Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 168 Encountering Qinglong By Chance, Lord Bao Shows His Might

"It's taking off!"

Fang Rui's transformed phoenix screamed and carried Zhang Xibao to the sky.

The aftershocks just now have turned the buildings in the community into dangerous ones, making them uninhabitable.

All of Zhang Xibao's belongings are in Tongtianbao Curry, and there are only some unimportant daily necessities in the house. He left two stacks of banknotes for the landlord, and set off for the imperial capital directly.

Zhang Xibao sat cross-legged on Phoenix's back, holding a fungus in his arms and Chinchilla in his pocket, squinting his eyes and looking down.

On the road leading to the imperial capital, several cars with the logo of the Five Dragons Club are speeding. It is obvious that the Five Dragons Club of the Imperial Capital is mobilizing the combat power of the surrounding cities.

"What exactly happened that made it impossible for the supernatural beings in the imperial capital to deal with it, and they still have to mobilize the surrounding superhumans?"

The doubts in Zhang Xibao's heart became more and more serious.

Just when Zhang Xibao was in a daze, a cold voice suddenly came from beside his ear: "Phoenix?"

Zhang Xibao was terrified, who was approaching behind him, not only did he not notice it, but even the keen chinchilla and fungus, the two strange beasts, didn't notice it?

Before Zhang Xibao turned back, a man in black uniform flew parallel to the phoenix and appeared in Zhang Xibao's sight.

The man has a stern face, a capable head, a tall and straight body, clenched fists, and an air of a soldier.

Zhang Xibao saw a green flying sword stepping on the man's feet, and stared straight at the phoenix under Zhang Xibao's buttocks.

"Qinglong Sword: An earth-level Grade A rare treasure, the first of the four holy spirit swords, containing the remnant soul of the Qinglong. 』

The identity of the man in front of him is already coming out. The person who can step on the Qinglong Sword, the most important weapon of the country, is not the leader of the Four Saints. Who is Qinglong?

The Azure Dragon of the Four Saints, the supernatural being with the highest combat power in the Great Xia, the God of War in the Great Xia!


Zhang Xibao was excited, but he didn't show it too much on his face. Instead, he cupped his hands and announced his identity: "Xiaobao, a supernatural being from Beishi, is invited to the imperial capital!"


Seeing the mask on Zhang Xibao's face, Qinglong didn't ask Zhang Xibao's identity, because the only people invited to the imperial capital were members of the Five Dragons Club.

Qinglong just silently remembered this guy wearing a mask of a great saint and riding a phoenix on his buttocks.

Seeing Qinglong staring at Phoenix curiously, Zhang Xibao explained: "It's just a fantasy treasure, not the real Phoenix!"


Qinglong nodded and said to Zhang Xibao: "Then I'll go ahead and see you in the capital!"

Before the words were finished, the Azure Dragon Sword suddenly accelerated. Fang Rui's changed phoenix was already flying fast enough, but the Azure Dragon Yujian flew even faster.

"Tsk tsk tsk, as expected of my idol, she flies fast!"

Looking at the back of Qinglong going away, Zhang Xibao sighed.

"Eh? Forgot to ask him what happened in the imperial capital!"

Zhang Xibao patted his head, and drove the phoenix to accelerate towards the imperial capital.

imperial capital.

Zhang Xibao rode a phoenix and looked down from high in the sky.

The messy scene I imagined did not appear. All the high-rise buildings stood in place, only the low buildings were damaged, and all the people on the street disappeared.

Zhang Xibao scratched his head curiously.

This is unreasonable!


Totally unreasonable!

The aftershocks transmitted to Beishi cracked the floor of Zhang Xibao's community. Why is the imperial capital at the epicenter safe and sound?

"Huh? The Tongtian Pupils are open!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes glowed, and from Tongtian Tong's perspective, he saw the problem at a glance.

There is actually a large formation inside the imperial capital!

The pages of the "Tiantian Dabaojian" rattled, and the [Dharma Formation Chapter] was opened.

"Five Elements Mountain Protecting Formation: Eighth-rank defensive formation, mobilizing the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth to protect the area covered by the formation. 』

"I knock?!"

Zhang Xibao surrounded the entire imperial capital, with the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club as the eye, surrounded by five huge buildings. These buildings were either large gymnasiums, schools, or the buildings of the Bureau of Appreciation and the Administration of Foreign Lands.

However, these buildings present five colors of blue, red, yellow, white, and black from the perspective of Tongtian Pupil Art!

"Good guy, it's not easy, it's not easy, it turns out that the big formation protected the imperial capital!"

Not only do these five giant buildings have doorways, but there are also problems with the underground of the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club.

"Niupi, Niupi, what's in the underground of the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club? You can't even see through the sky!"

The last time Emperor Zhang Xibao came here because he was only in this mountain, this time there was a phoenix on his back and he was looking down from a high altitude, and the earthquake activated a large formation, which made him see it clearly and clearly!

You know, usually the Black Dragon will prohibit people with supernatural powers from spying at high altitudes. Today is a special situation, allowing Zhang Xibao to get a glimpse of the truth.

The city streets were empty, Zhang Xibao controlled the phoenix and flew directly down.


A faint cry for help suddenly came from a nearby building. The glass of the building was all shattered, and there was a whining sound in the wind. From a distance, the building looked like a giant beast with eyes.

Zhang Xibao ran towards the direction of the cry for help.

At the corner of the street not far behind, three supernatural beings wearing dragon pattern uniforms ran over and shouted at Zhang Xibao's back: "Ordinary people, please go to the nearest third shelter immediately!"

These three uniforms were of the same style but different colors, one in black, one in blue, and one in white.

Members of the Black Dragon Society are responsible for responding to danger, members of the Blue Dragon Society are responsible for searching for survivors, and members of the White Dragon Society are responsible for rescuing people. These three supernatural beings belong to the simplified version of the Five Dragon Society rescue team.

It seems that the five dragons in the imperial capital are really short of manpower...

Zhang Xibao said to the three members of the Five Dragons Club: "I am also a supernatural being. Someone asked for help just now. Let me go with you. One more person is also more combat power."

"Ah! Master Bao, are you here to support the imperial capital?" the member of the Blue Dragon Society said suddenly.

Zhang Xibao nodded: "Saving people is the most important thing, by the way, tell me what happened in the capital city!"

The member of the Black Dragon Society thought about it and said: "The imperial capital... an earthquake, there are people with supernatural powers making trouble, we are searching for survivors."

This statement is half true and half false.

The imperial capital is definitely not as simple as an earthquake.

And what blind-eyed supernatural being dares to make trouble in the imperial capital? Tired of life crooked it!

Zhang Xibao glanced at that person calmly, probably the Five Dragons Club had issued a gag order not to let the news spread, so let's take a step and watch.

Zhang Xibao and three members of the Five Dragons rushed into the building.


The cry for help was louder, it sounded like a girl.

"Wait a minute, something is wrong!"

The member of the Blue Dragon Society held a small compass in his hand. There was no pointer on the compass, but two small glowing dots popped out suddenly.

"It's a trap!" The blue dragon member reminded.


A row of black thorns drilled out from the door of the building, instantly blocking the escape route.

Due to the power outage caused by the earthquake, and the exit was blocked, the building was suddenly dark.

Hula la la!

Something flies in the dark.

"Be careful!" the member of the Black Dragon Society roared.


Zhang Xibao felt that the member of the White Dragon Society beside him had fallen down, because this guy was an auxiliary superpower with the worst combat power, and the enemy attacked him first.

"Close your eyes!" Zhang Xibao said coldly.

The member of the Blue Dragon Club asked, "What did you say, Master Bao?"

"I said close your eyes!"

Zhang Xibao took out the shiny cane from Tongtianbao Curry, and injected a stream of fresh air inward, the cane burst into bright bloom.

The intense light blinded everyone in the building except Zhang Xibao.

"Hey, why don't you listen to Master Bao!"

Zhang Xibao glanced at the poor fans who were shaking their eyes and kept crying.

Illuminated by a shiny cane, Zhang Xibao saw a huge bat lying on the back of the neck of a member of the White Dragon Society, sucking blood.

Zhang Xibao flicked his fingers, and a burst of strange fire shot out. The big bat was burned to ashes without even screaming.

"Give him a bandage, and if he bleeds again, he will die."

Zhang Xibao pointed to the medicine box carried by the members of the White Dragon Society, and the members of the Blue Dragon Society who had regained their vision squatted down and began to bandage the wounds of the wounded.

"There are two enemies, one for each of us, right?"

Zhang Xibao and the member of the Black Dragon Society walked back to back, and walked out slowly in two directions.

"Jiejiejie...there's another fresh blood coming!"

Which heartless smile is so ugly? Zhang Xibao couldn't help but look back.

The person opposite the members of the Black Dragon Society was a guy in a tattered black robe. He couldn't see his face clearly under the hood, but he sounded like an old man.

"Cosplay?" Seeing the old man's tattered clothes, Zhang Xibao couldn't help complaining.

Looking at the guy in front of Zhang Xibao, he was an ugly monster in modern clothes, with a bumpy face, and his hair and eyebrows were all gone.

The man held a young girl in his hand, the girl was covered with black thorns, and she was panting with difficulty.

It seems that these two people are using this girl to fish, specifically to catch members of the Five Dragons Club.

The strange old man ignored everyone, and said to the person in front of Zhang Xibao: "Hey, my face is scarred, the little girl won't let me eat, can I eat three of these four?"

"I've been hungry for too long!" The strange old man took a deep breath of air, the air was filled with the bloody smell of the wounds of members of the White Dragon Society, and the old man's excited teeth were chattering.

Scar's face responded without emotion: "It's a five-fifth deal!"

"Okay, okay, I'll give you two big ones, how about I want that little monkey and this patient?" The strange old man chose his own prey.

Scared face replied: "Yes."


Zhang Xibao suddenly interrupted the two of them: "Why don't you two put on a stage play here? Which psychiatric hospital opened the door and ran you two out?"

Two cruel eyes fell on Zhang Xibao, and the strange old man said coldly: "I'm going to chew your bones..."

Zhang Xibao pointed at the old man, and said to the members of the Black Dragon Association: "Leave the old man to you, I want this ugly monster."

"Do you know why?"

Zhang Xibao turned his head with a smile, asked and answered with his scarred face: "Because Master Bao hates plant-type supernatural beings the most, Ba Ga!"

Before he finished speaking, a large group of dense black thorns rushed towards Zhang Xibao, and the thorns on the black thorns were as sharp as steel knives.

This plant-based scarred face is five or six floors higher than the abilities of Aotian and Lao Nong!

"The prey that falls into the thorns will be crushed!" Scaru sneered.

While fighting with the members of the Black Dragon Association, the strange old man reminded: "Don't twist it too badly, it doesn't taste good!"

The strange old man wanted to say something more, but the words in his mouth stopped abruptly.

I saw Zhang Xibao grinned, took out a feather fan, opened his mouth slightly, the three qi gathered together, and the real fire of samadhi was instantly formed.

"Oh tui!"

Zhang Xibao exhaled a mouthful of samadhi true qi, which turned into flames in mid-air, and with the yin-yang feather fan in his hand, the flames instantly turned into fire dragons.


The fire dragon roared, burning all the thorn bushes in front of it and the scarred face behind the black thorns to ashes!

Zhang Xibao shook his small fan, turned around and smiled strangely at the strange old man: "It's your turn..."


The strange old man turned into a group of big bats in his black robe, and the inside of the robe was empty.

"I'm knocking! What's the principle of this, turning into a living donkey?"

Zhang Xibao slapped the precious fan hard from the dark side, most of the bats lost their direction and smashed against the wall.

Only one bat that slipped through the net flew out along the window without glass.


A big black gun flew over and nailed the last bat to the wall.

Tail Fire came in from the outside with a frosty face.

"Escort the people to the refuge, Comrade Xiaobao, please follow me."

The first half of the sentence was addressed to the three members of the Five Dragons Association, and the second half of the sentence was addressed to Zhang Xibao.

Tail Huohu pulled out his big gun and led Zhang Xibao to the outside.

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