Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 23 Compensation For Medical Expenses

Looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, a stretched Lincoln was parked outside the gate of No. 1 Middle School. Qi Dongqiang glanced sideways, and Zhang Xibao knew that this was Qi Dongqiang's parents.

After a while, a chunky middle-aged man in an expensive suit pushed the door in. Behind the man was followed by a bodyguard. Judging from the bodyguard's aura, he was a supernatural being. I don't know the exact level.

Director Bao frowned, and pointed to the bodyguard behind the middle-aged man: "Irrelevant people wait outside."

Open the door to show off.

The bodyguard stood still, the middle-aged man nodded, and then the bodyguard pushed the door out and guarded the office door.

As the saying goes, if you have a big head and a thick neck, you are either a rich man or a cook, and this one in front of you is a rich man.

A black suit is embellished with dark gold patterns, sunglasses are on his face, and some strange gemstone rings are on his thick fingers. Obviously these rings are exotic treasures.

"Qi Dongqiang's parents?"

Director Bao looked at the middle-aged man. He had seen this man on TV.

"Hello, Director Bao, right? My humble Chidron."

Qi Delong glanced at Qi Dongqiang, saw his son's face was covered with bloodstains, and there were three broken teeth on the table, his eyebrows trembled, and he didn't make a sound.

Listen to what the teacher has to say...

"Mr. Qi, sit down!"

Director Bao gave a brief account of what happened: "Your son fought with someone and even used strange treasures. Both of them refused to admit their mistakes, so they called the parents here."

Qi Delong didn't care about these, he only grasped key words: fighting, treasures, calling parents.

That is to say, my son still lost when he beat someone else with a strange treasure, right?

Qi Delong sat down calmly and glanced at Zhang Xibao. Zhang Xibao turned his head and seemed to be looking at the scenery outside the window. He was neither bird nor afraid of Qi Delong.

"Zhang Xibao!" Director Bao knocked on the table: "What are you doing?"

"I'm listening!" Zhang Xibao turned his head and glanced at Qi Delong.

He also knew the famous philanthropist Mr. Chidron.

"I'm a little curious. Didn't I call the parents of both parties? Why am I here, but the parents of this classmate Zhang haven't arrived yet?"

Qi Delong is a good person in business, and he is used to being cautious. The other party's parents have not come yet, and his spectrum is bigger than his own. Could it be that the other party's background is very strong?

Director Bao briefly explained: "Student Zhang's family is quite special, and the guardian is not around."

Director Bao spoke vaguely, and Qi Delong was cautious.

Qi Dongqiang didn't know what his father was thinking about, and reminded him aloud: "It's just an orphan!"

Director Bao glanced at Qi Dongqiang expressionlessly, Zhang Xibao was also expressionless, and Qi Delong was equally expressionless!

Obviously, just an orphan! Only then did Chidron feel relieved.


Chidron leaned back on the chair, crossed his arms and hugged his abdomen, and he resumed the sitting posture of the superior.

"How does Director Bao plan to deal with this matter?"

Director Bao glanced at Qi Delong, and felt a little disgusted when he saw the presence of the old god.

Another bully.

"If you should apologize, you should apologize, if you should punish, you should punish, and if you should compensate, you should compensate!"

"How exactly?" Chidron asked.

"Qi Dongqiang made a mistake first, and apologizes to classmate Zhang Xibao."

"Qi Dongqiang needs to register with the Appraisal Bureau for using strange treasures to deal with his classmates. At the same time, the school will give him a serious warning and he will be detained for probation with a serious demerit."

"In addition, Qi Dongqiang needs to compensate for the renovation cost of the damaged toilet."

"Okay!" Chidron clapped his palms violently.

"This brat is used to domineering, this time he must be taught a lesson, and he will be punished severely! Be the police and report him a serious mistake!"

Qi Dongqiang was a little puzzled, why didn't his father speak to himself this time, but instead spoke for outsiders?

"You have to apologize, don't you?"

Qi Delong stood up and kicked Qi Dongqiang's ass hard.

"Brat, hurry up and apologize to your classmates!"

Qi Dong looked at Qi Delong stubbornly, and kept his mouth shut.

"Quickly apologize!"

After speaking, Qi Delong started to grab Qi Dongqiang by the ear, forcing him to apologize to Zhang Xibao.

Qi Dongqiang's ears hurt, seeing that his father didn't cover him, but physically punished him, he was shocked and angry.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Qi Dongqiang said unconvinced.

Zhang Xibao didn't speak, and turned his body slightly to show that he didn't accept it. He always felt that things were not that simple.

Qi Delong grinned, turned to look at Director Bao: "Did you apologize?"

Director Bao nodded.

"But my son's teeth..." Chidron said hesitantly.

Director Bao began to talk about Zhang Xibao's punishment.

"Zhang Xibao gave a warning once and made a demerit once. At the same time, he compensated for the loss of the school and Qi Delong's medical expenses."


Chidron smiled and picked up the three broken teeth on the table.

"Student Zhang knocked out Dongqiang's three teeth. If you go to a better hospital to replace the teeth, you will have to pay 50,000 yuan for one tooth, and 150,000 yuan for three teeth. After all, we have made mistakes first, so we don't need the mental damage fee. Student Zhang will pay for it." One hundred and fifty thousand will do!"

150,000 is cutting flesh for an ordinary family, so what about an orphan?

Sorry to kill you!

Qi Delong took advance as retreat, and finally handed out the bloody knife.

Qi Dongqiang rubbed his sore ears, his eyes lit up, and he instantly understood what his father was thinking.

Zhang Xibao was short of money in the first place, he would definitely not be able to get the 150,000 yuan for his three teeth, what should he do if he couldn't get them out? Don't you have to bow your head and let yourself decide?

"Oh, by the way, it suddenly occurred to me that classmate Zhang's family conditions are not good, right? I, Qi Delong, is a well-known philanthropist in Beishi, and I never bully others. It's okay if I don't pay the 150,000 yuan, but you have to pay me in private." Size, after all, body, hair and skin are dependent on parents, you knocked out Qi Dongqiang's teeth, my heart aches as a father."

This trick is ruthless enough, as long as Zhang Xibao can't afford to pay and kowtows to Qi Delong, Zhang Xibao will never be able to hold his head up again in Class 1 of the third year of high school!

As long as this matter is brought up, Qi Dongqiang will always step on Zhang Xibao!

How shameless is the whole family? Director Bao felt even worse about Qi Dongqiang's family.

He also said not to bully, isn't that clearly bullying?

But... life is so cruel.

When Qi Dongqiang, Qi Delong and his son thought they had Zhang Xibao under control, Zhang Xibao spoke.

"One tooth is 50,000, right? The three are 150,000, transfer or cash?"

Zhang Xibao took out his mobile phone and looked at Qi Dongqiang and his son with a smile.

Director Bao: (?°Δ°`) Oh?

Qi Dongqiang: (?°?°?)

Chidron: (????????????)?

what's the situation? Isn't Zhang Xibao's family conditions poor? He raised his hand and took out 150,000 yuan?

Also asked him to transfer money or cash?

For a while, the office was silent.

"You... what did you say?"

Zhang Xibao repeated in displeasure: "150,000, transfer or cash? Please hurry up, I'm still in a hurry to go to class!"


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