Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 199 Crow King Xiaoni's Sassy Operation


The corpse bell rang softly.

"Huh? There is a situation..."

The ghost Jinyang looked at the bell suspiciously, relying on the induction of the bell, ran towards a certain direction, and the figure in the black cloak disappeared into the night.

The strange powers are also running like arrows.

The bald man glanced at the surrounding environment, and said to the two brothers while running: "We have entered the assessment area of ​​the Black Dragon Association, passing through here is the exit of the foreign world, go!"

"Brother is smart, even if he doesn't meet XingXiu, that guy might be attracted by the students, and we can escape!" The man in the hat laughed happily.

The bearded man frowned: "There are a lot of low-level zombies in the assessment area, you two pay attention to your steps..."


As soon as the words fell, the man in the hat stepped on a round object and slipped all of a sudden.

He looked down and found that what tripped him was a zombie's head, which was the one that Zhang Xibao hit flying with the first stick earlier.

"Fourth, get out of the way!"

The bald man suddenly shouted loudly.

The man in the hat only felt a gust of cold air rising from his back. Just as he was about to get up, a big rice dumpling with white hair rushed over from behind and snatched him away like a chicken.

"Ah, ah, save... me!"

The scream of the man in the hat came from the dark place, and after a while, there was no sound, only the gurgling of thirsty blood.

"Third brother, run, don't stop!" The bald man kept running towards the depths of the examination area without stopping.

The fourth child can't be saved...

The bearded man trembled in fear, and continued running behind the bald man.

In less than half a minute, the man in the hat was sucked into a human body, and the white-haired rice dumpling sensed it, and chased after the two supernatural beings, jumping and jumping as fast as a thunderstorm.

The white-haired rice dumpling that had absorbed the blood of the supernatural being became even faster, and the distance between the two supernatural beings was shortening again.



The chest and belly of the bald man and the bearded man sounded like a bellows.

Although they were supernatural beings, they were almost out of breath after running for a long time.

The bearded man was panting, hesitatingly said: "Boss, I have a question..."

"Why does the big zongzi keep chasing us?"

"Isn't their eyesight bad? We've also been coated with medicinal powder, why is it still chasing us?"

"Boss, before leaving, I saw you took something from the second hand..."

The bearded man asked a series of questions, and all he got was silence.

Two seconds later, the bald man shook his head: "I didn't take anything, run away, don't talk, save energy..."

"The second child is dead, and the fourth child is also dead..." The bearded man closed his mouth and didn't say the rest of the sentence.

The two continued to run, and a gust of wind came from behind, accompanied by a strong stench.

The silent bald man suddenly said: "I asked the second child to take the things..."

The bearded man widened his eyes and saw the bald man take out a golden awl from his pocket.

"You really took it, you killed the fourth child, you..."


Before he could finish his sentence, the bald man stabbed the bearded man's waist with an awl.

The bearded man fell to the ground in an instant, and the bald man turned around and ran away.


A familiar sucking sound came from behind.

The third child who fell to the ground temporarily dragged the big rice dumpling's footsteps.

The bald man's eyes were bloodshot, and he had lost his humanity at this moment. The strong fear made him want to escape by all means...

Here is Zhang Xibao, who is disguised as Crow King Xiaoni.

Qian Chengjin is under the care of the nanny Xiaoni, happily brushing up on experience. One by one fell to the ground stiffly, representing one point after another.

Qian Chengjin chopped at the front, and Xiao Ni held a wooden torch to collect the corpse core at the back.

It's really boring for Crow King to be a babysitter, but he has to do the tasks assigned by Zhang Xibao, and he also encourages the little fat man from time to time: "Not bad!" 』

The white zombies in the surrounding tombs were almost cleaned up, Qian Chengjin got thirty-eight low-grade corpse cores, and felt very happy in his heart.

"Brother Bao, do you really don't want these corpse cores?" Qian Chengjin asked again.

『Don’t worry, I have a special technique for dealing with corpse cores! 』Xiao Ni waved his hand.

"All right……"

Qian Chengjin put all the corpse cores into his backpack, and asked again: "Brother Bao, the zombies in this area have been wiped out, where can we find them?"

Xiao Ni found a random direction and pointed, and decided where to go, anyway, it's the same wherever you go...

"Is there someone? Xiao Ni suddenly tilted his head and looked into the darkness.



The bald man came out from the darkness, and when he saw the fire, he ran to this side, as long as he could hold back the big rice dumpling, he would do whatever it takes!

"Who?" Qian Chengjin asked vigilantly into the darkness.

The bald man saw two young men in camouflage uniforms under the firelight. These two young men were able to hold the big rice dumpling for a while. He was overjoyed and opened his hands to grab Qian Chengjin.

The visitor is not good!

Xiao Ni stretched out a big pussy pocket and knocked the bald man to the ground.

"What kind of work? 』

The bald man looked confused, he was also a mysterious supernatural being, and he was knocked out by a young man?

Before the bald man got up from the ground, the white-haired rice dumpling arrived.


The fishy wind bursts.

It stinks.

The big zongzi sucked the blood of three supernatural beings, and they were in the limelight.

"The hairy one!" Qian Chengjin almost popped his eyes out.

"Mao Zong: The zombie grows hair, has steel and iron bones, jumps like flying, moves swiftly, is not afraid of ordinary fire, and is not afraid of sunlight. 』

White zombies and green zombies are weak in front of hairy zombies!

"Have hair? 』

Xiao Ni tilted his head: "So what? 』

The bald man got up and rushed towards Qian Chengjin again.

Xiao Ni pretended to be Zhang Xibao, he couldn't beat him, but Qian Chengjin, a cowardly looking fatty, might be able to beat him!

Persimmons have to be picked softly!

At the same time, the white-haired zongzi also moved, his legs bent slightly, and he threw himself at the bald man and Qian Chengjin with flowing long hair.

Xiao Ni also moved, its mouth opened slightly, and a rocket sprayed out.


The rocket hit the chest of the white-haired rice dumpling, and it was set on fire while it was still in mid-air.

His white hair instantly turned into a raging flame.


The big white-haired rice dumpling fell to the ground and slammed the flames frantically, but the flames burned more and more, and it turned into a pool of ashes in a short while.

The bald man stared dumbfounded.

Qian Chengjin scratched his head, and asked curiously: "Brother Bao, didn't the fire-absorbing technique come out of his hand, why did it come out of his mouth?"

Xiao Ni waved his hand: "I've been on fire lately!" 』

The bald man wanted to crawl into the darkness while the two were not paying attention.


Xiao Ni jumped and landed in front of the bald man, looking down at him.

"Where is the villain going?" 』

The bald guy has already been scared out of his wits, but in front of him is a pervert who can instantly extinguish a white-haired rice dumpling!

He took out the golden awl tremblingly: "Buy life money, buy life money, give you this, let me go!"

Xiao Ni tilted his head and thought for a while, then slapped the bald man unconscious.

"I want it all..."

Xiao Ni put away the golden awl and put it in her schoolbag, thinking that Zhang Xibao would reward it again.

"Brother Bao, why did you knock him unconscious?" Qian Chengjin asked curiously.

"He's a badass!" 』

"Deliberately attracting hairy zombies! 』

Pointing at the bald man, Xiao Ni said to Qian Chengjin, "Hanging on a tree, I thought of a way to find zombies!" 』

Xiao Ni threw the bald man on a dead tree, and then asked Qian Chengjin to wake him up with water control skills.

The bald man woke up leisurely, and saw that he was on the tree, the golden awl was gone, and the guy with terrifying combat power under the tree was looking up at him.

Xiao Ni raised his head and said, "If you dare to come down, I will burn you to death!" 』

The bald man didn't dare to jump down, so he lay down on the tree and begged: "Boss, let me go, as long as you let me go, I can do anything!"

"Sing! 』

Xiao Ni smiled charmingly: "I won't kill you if you sing!" 』


The bald man was stunned: "What are you singing?"

"Maomao song ga! 』

Xiao Ni started to train the bald guy.

Ten minutes later, the bald man humiliated and began to sing.

"Everyone has hair on their body"

"Let me sing Maomao for you"

"What's the matter with us"

"Let me sing it to you! 』


The sound spread far away, and the white zombies began to walk towards the source of the sound.

"What the hell?"

Ghost Jinyang's figure froze suddenly, listening to the devilish song, although he couldn't see his face, the expression under the mask was wonderful.

"Which heartless student is attracting zombies?"

"And this one who is not afraid of death?"

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