckles creaked: (????????????)? What did you say?

"Okay, you two stop fighting."

Li said something fair for Zhenshuiwu: "Winged Fire Snake and Tailed Fire Tiger are both fire-attributed supernatural beings, so you should be able to feel the stronger and stronger fire element. This shows that Zhenshuiworm Leading the way is correct..."

Li waved his hand: "Keep going!"

The team continued to advance. As usual, Zhenshuiwu and Winged Fire Snake led the way, Li was in the middle of the formation, and Tail Fire Tiger led Qiqi to the rear.

Suddenly, the husky seemed to smell something, sniffed, and swished out.


The tail fire tiger called out, he thought that Kiki was going to pee on the tree again, but who knew that Husky ran away like a wild donkey that had run loose.

"Qiqi, why come back to me!"

The tail fire tiger stopped, roared loudly, and flushed with embarrassment.

If the mission is delayed because of Qiqi, what will Master Vermilion Bird and his colleagues think of him?

Did he lose his own face? He lost Master Qinglong's face...

The more the tail fire tiger shouted, the faster the husky ran, and it disappeared in an instant.

The four looked at each other.

Li said helplessly, "Let's chase after him, Qiqi's running direction does not conflict with our route..."

The four followed Qiqi's running trail and chased after him.

Zhang Xibao was also running wildly in the woods, the Chinchilla squatted comfortably in his pocket, and the fungus followed closely behind Zhang Xibao lightly.


The fungus let out a cry and stopped suddenly.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Zhang Xibao looked behind him, it was very quiet in the woods.

Although he couldn't see anything coming, Zhang Xibao saw the hair on the back of the fungus stand up.


Familiar dog barking?

The huge husky burst out of the bushes, spitting from its big tongue.


The limbs of the fungus leaped into the air like springs, and it popped out its sharp claws to scratch the dog's head.



There were a few bloodstains on Qiqi's dog's head, and he couldn't help crying out in pain.

"The fungus stays in the claws!"

Zhang Xibao bent down and hugged the fungus in his arms, not letting it continue to pounce on Qiqi.

If Qiqi is here, then Tail Fire Tiger...

As soon as this idea came up, the sweaty Tail Fire Tiger jumped out from behind the bushes.


"Comrade Xiaobao? Why are you here!"

Seeing the master coming, Qiqi hid behind the tail fire tiger aggrievedly, watching the fungus secretly.

Zhang Xibao shrugged helplessly: "I'm strolling..."

Zhenshuiwu, Winged Fire Snake, and Li who were holding the Xuanyi plate also chased after them. When they saw Zhang Xibao who was holding the big black cat, they looked at each other in surprise.

"Why are you here, are you following us?" Li asked suddenly.

"Big sister, can you be reasonable?"

Zhang Xibao pointed to himself: "I'm in front of you, I still want to ask if you are following me?"

"I'm a beautiful man with yellow flowers, and I'm followed by the four of you. Hey, I'm so scared just thinking about it!"

The Winged Fire Snake turned his head to look at Zhen Shuichen, and said secretly: "This person is even more shameless than you..."

Comrade Xiaobao is called Vermilion Bird!

Tail Huohu winked at Zhang Xibao with a black face.

Li raised his eyebrows: "The black dragon will send out missions, and the idlers will disperse. Can you explain why you are here? According to Wei Huohu, didn't you already leave the foreign land with Yan Mohu's body?"

"The tiger just asked me to pull Yan Mohu's body out. I didn't say that I must pull Yan Mohu's body out. Can I take a stroll? This forest is not yours..."

Zhang Xibao didn't want to say any more, and waved his hands: "You do your tasks, and I will go my own way. It's okay for everyone not to interfere with each other!"

Zhang Xibao walked in the direction of the raging fire element: "I'm going this way, if you have the ability, don't follow me!"

Everyone looked at Zhenshuichen, and Zhenshuichen glanced at Xuan Yipan, and replied helplessly: "The direction he is walking is the direction we are looking for..."

Everyone had no choice but to continue walking in the direction Zhang Xibao left.

"Nah nah..."

Zhang Xibao suddenly turned his head, pointed at Li and Wei Huohu and the others: "Aren't you saying you're following me?"

Everyone suddenly felt like they had suffered from being dumb.

"Overtake him!" Li ordered.

The four of them tried their best to overtake Zhang Xibao and walk in front of him.

Zhang Xibao sneered, twisted his toes, and rushed out suddenly, the speed was steady and crushed the four of them.

"Speed ​​up!" Li took a deep breath and continued to order.

The three tail fire tigers had no choice but to run forward with all their might.

Zhang Xibao continued to use his strength, and his speed suddenly increased a lot.

Eat my exhaust gas, you!

Zhang Xibao gave Li a provocative look.

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