Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 236 Who Is In Favor And Who Is Against

The location of the meeting is at the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club.

Early in the morning, Zhang Xibao was woken up by Bai Weiwei's life-threatening serial calls.

Hearing Zhang Xibao's sleepy voice, Bai Weiwei raised her eyebrows coldly, gritted her teeth and said, "I'm really the emperor not in a hurry and the eunuchs in a hurry? Hurry up, don't be late!"

"Isn't it eight o'clock, it's only seven o'clock..." Zhang Xibao yawned and began to wash.

"The practice of the Black Dragon Club is to be early and never late. No one has a meeting at 8 o'clock. At 8:30 o'clock, everyone will start at nine o'clock!"

Bai Weiwei urged: "Hurry up, please, you are the protagonist today!"

"All right, all right, I don't even have breakfast, I'll go after I wash up, let's spend a bit of money today, can I take a taxi?"

After hearing Zhang Xibao's words, Bai Weiwei was startled, and asked back, "You don't usually have a means of transportation?"

Zhang Xibao replied casually: "Walk, or take the bus, which is healthy and environmentally friendly!"

"I heard that you invested 10 billion in Wang Xiao! You just squeeze the bus every day?"

Zhang Xiba is about to become the fifth dark saint of the Great Xia, and has mastered the Qilin order. He walks and takes the bus to school every day, and Bai Weiwei is shocked!

"Actually, I can also ride a phoenix, if the imperial capital doesn't attack me..." Zhang Xibao laughed dryly.

Not to mention the phoenix, the five earth-level alien beasts paid by the Ye family to Zhang Xibao include lions, tigers, elephants, ostriches, and a rabbit...

Bai Weiwei was silent for a moment, then said helplessly, "Forget it, forget it, I'll pick you up, I'll drop by anyway..."

"That's so embarrassing..."

Zhang Xibao squeezed a lump of toothpaste, brushed his teeth and said, "Come here, Kailang (vehicle) Hao (Hao) test (vehicle)!"

When Zhang Xibao finished washing, a low-key black car stopped under the apartment building.

"Ah, why don't you drive a good car?" Zhang Xibao opened the door and got into the co-pilot.

Bai Weiwei rolled his eyes at him: "Your identity is kept secret for the time being. I drive such a high-profile luxury car. Didn't I tell those who care that Zhang Xibao is the Dark Saint Qilin?"

"That's right..."

Zhang Xibao put the black Qilin mask on his face and pointed forward: "Let's open the way!"

"Yo, got a new mask?"

Bai Weiwei glanced at Zhang Xibao: "The temperament immediately improved, it's kind of like that, but it's a pity that he opened his mouth..."


Zhang Xibao leaned on the seat and closed his eyes to rest, thinking about what was going to happen next.

The black car galloped all the way, and soon arrived outside the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club.

"Let's go!"

Bai Weiwei took out the black card and led Zhang Xibao to the elevator leading to the underground of the building.

There are many people coming and going on the road, all wearing dragon uniforms of different colors.

Zhang Xibao walked with Bai Weiwei without saying a word, but instead attracted the attention of many people, mainly because the Qilin mask was too eye-catching.

"The election meeting is held on the first floor of the base."

Bai Weiwei activated the downward elevator.

Zhang Xibao asked curiously, "Is this a secret meeting?"

"Your real identity is a secret. It has been marked as an SSS-level secret in the base database, but the meeting is not. After today, all Daxia people will know that there is another dark saint in the Five Dragons Society, code-named Qilin."

Bai Weiwei explained: "This is an exciting and good thing. It shows that the power of the Five Dragons Club has increased again. The guys in the Propaganda Department will definitely not give up this opportunity. Naturally, they will make a big splash."

"I see."

Zhang Xibao nodded: "Praise my Great Xia's national prestige, right?"

As the elevator went down, Bai Weiwei brought Zhang Xibao into the venue.

This is a huge underground conference room. It is brightly lit at this time, and it is extremely solemn. People coming and going seem to be silent.

Zhang Xibao took a glance and found that the seats in the audience were divided into five parts. The part where the sparse people were not fully seated probably belonged to the stars of the Black Dragon Society. Dragon Club.

Qin Jiuyuan, Ye Weng, Qian Dafu and other bigwigs that Zhang Xibao had met all had relatively high seats.

There are five seats on the stage, and the most central seat belongs to Qinglong, the seat to his left belongs to Xuanwu and Baihu, the first seat to the right belongs to Vermilion Bird, and the second vacant seat is naturally Zhang Xibao's.

Sitting on the Xuanwu seat was a rough man with an unshaven beard, staring at Zhang Xibao with curious eyes, looking like he wanted to pick out his eyeballs and stick them on Zhang Xibao's mask to see what the person behind the black Qilin mask looked like.

This is Vermilion Bird leaving her father? Zhang Xibao glanced at Xuanwu calmly.

Sitting in Baihu's seat was a short-haired woman with a heroic appearance, wearing a close-fitting dragon pattern uniform, sitting beside Xuanwu, looking at Zhang Xibao coldly.

Zhang Xibao quickly went through it in his mind, making sure he had never seen this woman before.

As he walked all the way, countless eyes swiped over him.

Under countless invisible sights, Zhang Xibao walked to the empty seat, pulled out the chair, sat down, glanced around from left to right, and made eye contact with pairs of eyes in the audience.

His expression seemed to say: What?

There was no speech before the meeting, and there was no host to mobilize the atmosphere. In the suffocating silence, Qinglong's voice sounded: "The candidates for the fifth saint have arrived, and the meeting has begun."

"The information about the combat power of the candidates has been distributed to everyone, and the first item is started: the vote of the four saints."

"I, the holder of the Qinglong Token, Dong Qinglong, agree that the candidate will become the Fifth Dark Saint and hold the Qilin Token!"

The rough man said: "I, the holder of the Xuanwu Token, Bei Xuanwu, oppose the candidate to become the Fifth Dark Saint."

The short-haired woman said, "I, the holder of the White Tiger Token, West White Tiger, oppose the candidate becoming the Fifth Dark Saint."

Vermilion Bird left the mouth: "I, the holder of the Vermilion Bird Token, Nan Vermilion Bird, approve the candidate to become the Fifth Dark Sage, and hold the Qilin Token!"

There was a bang.

There was an uproar in the audience.

Two to two.

This is where it gets interesting!

It stands to reason that the Four Sages were already in good spirits at the beginning of the conference. The first Four Sages ticket was definitely just a formality. Why did the embarrassing situation of two to two appear?

Could it be that there is a split among the Four Saints?

What's more interesting is that Vermilion Bird turned against Xuanwu, father and daughter turned against each other?

As long as the Qin family's father and daughter discuss which side to vote for, there won't be a two-to-two stalemate!

Qinglong looked at Xuanwu and Baihu: "The opponents express their opinions."

Xuanwu laughed dryly: "Baihu come first!"

The short-haired woman remained expressionless, and said bluntly: "I should not doubt the person recommended by Dong Qinglong, whether it is character or combat power, but..."

"I don't agree!"

As soon as Xi Baihu spoke, Tang Tonghai from the audience supported his forehead.

The third girl Tang Yinghuang is a deadhead!

Did fighting break your brain?

Xuan Wu, a big man with a pinched foot, is rough-looking, but he is as careful as a hair. He asked Bai Hu to speak first, did he make it clear that he would use her to block the gun? !

And Sanya said something bad, saying that the candidate was recommended by Dong Qinglong.

What's the meaning? Said Qinglong favoritism?

And what does she mean by dissatisfaction?

You object because you are not convinced?

Damn, how many enemies does the Tang family want to make out of thin air?

Tang Tonghai almost pouted with anger, his old face was flushed, and he secretly glanced at a few old friends.

I found that Qin Jiuyuan, Ye Weng, and Qian Dafu were all smiling and giving him a thumbs up...

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