The transport plane carried the students back to the imperial capital, Zhang Xibao went home, and went to the dormitory to look for Qian Chengjin.

"Master, the car to take you home has arrived."

As soon as Zhang Xibao returned to the dormitory, the middle-aged housekeeper who was following Qian Guangming's butt came.

The middle-aged housekeeper said to Qian Chengjin: "The old man said to take you and the third young master home together."

The old man mentioned by the housekeeper should not be the head of the Qian family, but the father of the head of the family, the grandfather of the two brothers Qian Chengjin.

"it is good!"

Qian Chengjin nodded: "It just so happens that I also invited guests, let's go together."

The middle-aged butler frowned, and said, "The old man said he has something important to do, so I'm afraid it's inconvenient to bring guests home today, right?"

Qian Chengjin said displeasedly: "You don't have to worry about my affairs!"

The middle-aged butler unexpectedly glanced at Qian Chengjin, then at Zhang Xibao, and nodded, "Okay, I'll prepare another car."

When the middle-aged housekeeper left, Qian Chengjin explained to Zhang Xibao annoyedly: "The housekeeper Qian is my grandfather's confidant, just like the elders, he usually dotes on my third younger brother and doesn't like me..."

"Hehe, it's normal..."

Zhang Xibao squeezed Qian Chengjin's arm: "The muscles have been trained, and now if you face Qian Guangming, what are your chances of winning?"

"It's hard to say, I'm still quite apprehensive..." Qian Chengjin shook his head.

"Qian Guangming thought that I gave you all the cores, but in fact you got more than 80 of them yourself, and he only got 50. What does this mean? You are definitely better than you now. Qian Guangming must be strong!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to Qian Chengjin's chest: "You have obstacles here."

The middle-aged housekeeper prepared another luxury car. Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin were in the same car, and the housekeeper and Qian Guangming were in the same car. The two cars drove to the Qian family's mansion.

Sitting in the car, Zhang Xibao reminded Qian Chengjin: "Let me tell you in advance, when I get to the Qian family, I will not be your roommate, but a guest who represents Haocang Island Spirit Ape to discuss business with the Qian family, you understand I mean right?"

Qian Chengjin scratched his head, expressing that he didn't quite understand.

Zhang Xibao told him: "You just need to remember that I'm on your side."

The Qian family's big villa is in the center of the imperial capital, and the people who buy villas in this area are either rich or expensive.

Among the four major families, the Qian family is at the bottom, because the Qian family has no particularly dazzling supernatural powers, but in terms of wealth, the Qian family is the number one golden pig.

"Here we are." Qian Chengjin said.

Just as Zhang Xibao got out of the car, the middle-aged butler came up to welcome him: "Guest, this way please."

Then the housekeeper said to Qian Chengjin: "The old man asked you and the third young master to find him."

"Brother Bao, you go to the guest room and wait for me for a while, my grandpa probably wants to ask about the assessment."

Qian Chengjin greeted Zhang Xibao, and walked east by himself, while the middle-aged butler led Zhang Xibao to the guest room.

in the guest room.

"What are you drinking?"

The butler asked politely: "Tea is still a carbonated drink. Recently, a new batch of cat poop coffee has arrived and tastes very good..."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Just tea! I'm not used to drinking that foreign thing..."

The middle-aged man poured tea for Zhang Xibao and then left the room. Zhang Xibao was the only one left in the huge guest room.

"Tsk tsk tsk, as expected of the Qian family, the richest of the four big families, the guest room alone is so grand."

Zhang Xibao touched the gold-plated coffee table, and then looked at the tea cup, the cup alone was worth a lot.

Zhang Xibao patted the pocket of his clothes, Chinchilla showed its small head.

"Go and keep an eye on Qian Chengjin, and come back and call me if there is any situation."

The golden mouse brush disappeared, Zhang Xibao picked up the cup and began to sip tea.

When Qian Chengjin came to the backyard where his grandfather was, Qian Guangming had already arrived, and was staring at him maliciously while sitting on a chair.

The living room is very large, with two rows of yellow rosewood chairs, making it look like the White Tiger Festival Hall. Qian Chengjin shrank his neck, he has never liked this place.

There are two chairs at the top, one of which sits a bald, fat old man. This fat old man is the grandfather of Qian Chengjin and his brothers, Qian Dafu.

Qian Dafu raised his hand: "Sit down!"

Qian Chengjin honestly picked a chair and sat down opposite Qian Guangming.

Qian Dafu nodded the armrest of the chair: "I heard from Guangming that you won the second place in the assessment this time, which is very good."

Qian Chengjin nodded in agreement.

"How much did it cost?" Qian Dafu asked.

This is a bit embarrassing, because they don't think that Qian Chengjin can get more than a hundred corpse cores with real skills, and they are sure that Qian Chengjin bought those corpse cores with money.

Qian Chengjin raised his head abruptly, glanced at Qian Guangming, then at Qian Dafu, and replied honestly, "No money was spent."

"If you don't spend money, it will be more serious..."

Qian Dafu sighed: "If you don't spend money, why should others help you? I'm afraid that someone with ulterior motives wants to use you to climb into our Qian's house! I heard that you even brought him back..."

"No, brother Bao doesn't have ulterior motives. He came to Qian's house this time to discuss business..." Qian Chengjin argued.

"Brother Bao, hehe..."

Qian Guangming curled his lips and said teasingly, "I already accepted my roommate as an errand boy, but I didn't expect the young master of the Qian family to become someone else's younger brother, hahaha..."

"Shut up!" Qian Dafu looked at Qian Guangming with displeasure, and anger was already rising in his heart.

"Business, what kind of business can a poor student have? He went to Qingbei and still relied on the subsidy from the Beishi Appreciation Bureau!"

Qian Dafu was so angry that he patted the armrest of the chair: "Xiaojin, you have let me down so much, why don't you only grow flesh but not brains?"

Qian Chengjin closed his mouth tightly, his chest heaving up and down.

Qian Dafu continued to scold: "You get a ranking, even if you spend some money, others say that our Qian family has a lot of money, we agree. Aren't you stupid for bringing people back like that!"

After finishing speaking, Qian Dafu took out a jade box, opened the box, and inside was a strange treasure seed like a burning flame.

"Before the special training, I said that whoever can get the ranking between the two of you will get the rare treasure seed, but in this situation, Xiaojin, your wisdom can't control this power, so the rare treasure seed will give your brother light! "

Qian Dafu looked at Qian Chengjin: "You just follow your father to learn how to do business. In the future, our Qian family will rely on you two brothers to go on. You take care of the business, and Guangming will become a powerful supernatural being to protect the family. , you two are on the inside and the other on the outside, just right."

Qian Guangming smiled triumphantly, and wanted to get up and take the jade box from Qian Dafu.

"Wait a moment!"

Qian Chengjin roared angrily.

"During the assessment, I obtained more than 80 corpse cores by myself, and you only have 50 cores. I am better than you!"

"Tch, who would believe it!" Qian Guangming sneered.

"If you don't believe me, Bibi, let grandpa be the witness!"

Qian Chengjin looked at Qian Dafu who was at the top again: "Brother Bao, you haven't seen it yet. Whether there is any business is another matter, but I don't want to give up this rare treasure seed. You said before the special training that whoever gets the ranking will eat the strange treasure." Treasure Seed, how can you not count your words?!"

"Xiao Jin, do you dare to disobey me?"

Qian Dafu glanced at Qian Chengjin in disbelief, and muttered to himself: "It's wrong, it's wrong!"


Qian Guangming smiled, and said to Qian Dafu: "Grandpa, my brother has learned from others after going out for three months. I will help you teach him a lesson!"

Qian Chengjin took off his coat in silence. He felt that the room was like a cage, so dull that it was hard to breathe.

"Don't die in silence, just explode in silence." Qian Chengjin suddenly remembered what Zhang Xibao said.

"Guangming, I won't let you go today."

Qian Chengjin looked at Qian Guangming: "I don't care about toys, snacks, treasure pills, points, you can take them, but I care about them, you can't grab them, go to Kong Rong in Tema and give them pears!"

Clap clap!

There was applause outside the door.

"Well said!"

Zhang Xibao pushed the door open and walked in, holding the middle-aged housekeeper hostage in his hands.

Qian Dafu looked at Zhang Xibao in shock.

Steward Qian is a serious Mysterious Grade A supernatural being, how could he be like a chicken in this doll's hands?

The middle-aged housekeeper yelled: "Old man, go, this guy is very dangerous!"

Qian Guangming added insult to injury and questioned Qian Chengjin: "Do you dare to eat the inside out and lure wolves into the house?"

"I wonder what he dares to do to me? This is the Qian family!" Qian Dafu said forcefully, but his hand sneaked towards the jade handle in his sleeve.

There is a large array in this room, and this jade handle is the eye of the array.

Zhang Xibao left the middle-aged butler outside the door, stepped into the room by himself, and waved at Qian Dafu: "Why should I do anything to you, you are not a big girl like a flower and a jade."

"I'm just here to watch a show, and talk about some business by the way..."

Zhang Xibao went to the chair, sat next to Qian Dafu, and reminded in a low voice: "Don't take that thing out of your arms, I'm timid..."

Afterwards, Zhang Xibao waved his hands downward: "You two, fight!"

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