Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 201 Flying Zombie Burns Out Of Bone



The cry of goats and the smell of blood echoed in the night.

The six guys lay motionless in the ravine, not daring to breathe, like stones.

Fortunately, there are no mosquitos here... Zhang Xibao thought.

When Zhang Xibao was about to fall asleep waiting, the team leader patted his arm lightly.

Zhang Xibao suddenly raised his head and squinted his eyes.

"I knock, is it still a flying one?"

Zhang Xibao's mouth moved slightly, but no sound came out.

On the mountain ridge, a black shadow jumped like flying.

No, it's really flying!

Like a huge black bat, the shadow streaked across the air, with its toes occasionally touching the ground, and its figure suddenly rose into the night sky.

"Flying Zombies: High-level zombies, not afraid of the sun, not afraid of swords, can glide in mid-air. 』


The cry of the goat caught Feizhi's attention.


Flying Zombie's roar was as sharp as the mourning in the depths of hell, and it rushed straight towards the goat.


The moment Fei Zong rushed over, the big beast trap was activated.

The crisp sound did not know if the zombie's leg was broken.

"I hit it, go!" The captain roared.

The five people moved at the same time, and Zhang Xibao stood up and used his cane to illuminate the five supernatural beings, and at the same time, he could clearly see the frozen appearance.

Fei Zong was wearing a tattered black cloak, his skin was wrinkled and as shiny as olive oil, his face was covered with black bristles, ten times uglier than the Montenegrin old demon.


Although Fei Zang was caught, he still got down and sucked up the goat's brain.

"Go!" The captain waved his hand.

The most burly supernatural being was possessed like a cowboy, and suddenly threw an iron lock around Feizhi's neck.


The three supernatural beings grabbed the iron lock and dragged it backwards.

Feizhi's legs were hooked by the beast trap, and its neck was chained again. Its body straightened instantly, and it was in a deadlock with the supernatural beings in a crawling and lying posture.

Brush la la!

The iron locks stretched straight, and they let out an overwhelmed moan because of the struggle between the two sides.

The three supernatural beings wrestled with Feizhi, the captain continued to move forward, and another guy took a weapon in the shape of an explosion-proof fork, and slammed at Feizhi's chest.

The captain patted open the black sword box, revealing a pink peach wood sword. He threw away the box, held the sword in his right hand, and wiped a piece of cyan talisman paper on the sword with his left hand.


Flames actually ignited on the mahogany sword.


The captain roared, and the mahogany sword slashed towards Feizhi's neck with flames.

Like a hot knife cutting wax, the flying stiff ugly head shot up into the sky.

The whole process takes less than five minutes.

Seeing Zhang Xibao's admiration, it can be seen that this team is quite professional, and the coordination is smooth and smooth, like a precision machine.

The captain split open Feizhi's head and took out a fist-sized red core.

The five supernatural beings breathed a sigh of relief, with joy on their faces.

"Captain, how is the quality of the corpse core?" asked the muscular superhuman.

The captain looked at it with the light shot by Zhang Xibao, and nodded: "That's right, this kind of quality, according to the price of Yibaozhai, starts with 500,000 points!"

The lowest price is 500,000 points, which is 50 million points. The five of them can each share 10 million points.

"Wait a moment!"

Zhang Xibao pointed behind them and asked, "This situation... is it normal?"

The leader of the supernatural beings turned around in a daze, and they saw that the flying zombie whose head had been cut off actually started to move.

"What... what's going on?"

"That's not right, Feizhi's head has come down, why isn't his body rotten?"

The captain shouted violently: "The situation is not right, back up, back up quickly!"

The flying stiff headless body squatted down slowly, and it reached out to touch its clamped leg.



Feizhi's leg bones were shattering, and the leg caught in the trap was torn apart.

Under the shocked gazes of the six people, Fei Zhi put two hands and one leg on the ground, and rushed towards them like a wild beast.

"It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable!"

"I've never seen anything like this in my life!"

"Ready to fight!"

The team of supernatural beings became nervous. The strange situation in front of them made their scalps tingle and they broke out in cold sweat.

Zhang Xibao stepped forward slowly, stopping the crowd who wanted to rush over.

"Wait a minute, I want to see what the hell this is?"

Zhang Xibao pinched a tactic, strange fire burst out from his fingertips, he took a deep breath, gathered the samadhi energy, and blew it forward.


The real fire of samadhi burned towards the headless flying zombie.

The flames covered his body, and the headless flying zombie instantly ignited a big fire.

Feizhi's body began to melt away like melting ice and snow.

The tattered cloak, wrinkled skin, and steel-and-steel body were all reduced to ashes.

When it crawled in front of Zhang Xibao, even the skeleton was shattered to pieces, the only thing that was intact was the knuckle of its right middle finger.

The knuckles were burned and turned into black bones.

"What's the matter, relic? I can't even finish the real fire of samadhi I practiced?"

Zhang Xibao showed a curious look.

"Boneless!" The captain exclaimed.

"Is it worth money?" Zhang Xibao picked up the half finger bone and asked.

"It's not a question of whether it's worth it or not!"

The captain looked at the bone, Gulu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and gestured to describe: "Zombies absorb the gloomy moonlight, and it takes at least a thousand years before they begin to transform into indestructible bones."

"Whatever, I just want to know if it's worth it?" Zhang Xibao clamped the phalanx between two fingers, and glanced at it with disgust, always feeling a bit unlucky.


The team leader finally got to the point. He said to Zhang Xibao: "There is a mysterious buyer who has been collecting this item for many years, and is still clamoring for it. The price keeps rising, but there are very few products in foreign lands." Come on, this thing has already been hyped to a sky-high price now!"


Zhang Xibao asked the captain for a small bag, wrapped the phalanx, and threw it into the Tongtianbao Curry. After the assessment was over, he could go out to find the mysterious buyer that the captain said.

The supernatural beings looked at Zhang Xibao enviously, they didn't make as much money as Brother Dameng did after a long time of tossing around.

"Brother Meng, thank you..."

The captain leaned over and thanked Zhang Xibao: "According to the situation just now, without you, our team would have suffered casualties. Zombies with intangible bones are not so easy to deal with. I once heard that someone encountered a zombie in the sea of ​​bones." A monster with intangible bones has been found, and the team is completely wiped out!"

"Hey, what a coincidence, isn't it?" Zhang Xibao waved his hand.

If he didn't meet this group of people, Zhang Xibao still couldn't get this unmelted knuckle.

With the high-grade corpse nucleus in hand, the team of supernatural beings packed up their tools and prepared to leave for the foreign land.

Zhang Xibao couldn't leave yet, so he confirmed the location of Guhai with the captain, and then walked deeper.

"Doesn't it melt into bones..."

Zhang Xibao planned to enter the sea of ​​bones to see what was going on inside.

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