Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 234: Dabei City Produces A Net Of Wizards

Last night's live broadcast lifted the underpants of Daxia's three competitors, making the friends in the live broadcast room hooked.

However, there were still two photos that were taken away with the young man in glasses without identification. Zhang Xibao was very curious, so he approached Wei Huohu and asked what was on the remaining photos.

Wei Huohu told Zhang Xibao that in the remaining photos there is a scepter that can control sand, which is a mysterious treasure of Class A, and a battle armor made of dragon skin, which is a rare treasure of Class C of Territory.

The most coincidental thing is that the young man with glasses turned out to be a native of Beishi, a fellow of Weihuohu and Zhang Xibao!

"So it's from my hometown!"

Zhang Xibao sighed: "We have a lot of geniuses in Beishi..."

Wei Huohu told Zhang Xibao that the young man with glasses is neither a supernatural being nor a threat to Da Xia's safety.

The holiday is over, and the students who have been trained for the same period have already attended the two-week course, so Zhang Xibao is late.

Zhang Xibao logged into the student backstage and glanced at the schedule. The first class he was going to take was Ancient Books.

There is nothing unusual about the ancient book class, the main thing is that the teacher who taught them surprised Zhang Xibao.

Impressively written on the schedule: "Qin Jiuyuan! 』

Qin Jiuyuan, the sculptor who imitated the peach-pulling jade talisman!

A great master who truly integrates magic circles and ancient scriptures into one!

"Hey boy, I'm direct boy, what did I miss?"

Zhang Xibao looked at the names on the schedule and muttered to himself.

Zhang Xibao came to the classroom early and sat down, looking at the handouts of ancient scriptures downloaded from the official website of Qingbei, the imperial capital.

The students walked into the classroom one by one, and they were a little surprised to see Zhang Xibao sitting there.

"Brother Bao, you're finally here?" Ye Qingyan greeted him while sitting on the sidelines, jokingly said, "There are rumors that you were ordered to drop out of school because of selling corpse cores, hahaha..."

Zhang Xibao looked at the students in the classroom with a black line on his face, curled his lips: "Which good guy scolds the cook when he puts down the bowl?"

Those with a guilty conscience were silent.

Zhang Xibao looked at Ye Qingyan again: "Lend me your notes from the past two weeks."

Ye Qingyan sent Zhang Xibao a copy of the electronic notes, and Zhang Xibao browsed page by page, and found that the records were all very basic ancient knowledge.

"You learned this in two weeks?" Zhang Xibao thought it was a waste of time, so he memorized this knowledge in ten minutes.

Hearing Zhang Xibao's words, Ye Qingyan couldn't help complaining: "The ancient inscription is too difficult, it's like a ghost drawing talisman..."

Qian Chengjin, the little fat man, was unreliable. He entered the classroom by stepping on the bell. When he saw Zhang Xibao behind him, Qian Chengjin ran over with a look of surprise, and sat with Zhang Xibao.

"Brother Bao, come on hot!"

"Hmm." Zhang Xibao nodded.

Before Qian Chengjin could exchange pleasantries, the class bell rang, and an old man in a dragon-patterned gown walked in. This person was Qin Jiuyuan, the teacher of the Ancient Books course.

His silver hair was scattered casually, the lines of Sichuan characters between his eyebrows were deep, and his appearance was quite majestic. The dragon pattern gown he was wearing showed that he was also a member of the Five Dragons Association.

Qin Jiuyuan glanced roughly at the number of people in the class, his gaze stayed on Zhang Xibao for a moment, and he said two words: "Let's go to class!"

The students shouted in unison: "Hello, teacher!" 』

Qin Jiuyuan pressed his hand to silence everyone and began to teach.

"I have been studying the course of Ancient Books for two weeks. I have already said at the beginning of the semester that this course requires both talent and hard work."

"The ancient inscriptions have six major functions: suppressing evil spirits, dispelling evil spirits, assisting, summoning spirits, improving luck, and controlling. The ancient inscriptions were originally developed from patterns, and use fresh air to trigger magical powers according to different patterns."

"You are all talents who can use the clear energy, so you can naturally learn the ancient talisman well. The shape of the ancient talisman is fixed, and the most important thing that affects its power is the caster and the material for casting the spell."

"We have already talked about the shape and structure. Pick a classmate to review. Qian Chengjin, come and draw the ancient soul-suppressing talisman taught in the last class!"

Qin Jiuyuan's eyes fell on Qian Chengjin, and the little fat man trembled in fright. Seeing that everyone was numb, Zhang Xibao guessed that this kid must not have studied well after class.

Qian Chengjin's face was flushed from holding back, with a constipated expression, he hesitated to go up, and Zhang Xibao couldn't help him under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Qin Jiuyuan's eyes fell on Zhang Xibao, and he said, "Student Qian doesn't seem to be feeling well, let's do it for you at the same table!"

Hmph, the old man's purpose in the first place was to run after Zhang Xibao!

Zhang Xibao didn't come to class for two weeks, the old man probably wanted to try Zhang Xibao's depth.

It's a pity, it's a pity, Qin Jiuyuan's little calculation was wrong, and the ancient soul-suppressing scroll was spread by his treasure master!

Zhang Xibao stepped onto the stage, picked up the chalk, and began to draw the ancient inscriptions on the blackboard.

Taking advantage of Zhang Xibao's drawing skills, Qin Jiuyuan introduced: "This ancient talisman was presented by a selfless anchor. I thought this person was using the guise of teaching the ancient talisman to catch people's attention, but I didn't expect the ancient talisman to suppress the soul to be so powerful. This anchor is also a genius!"

Zhang Xibao was overjoyed after listening.

Hey, the wizard you speak of is behind you!

Just as Qin Jiuyuan finished speaking, Zhang Xibao finished the painting, and even poured fresh air into the chalk, making it a real soul-suppressing ancient inscription!

A golden light flashed on the blackboard.


There was a roar that sounded like nothing.

Qin Jiuyuan turned his head, looked at the blackboard in surprise, and said, "Is that Zhang Xibao? You only need to draw the shape, and you don't need to infuse fresh air into a talisman!"

Qin Jiuyuan quickly stretched out his finger and wiped the ancient soul-suppressing scroll, and the ancient scroll became invalid instantly.

Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows, thinking that the old man has a guardian spirit...

Knowing about Zhang Xibao's situation, Qin Jiuyuan signaled Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin to sit down.

"What's the formula?" Someone raised his hand to signal.

"You must have learned the exercises!"

Qin Jiuyuan scratched the transparent air with his hand: "Some people say that the formulas of the ancient scriptures can communicate with the mysterious power between the heaven and the earth, and guide this force to exert the power of the ancient scriptures. In fact, it is the same as a kung fu method. It guides the cleanness in your body or between the heavens and the earth. gas."

Zhang Xibao thought for a moment, this is not right, when he was not a supernatural being, how could he be so clean, he could use blood as a talisman to exert the power of the ancient five thunders!

Zhang Xibao raised his hand and expressed his doubts.

"Report, Teacher Qin, I know a person. He is not a supernatural being, and he has never cultivated Qi, but he used blood as a talisman, and he has also cast a very magical ancient script! What's going on?"

After listening to Zhang Xibao's words, Qin Jiuyuan frowned, thought for a while, and replied, "If he is really a mortal as you said, then it is impossible for the ancient scroll to be useful. You must have overlooked something..."

"Perhaps the person you know, he is the kind of genius who is born with clear Qi stored in his body. You just said that he can verify this by using blood as a talisman."

Qin Jiuyuan continued: "However, I advise him not to use blood as a talisman anymore. The ancient talisman made of blood will consume the innate energy in his body. Every time he makes a talisman, he will lose part of his lifespan..."

I'm so...

Will you lose your life? !

Zhang Xibao seemed to be struck by lightning.

How many times did he use blood as a talisman?

I used it to pretend once, I used it once to deal with the villain Ye Chen, I used it once to blow up that bird-shaped beast in the park, and what else...

Fortunately, when he was rich, he began to use alien animal blood or gold and silver ink to make talismans on the talisman paper, otherwise he would die suddenly one day without knowing the reason!

It's numb!

Don't dare to fool around without professional knowledge!

Zhang Xibao thought that after class, I must eat more juling peach pits to make up for it

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