Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 164 What Should Come Will Always Come

"Baoyou, where did you get this thing?"

Zhang Xibao shook his fan, as if sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.


Baoyou on the opposite side said with a choked voice, "I picked up leaks at the stall, Master, do you know what this is?"

"What do you think it is?" Zhang Xibao tilted his head as a trick.

"I's a piece of precious jade. It's round and round, and it belongs to the only seed in the seed material?"

Baoyou held the reddish-brown translucent stone and bumped it twice.

"The only red seed?"

Zhang Xibao had a half smile but not a smile: "Baoyou, are you playing with the only child?"

Someone posted on the barrage:

"Jade with red color is priceless, dear friend! 』

"The price difference between the seed material and the mountain material can be ten times higher, Baoyou wants to send it!" 』

"Playing with the only seed = finishing the calf? ? ? 』

"Isn't it Hongqinyu?" Baoyou rubbed the stone in his hand.

"Who said it was jade?"

Zhang Xibao approached the camera: "To tell you the truth, my friend, this stone of yours is a corpse core from a foreign land. It was dug out from the head of a wandering corpse. If you rub it hard, you will definitely be finished!"

"Top-grade corpse core: produced from wandering corpses in foreign lands, it is an excellent material for exotic treasures, magic circles, and talismans. 』

"Master Bao is really kind!"

Baoyou on the opposite side stopped talking with his throat closed and showed a normal voice. The moment he heard the voice, Zhang Xibao confirmed the identity of the voice owner.

This treasure friend stretched out his hand and pressed some switch, and changed the color according to the light of the stone, and the stone also became bright red and translucent.

"The core of the corpse will change color when it is illuminated by the purple light. I turned on the purple light on purpose. Can you see it?"

"Hehe, naughty..."

Zhang Xibao sneered: "Looking at your profile picture and ID, I doubt your identity, Comrade Chang'an?"

Zhang Xibao pronounced the word "comrade" very strongly, thinking of Ye Changan touching his hand, Zhang Xibao got goosebumps.

[The bright moon is full of Chang'an]'s profile picture is a back view holding a big black umbrella. In Zhang Xibao's impression, the only person related to the black umbrella is Huang Longhui and Ye Chang'an.

The audience in the live broadcast room looked confused, not knowing what secret signal these two people were talking to.

Ye Chang'an said: "I'm not kidding anymore. The live broadcast will end in a while. I have something to do with you. I'll retire first."

The connection of [Bright Moon Full Chang'an] was disconnected, Zhang Xibao explained to the audience: "A friend made a joke with me, let's continue appreciating treasures!"

The next four or five Baoyou connections did not encounter any eye-catching treasures, until a Baoyou who claimed to be a supernatural person connected to Zhang Xibao's live broadcast room with a bead.

"Baoye, help me look at this bead!"

Baoyou held a white bead the size of an egg with three fingers. It had silver reflections and looked like a huge pearl from a distance.

"Mom, Baoyou, you are going to post this!"

Zhang Xibao slapped his hands: "It can be regarded as meeting a good thing!"

"It's really a good thing?"

The supernatural being Baoyou widened his eyes and began to tell the origin of the bead: "Master Bao, I am a foreign land hunter, and I dug out this bead from the body of a snake-shaped beast."

"Baoyou, to tell you the truth, you are lucky. This bead is called the water-avoiding bead. It is produced in the body of the water chinch. The probability of this world is extremely low, extremely low, extremely low."

Bao friends noticed that Master Bao said three extremely low in a row, indicating that this bead is really very rare.

"Water-avoiding pearl: Those who get this pearl will enter the sea like walking on flat ground, produced in the body of a water chinchilla with the blood of a real dragon. 』

"Water Chi: A Xuan-rank B-level alien animal, yellow in color and without horns, where the water essence is strong, there is a very low probability of awakening the bloodline to produce a Chi bead, called the water-avoiding bead. 』

Zhang Xibao said in a serious manner: "How low is the probability? It's so low that you'll be struck by lightning, even a water chinch may not be able to produce such a bead."

"It's true, smoke is rising from the ancestral grave, dear friend! 』

"Make friends, my friend! 』

"Thank you, Lord Bao, for appreciating treasures!"

No matter what the rolling barrage said, Baoyou on the opposite side was already beaming with joy.

When he bumps into such a treasure, whether he uses it himself or sells it to a large organization in exchange for points, as a supernatural being, he can get great benefits.

This is really a godsend meal!

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, and the supernatural being Baoyou on the opposite side quickly hung up, and swiped five big flying swords on the public screen.

I connected with three more treasure friends, but didn't meet any good ones, so Zhang Xibao downloaded the broadcast and saw [Mingyue Man Chang'an] added him as a friend in the contacts.

Zhang Xibao agreed to the friend request.

As soon as the friend added, Ye Changan's video invitation was sent over. It seems that he has been paying attention to Bao Ye's live broadcast room, waiting for Bao Ye to download it.

Zhang Xibao agreed to the other party's video invitation, and Ye Changan's face appeared on the other side of the screen.

Zhang Xibao asked in the first sentence: "What do you want from me, do you want to buy medicinal wine?"

"God buy medicinal wine!"

It seems that Ye Changan really has something to do, otherwise his tone would not be so aggressive.

"Comrade Xiaobao, I just want you to be my bodyguard and team up with me to Tianlu Tomb!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened: "Where are you going?!"

Ye Changan replied: "Tianlu Tomb!"

"No!" Zhang Xibao waved his hand, resolutely refusing.

"Why?" Ye Changan was very puzzled, why did Master Bao resist Tianlu Tomb so much?

"There is no reason, if you don't go, you don't go!"

In Zhang Xibao's head, he thought of that snake-like [Heaven's Blessing], a lunatic who took his own head off and rewarded him.

Ye Changan's expression became gloomy, and he sighed: "Discuss again? I have also heard about the fight between you and Zhang Laodao recently. The Five Dragons will evaluate that your combat power has reached the ground level. Looking at the whole Great Xia, except Four Sages, you are the only one who is on the ground level, if you don't go, I really have nothing to do."

"Why do you have to go?" Zhang Xibao asked curiously, "Will you die if you don't go?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Changan nodded: "If I don't go, I will really die!"

Zhang Xibao's expression became solemn, Ye Changan slowly stretched his hand to the corner of his clothes, and slowly pulled up the clothes.

Zhang Xibao covered his eyes: "Don't, don't, it's not fun to watch, it's against the rules! And sex, seduction is useless, I don't like it!"

"Comrade Xiaobao, take a good look at what this is?" Ye Changan was not in the mood to joke.

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Changan's chest, and a familiar pattern appeared in front of him.

Red skull, blood curse!

"Blood Curse!" Zhang Xibao blurted out.

"Comrade Xiaobao has a good wink. He is indeed a person who is about to become a senior treasure appraiser." Ye Changan smiled bitterly.

"Why did you fall for this thing?" Zhang Xibao felt that something was going on here, and he became more determined not to go to Tianlu's grave.

Ye Changan sighed: "Hey, it's a long story, and I have to start talking about it half a year ago..."

"Then can you make a long story short?"

Ye Changan was stunned for a moment, preparing his emotions, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Zhang Xibao.

"Wait a minute, I'll make another cup of tea, get some snacks, and listen to you again, I'm hungry..."

Without waiting for Ye Changan's reaction, Zhang Xibao stood up and went looking for something to eat.

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