Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 248 Heart Ghosts Backlash, Capture Aoki Alive


"Ah, ah, ah!"

Aoki who was lying on the ground like a dead dog suddenly floated up.

After Zhang Xibao wiped out the lung-breaking ghost, liver ghost, and spleen ghost, there was only one ghost left in the Qingmu Four Temples, and he was dying.

" me!"

With a bang, the iron net of the ventilation duct was knocked open, and the bald [Tom] crawled out of the duct, reminding Zhang Xibao: "The heart ghost supported by Aoki is the most powerful, be careful!"

The ghost possessed him, the seven orifices of Qingmu were bleeding, and the joints all over his body were crackling. He was floating in the air like a marionette, with a dull expression.

"I knock, Kayako?"

Zhang Xibao frowned and held up the "Suppressing Evil and Expelling Evil" card, [Tom] ran out of the room scrambling.

Bai Weiwei told Zhang Xibao: "All irrelevant people in the hotel have already evacuated. This kind of spiritual power is the most difficult to deal with. Be careful..."

It is an extremely stupid thing to let the enemy count down and amplify their moves. Taking advantage of Aoki floating in mid-air and in an unconscious state, Zhang Xibao raised the "Suppressing Evil and Expelling Evil" card, and used the Yangmian Five Thunder ancient talisman to attack Aoki.

"I chop!"


Looking from the outside of the hotel, a large cloud of lightning flashed from the window of room 706.

A powerful five lightning strikes struck Aoki's body right in the middle.

Furniture crumbled to pieces, appliances shattered, and broken wires crackled and flickered.

The fire sprinklers on the roof began to sprinkle water, and the smoke cleared away quickly, leaving only hazy mist in the house.

Zhang Xibao looked at Aoki intently, Aoki floating in mid-air was wrapped in a mass of black hair, most of the hair was covered by the five lightning strikes, but Aoki inside was not hurt.


Aoki opened his mouth and shouted, but the voice that came out of his throat was an incomparably sharp female voice.

"What the hell is this! Why did you change your gender?"

A large piece of hair pierced through the water curtain and rolled towards Zhang Xibao, those extremely thin strands were even sharper than the claws of liver ghosts and spleen ghosts.

Zhang Xibao raised his hand and hit a fire shield, his hair actually resisted the strange fire and stabbed Zhang Xibao's chest.

"Huh? This hair is a bit powerful!"

Zhang Xibao replaced the strange fire with the real fire of Samadhi, and the ferocious hair was burned to ashes.

Samadhi True Fire is the aggregation of Heart Fire, Kidney Fire, and Bladder Fire, which naturally restrains the hair of ghosts.

Aoki seemed to be indiscriminately attacking everything around him.

Not only Zhang Xibao was attacked, but the surrounding furniture and walls were all smashed by hair. Fortunately, there was a magic circle cage around 706, otherwise the whole building would have been smashed to pieces by the ghost's hair!

"The real fire of Samadhi can burn this ghost, burn it to death..."

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath, and when he was about to fight the fire, an old voice came from behind him.

"Fellow Daoist wait a minute!"

Zhang Xibao turned his head and saw that it was Zhen Shuichu's grandfather Zhang Laodao who had come.

"This guy's three temples were damaged, and the injury was too serious, which caused the ghost to bite back..."

Zhang Laodao stood side by side with Zhang Xibao, stared at the crazy Aoki, and said: "The upper echelon of the Red Dragon Society has orders to catch people..."

The leader of the Red Dragon Association, Wulong, sent Zhang Laodao to catch Qingmu's life, it seems that there is something wrong.

"Daoist, this is a cut-throat, I'm about to earn the 10,000 merit points..." Zhang Xibao was a little displeased, he was specially assigned by the Black Dragon Society for this task.

Of course, the Black Dragon Society is under the control of the Red Dragon Society. Zhang Laodao's orders are higher than Zhang Xibao's orders.

He said that just to ask for some benefits, so he couldn't make a trip in vain...

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, 10,000 merit points will be distributed as usual afterwards."

Zhang Laodao glanced at Zhang Xibao, and said: "I am his grandfather Zhenshuichen, Chenshui said that you saved his life, the old Taoist is very grateful, and I will give you 20 Huaqing Pills later!"

"Hey, that's a good relationship!"

Zhang Xibao took two steps back, leaving room for Zhang Laodao to operate.

Zhang Laodao touched the square-inch bracelet, and pieces of cyan talisman papers flew out.

The talisman papers are connected end to end, turning into several talisman chains.


The talisman chains wrapped around the crazy Aoki, imprisoning those thorny hairs together.

Zhang Laodao took out his precious treasure "Qi Zixian Gourd" again, unscrewed the lid, and uttered a word: "Take it!"

The invisible force pulled Aoki and flew into the Qizi fairy gourd.

"It's really one thing and one thing!"

Zhang Xibao sighed: "This gourd of the Taoist priest is really a treasure!"

To kill Qingmu, Zhang Xibao can easily do it with Samadhi True Fire, but if he wants to catch a living, Zhang Laodao's "Qi Zi Xian Gourd" is better.

Zhang Laodao put away the gourd without showing any trace, turned over his palm, and a porcelain vase appeared.

"These are twenty Huaqing Pills, please accept them, Fellow Daoists."

Zhang Xibao took the porcelain vase and smiled: "Thank you, Taoist priest!"

Zhang Laodao waved his hand: "Fellow Daoist saved the life of his grandson, Zhen Shuiworm, how can you say thank you for mere Hua Qing Dan!"

"Fellow Daoist, do you remember that you and I met once?" Zhang Laodao looked at Zhang Xibao for a while and asked again.

Qinglong issued a confidentiality order, and Zhen Shuiqi did not tell Zhang Laodao about Zhang Xibao's true identity.

The meeting that Zhang Laodao mentioned was probably the time when he was riding a white crane to chase a phoenix.

Zhang Xibao nodded: "The Taoist priest is talking about the time when he flew in the sky, right?"

"It really is you, Fellow Daoist!"

Zhang Laodao had a look of joy on his face, and proposed to see the Phoenix under Zhang Xi's throne.

"What am I supposed to do, want to see Phoenix?"

Now that Zhang Laodao has received 20 grains of Huaqing Dan, let's perform it.

The two came to the top of the building, Zhang Xibao waved his hand, Fang Rui turned into a huge phoenix, and let out a high-pitched cry.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, this is auspicious, just like the dark sage Qilin brings blessings to Daxia!"

All of a sudden, Zhang Xibao became vigilant. In his impression, Zhang Laodao was not the kind of person who would flatter him. Could it be that the old Daoist wanted something from himself?

Until Zhang Laodao left on the Qizixian gourd, Zhang Xibao didn't hear any strange requests.

Looking at the back of Zhang Laodao riding away on a gourd, Zhang Xibao stood on the roof, scratched his head, and muttered to himself: "Could it be that I feel wrong?"

On the high-altitude gourd boat.

Zhang Laodao took out his mobile phone and sent two messages to the Red Dragon Society.

"Aoki has been captured alive. 』

"The Fifth Dark Saint Qilin possesses a transformation-type treasure, which is suitable for sneaking missions. 』

Remembering the flattery just now, Zhang Laodao blushed a little.

However, for the next task of the Five Dragons Association, Zhang Laodao felt that his face was not so important.

Unbeknownst to Zhang Xibao, a mission of "Infernal Affairs" tailor-made for him is quietly brewing.

Capturing Aoki is the first step.

Determining Zhang Xibao as the most suitable candidate is the second step.

The third step is to wait for the Neon informant to send a message...

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