Yan Mo Valley, dense forest.

Zhang Xibao sat on the stone with a big horse and a golden knife, in front of nearly a thousand flame crows.

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, and five cooked Haoyang chickens fell out of Tongtianbao Curry.

The crows were shocked.

The delicious Haoyang chicken was reflected in the eyes of the flame crows, but no one dared to move, the boss hadn't spoken yet.


Something was wrong, each of the five Haoyang chickens was missing a part, either drumsticks, wings, or buttocks...

"Shuling, how dare you steal it!"

Zhang Xibao roared, Shu Ling didn't respond, but was startled by the flame crows.


Zhang Xibao cleared his throat.

"Since everyone is willing to come, it is to give face to my Lord Bao. As long as the flame crow comes, they can enjoy Haoyang chicken for free."

Then Zhang Xibao took out another porcelain bottle, which was filled with blood energy pills.

"Fortunately, Master Bao is rich, otherwise it would be difficult to pay the younger brothers!"

One bottle contained one hundred pills, and ten bottles of blood energy pills, worth millions, were fed to the Flaming Crows by Zhang Xibao.

"Everyone who eats and drinks enough and is willing to form a bond will receive a Blood Qi Pill for each bird."

The crows looked at each other in blank dismay, is there such a good thing?

That crow is welcome!

The flame crows rushed forward, and the five Haoyang chickens instantly turned into skeletons.

The flame crows who were full did not leave, but were observing whether the companions who formed a bond could really get the elixir.


The first flame crow stood up and took the initiative to form a pact with the flame crow flag. Zhang Xibao flicked a blood energy pill into its mouth in front of all the crows.

The bloody pill grumbled into his stomach, and the flame crow quacked twice excitedly.

Afterwards, the flame crows stood up one by one and began to make a contract with the flame crow flag.

These bonded flame crows are all new crows, and the rewards for the two hundred old crows are far more than blood pills.

Zhang Xibao threw the pill bottle to Chinchilla and Agaric, and asked them to distribute the pill to the new crows.

Two hundred old crows squatted behind Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao turned around and took out the drunk fairy gourd.

Previously, when the Flaming Crows were recruiting the New Crows, Zhang Xibao refined more than two hundred Phoenix blood stones, and all the two hundred drops of Phoenix blood were put into gourds.

"You all did a good job, now each crow will be rewarded with a drop of phoenix blood!"

quack quack!

Two hundred flame crows screamed excitedly, attracting envious eyes from the new crows.

Drops of phoenix blood were distributed to the old crows. Under the shocked eyes of the new crows, they completed a gorgeous transformation and turned into flame crows with red feathers!

"Okay, the second place will reward ten Blood Qi Pills, and the third place will reward five Blood Qi Pills, let's go over there to claim the prize!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the Chinchilla and the fungus, and the two flame crows stepped forward.

"The champion of the competition stands up, and I have another reward!"

Zhang Xibao glanced at the drunk fairy gourd, there were probably a dozen drops of Phoenix blood in the gourd which were useless.

The champion of the competition is the previous Crow King, because its red feathers are the best advertisement. Ordinary flame crows are willing to follow it to join the flame crow group because of the changes it has produced.

The Light Crow King attracted hundreds of Flame Crows with just one crow, and it was the champion of the competition.


The Crow King cried out in anticipation.

"Good, good, you're fine!"

Zhang Xibao shook the gourd and said to it: "Counting the first drop, you have already eaten two drops of Phoenix blood, but I still have more than ten drops of Phoenix blood, I wonder if you can take it?"


The Crow King opened his mouth, meaning he could catch it.

"If you eat too much Phoenix blood, you may die, do you really want to take it?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

quack quack!

The Crow King looked at the crows, flapped his wings and screamed.

"You are so brave!"

Zhang Xibao gave the Crow King a thumbs up: "I just like a crow like you, the crow's dead claws are in the sky, and it will not die for thousands of years!"

"You're ready!"

Zhang Xibao was afraid that the Crow King would not be able to bear it if he drank too much at once, so he flicked a drop of Phoenix blood into its mouth first.


Phoenix blood gushed into his stomach, and the Crow King yelled to signal Zhang Xibao to continue.

Zhang Xibao spewed out two more drops of Phoenix blood.

quack quack!

The Crow King convulsed violently, as if someone had strangled its neck, trembling for a moment, Crow Wang Ping calmed down, beckoning Zhang Xibao to continue.

quack quack!

"Don't take pity on me just because I'm a crow! 』

"Greedy enough, I like it!"

Zhang Xibao simply fed the remaining ten drops of Phoenix blood to the Crow King.

The Crow King flapped his wings as if he was drunk, his claws scratched the ground, like a dancer possessed by him, and he even took a standard moonwalk.

"Nicholas Raven?"

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened, guessing in his heart that the Crow King might not be able to withstand the power of the Phoenix's blood.

Suddenly the Crow King stopped all his movements and stood still on the spot. Under the shocked eyes of the crows, he slammed with a pop!

quack quack!

"The Crow King is on fire! 』

quack quack!

"Is it time to have a meal?" 』

quack quack!

"I sit at the child's table!" 』

"Wait, there is a turning point!"

Zhang Xibao raised his hand to suppress the noisy crows.

The red feathers on the Crow King's body were burned off by the fire, and golden crow feathers grew out, and soon the golden crow feathers covered the whole body of the Crow King.

"Golden legend!"

Zhang Xibao exclaimed, the crows were shocked, the fungus and Chinchilla also stared wide-eyed.

Chinchilla jumped on Zhang Xibao's shoulder and wrote with a pen:

"Why don't you feed me some phoenix blood too?" 』

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "You and the fungus can eat a drop. You two are not birds, and the other is not fire attribute. If you eat too much, you can't bear it."

"Oh, by the way, Fang Rui can eat more, maybe I can get an extra beast pet of pseudo-lower level?"


The Crow King was shining with golden light all over, and he yelled at the Flaming Crows arrogantly.

"Not bad!"

Zhang Xibao said to the golden crow king: "From now on, you will be the leader crow, these 199 red crows will be crow generals, and the remaining 800 new crows will be your crow soldiers."

"Work hard and have a bright future! Maybe in the future you will be able to revive the glory of your ancestor, the three-legged Golden Crow!"


The Golden Crow King nodded gratefully towards Zhang Xibao. Its current strength has definitely reached the ground level, thanks to Zhang Xibao!

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, the flame crow army will follow me!"

Zhang Xibao waved the flame crow flag, and thousands of flame crows entered the flag under the leadership of the crow king.

"Isn't the little fire beetle planthopper easy to catch?"

Zhang Xibao excitedly carried the banner and ran towards the Flaming Indus.

Under the flame plane tree.

Li frowned. Just now, four planthoppers ate up the original fruits and destroyed four new ones.

Thirty rare treasure seeds destroyed fourteen, leaving only sixteen intact fruits.

"Master Vermilion Bird, do you want to wait?"

The Winged Fire Snake narrowed its eyes: "The remaining seven insects seem to be coming out to find new fruits."

"Don't be suspicious of employing people, don't be suspicious of people." Li took a deep breath.

"Baoye is here to be spicy!"

In the distance, Zhang Xibao shouted while carrying the Flaming Crow Flag.

Everyone's faces were happy, and they looked at Zhang Xibao.

I saw Zhang Xibao waving the banner, and flame crows came out like flying arrows.

"You don't need to talk about the morals of the rivers and lakes with Chong Zi, just beat me up!"

The Crow King led the Crow General and Crow Soldiers, and rushed towards the fire armor planthoppers in the fruit aggressively.

This battle must be won!

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