Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 25 Little Smart Ghost

The fire dragon roared silently, and the tongue of fire licked the hanging decorations on the wall of the hall. In an instant, the hanging decorations ignited a fire, emitting thick white smoke.

The hall was full of smoke, the fire extinguisher on the ceiling was activated, and the nozzles began to pour water, but the cold water seemed to be unable to extinguish the flames created by man No. 1!

The previous three security personnel had already reacted and charged over with their anti-riot shields in hand. There seemed to be a supernatural person among the three.

Clients rushed out of the hall screaming like sardines. The crowd prevented the security guard from approaching man No. 1, and the security guard did not dare to activate the explosion-proof gun for fear of accidentally injuring innocent citizens.

Sirens, screams one after another...

Thick smoke, flames, and crowds obstruct the view...

Suddenly, man No. 2 jumped out of the thick smoke, and bumped into the security guard holding the explosion-proof shield with his shoulder.


After a muffled sound, the three security guards were knocked into the air. The No. 2 man has a lot of strength!

Taking advantage of the time when the three security guards were in a mess, man No. 1 picked up a pocket, smashed the explosion-proof glass of the counter with his fist, and said to the saleswoman inside: Pretend!

What are you pretending to be? of course W

Bundles of W's went into pockets, and then man number one dropped another pocket.

Get away now! Zhang Xibao thought so.

But as a good young man in the new century, how can he escape selfishly?

There must be some way to hinder the plans of these two people.

Fighting hard is definitely not enough, if you fight alone, Zhang Xibao is no match for any man, but the opponent has supernatural powers!

That fire cannot be quenched by ordinary water!


Zhang Xibao had an idea, and ran outside with his schoolbag in his arms.

These two men will definitely run away after successfully getting the money!

how do they run Use transportation!

Judging from the motorcycle suit of the second man, Zhang Xibao can conclude that these two people will definitely escape on fast motorcycles!

As long as you find the motorcycles of two people and destroy their means of transportation, wouldn't it be fine? !

"I'm such a clever little ghost!" Zhang Xibao muttered to himself.

If I were a robber, I would definitely find a hidden place to hide the car. Zhang Xibao searched outside, and finally found a black motorcycle in a corner without a camera.

The spray paint pattern of this black motorcycle is exactly the same as that of No. 2 man's motorcycle suit!

"That's it!"

Zhang Xibao carried his schoolbag and headed straight for the motorcycle in the corner.

I would like to ask: Those two men are very fast, obviously planning for a long time, they will come to ride the motorcycle in less than two minutes, how can Zhang Xibao destroy the motorcycle in the shortest time?

Answer: A: deflate the tire

B: Blocking the motorcycle keyhole

C: Blocking the motorcycle exhaust pipe

D: used to be

Zhang Xibao chose D!

He first picked up a branch and poked it into the keyhole of the motorcycle, then sprinkled a handful of sand into the keyhole...

Zhang Xibao squatted down again and poked a junk food bag into the exhaust pipe of the motorcycle, and finally buckled the inner tire valve of the rear wheel for a while...


The rear wheel deflated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhang Xibao, who did good deeds without leaving his name, ran away with his schoolbag. He ran far away, and finally stopped on a bridge with a better view.

After finally coming out, let's take a look at the excitement, and by the way, see if there is a special organization to deal with these supernatural criminals and criminals.

Men No. 1 and No. 2 ran out with bags full of them. The speed of the two of them was extremely fast.

The two ran straight towards the motorcycle in the corner.

It's okay, it's okay...Zhang Xibao patted his chest, it turned out that he was right.

Man No. 1 yelled: "Drive fast", and then flew into the back seat of the motorcycle.

Man No. 2 stepped onto the front seat of the motorcycle, took out the key and inserted it, and was stunned...

"What's wrong?" Number One asked suspiciously.

No. 2 roared angrily: "Wow, shit, the keyhole is blocked by some bastard!"

No. 1 frowned, looked around, and found nothing unusual.

He switched positions with No. 2, then smashed the dial of the motorcycle in a circle, pulled out two wires, and successfully started the engine.

"Sit tight, let's go!"

Turn the first turn to oil, and the sound of the motorcycle is a bit weird.

Puff puff puff...

It's like farting!

No. 1 is a master of motorcycles, when he heard the wrong voice: "It's broken, the exhaust pipe was blocked!"

No. 2 hurriedly lowered his head to check: "I said, why doesn't it feel right, the rear wheel is out of breath!"

"Depend on!"

The two roared at the same time.

"Someone wants to kill us!"

"Don't let me catch him!"



"Can't run away, grab the car and run!"

The two looked around ferociously, planning to grab a vehicle and escape.

Due to the situation at the bank just now, the customers fled in all directions, and many cars were left around.

Number one selected a white car, shattered the glass with his fist, and opened the door.

Number Two sat in the co-pilot, Number One pulled out the wire to start the ignition, and the car roared into action.

Seeing that the two were about to run away, a figure descended from the sky.

The man who fell from the sky smashed the front cover of the car into a big hole, and the car's engine was instantly scrapped.

The man had bristling fiery red hair, dressed in black patterned dragon clothes, with bulging muscles, and the big gun in his hand was as fiery red as his hair.

On the flyover in the distance, Baojian in Zhang Xibao's mind responded.

Rare Treasure Chapter: Yan Mo Gun

"Yan Mo Spear: A mysterious treasure of the first class, the body of the gun is red, one foot long, the blade is one foot long, and the blade is three inches wide. It weighs one hundred and sixty-five catties. Made of Yan Mo's tiger bones, tiger teeth, and tiger claws! 』

"Oh my god, Yan Moqiang, isn't this person Taihuohu, the number one supernatural being in Beishi?!"

The instigator, Zhang Xibao, was lying on the bridge, pouted his buttocks, and secretly observed the man who fell from the sky.

The glass of the car was completely shattered, and the whole body was stepped on the ground and bounced a few times, and No. 1 and No. 2 sitting inside were shaken to pieces.

No. 1 shook his head, and saw the strange man in front of the car looking down on him.

"Ma, De, can't you let someone take a good vacation, and find trouble for me every day!"

Tail Fire Tiger complained, pointed at No. 1 and No. 2 with the tip of his gun, and said, "Hurry up and come down by yourself and hear, or you won't regret it when I do it!"

Too pretentious, approve it!

Zhang Xibao rubbed his hands excitedly, I like this batch!

No. 1 and No. 2 looked at each other, and they didn't know where the second idiot with red hair came from.

"Go down for me!"

Seeing that someone stopped him, No. 1 roared, opened his hand through the window glass, and a fire dragon flew towards the tail fire tiger.

"Hey, are you still playing with fire?"

The tailed fire tiger chuckled, turned the tip of the gun and shook it twice towards the fire dragon. The inextinguishable fire dragon, like a cat touching its thigh, obediently wrapped itself around the gun body and climbed up, then went out with a pop.

"You met your ancestor, you know?!"

Without waiting for No. 1 and No. 2 to react, Tail Huohu stretched out the tip of his gun and pointed at the two of them, and a bigger fire dragon roared out along the mouth of the big gun!


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