Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 213 Graduated Right After School Started?

With Phoenix on his back, his eyes met.

"Should I call you Master Bao, or Brother Big Meng?"

Qinglong sat cross-legged in front of Zhang Xibao, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, with the Qinglong sword lying across his lap, his fingers were tapping the hilt of the sword.

"You should still call me Zhang Xibao..."

Zhang Xibao swallowed, and pointed to Qinglongjian: "Idol, can we put the sword away first?"


Qinglong turned his palm, and the Qinglong sword was put into a square-inch bracelet.

The sword was put away, but there was an extra tablet in Qinglong's hand, and he stretched out his hand to scratch and pull on the tablet.

Zhang Xibao stretched his neck to look at the screen, and asked curiously, "Idol, what are you doing?"

Qinglong said without raising his head: "I'm using Qinglong Token to retrieve all the information of 'Bao Ye', 'Brother Big Meng' and 'Zhang Xibao', the first two are SS-level secrets, but I have this authority. "

Zhang Xibao curled his lips, and muttered softly: "Isn't the black dragon society's ban to protect the privacy of the supernatural beings..."

"You mean "Different"!"

Qinglong responded to Zhang Xibao: "All the data in the backstage of "Different" are SSS-level secrets, even I can't easily transfer them, but below the SS level, they are not secrets to me."

When Zhang Xibao thought about it, it made sense. Who is the person in front of me? The Azure Dragon of the Four Saints! The Great Xia Wulonghui was established because of him, so he naturally has all kinds of top-secret authority of the Wulonghui.

The tablet beeps.

"Oh, there is..."

Qinglong glanced through the three files at a glance, and looked at Zhang Xibao with a smile: "I wasn't quite sure whether Brother Dameng had anything to do with you before. I just lied to you, but I didn't expect you to show up."

"Hey, hey...I'm out of my mind!"

Zhang Xibao patted his forehead, and then he remembered that Qinglong had only seen him wearing the mask of the Great Sage, maybe he knew about the existence of Brother Dameng through Zhen Shuichen's report, but he had never seen Brother Dameng in person.

This wave, this wave is self-explanatory.

"I'm so excited to meet my idol!" Zhang Xibao climbed up the pole.

"Why do you always call me an idol?" Qinglong asked curiously.

Zhang Xibao spread his hands: "Because I always regarded you as an idol before I became a supernatural being. Although you don't know me, you really inspired me to go through the most difficult times."

Qinglong had just read Zhang Xibao's information and knew about Zhang Xibao's family situation. His expression softened and he asked seriously: "Since you admire me, why don't you join the Five Dragons Club and work under me?"


Zhang Xibao thought carefully for a while, then shook his head: "The environment in which I grew up formed my character, so I always habitually think of people and things as bad, and think about problems with a vigilant attitude, but I yearn for and pursue the good. , peace, justice, I am an optimistic pessimist."

"To be honest, I admire the Four Sages and Xingxiu very much, and I hope to be like them, but I am afraid that after being labeled as the Five Dragons Club, my heart will be enslaved by various prohibitions. Freedom, isn't that selfish?"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, there was another silence.

"You look a lot like me when I was young..."

Qinglong looked at Zhang Xibao, and Zhang Xibao was also observing Qinglong carefully.

Qinglong is not very old, he is just a little tanned because of running back and forth, he has short inches, and has a handsome face that is not inferior to Zhan Nian, the only difference is that Zhan Nian with white hair and short hair is a bit weird, The green dragon exudes the aura of rigidity and yang.

"It's not selfish. Through these materials, I can see that you are a very good child, mature, smart and a little cunning. You just fell into a misunderstanding in your thinking."

Qinglong looked at the distant sky, a large golden sun pierced through the clouds, leaving a golden silhouette on the blue curtain.

"There is no absolute freedom..."

Qinglong said slowly: "Besides Great Xia, thousands of people can be killed or injured for a single treasure seed, and for the entrance of a foreign land, some people will not hesitate to provoke wars in other countries, if you have seen fire and blood, you will understand What does that mean?"

Zhang Xibao was silent.

Qinglong asked again: "When did you become a superhuman?"

Zhang Xibao replied: "Senior year."

"No wonder..."

Qinglong nodded slowly: "You have been a supernatural being for too short a time, so your thinking is still affected by the concept of being an ordinary person. The world of spiritual recovery is a brand new world, and you will know it slowly."

Zhang Xibao was thoughtful, and Qinglong put his two palms together to build a triangular table.

"All supernatural beings are divided according to their combat power, which can be regarded as a pyramid. When you stand at the top, the Five Dragons will become a tool for you to explore the truth of this world. Now you have just climbed to the top. Are you still hiding it now?"

Qinglong stretched out his hand to Zhang Xibao, and formally extended the invitation: "Come out and do something!"

Zhang Xibao quibbled: "He's still a child, he just took the God's Test in Qingbei, so he still has to go to school?"

"it is good."

Qinglong picked up the tablet: "I'll let the imperial capital Qingbei handle your graduation right now."

Zhang Xibao yelled: "Don't, don't, how can anyone graduate right after school starts?"

Qinglong shrugged: "Back then, Huo Huo came out to work with me after he finished college. Like you, he is also eighteen years old..."

Poor Brother Tiger...

Zhang Xibao muttered silently, held Qinglong's hand, and bargained: "I can do something, but I want too much?"

"Go for whatever you want, is there anyone who can stop you?" Qinglong shook hands with Zhang Xibao.


Zhang Xibao blinked slyly, and asked: "Then can you give me the little card in your hand?"

There are four plaques representing the highest authority of the Five Dragons Association, which belong to the Four Saints, and the four orders are issued together, and the orders issued represent the will of the entire Great Xia.

Zhang Xibao immediately set his sights on Qinglong's token.

"I don't give..."

Qinglong glanced at Zhang Xibao, and swiftly took his Qinglong Token back into the bracelet.

"If you want the horse to run, you have to let the horse eat grass..." Zhang Xibao muttered weakly.

Qinglong supports the forehead.

"I didn't say I won't give it to you, but it needs to be approved by more than 50% of the four sages, the twenty-eight stars, and all the upper-level members of the Five Dragons Club before making a new holy decree, and the four sages have a veto power."

Qinglong looked at Zhang Xibao and said, "There are currently four Holy Orders in Daxia, but there should be a fifth one. In this way, there will be no two-to-two deadlock in decision-making. The Black Dragon Society has been looking forward to the fifth Holy Order for a long time. It's..."

"So, if you want the fifth holy decree, you must at least get the approval of any two of the four holy decrees!"

"So, what should I do to be recognized?" Zhang Xibao was like a curious baby.

Qinglong grinned: "You have already contacted Vermilion Bird. She has a good impression of you in the report, and she also recognizes your strength. She will probably support you to get the fifth holy order."

"As for me, come with me to Tianlu Tomb!"

"Tianlu Tomb?"

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened suddenly: "Why is it Tianlu Tomb..."

Zhang Xibao's shout echoed in the sky, and the Phoenix galloped south with the two of them on its back.

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