In the office.

Director Bao and Zhang Xibao stared wide-eyed.

The two were silent for a moment, and Zhang Xibao spoke first: "Director Bao, then shall I go to class first?"

"Not urgent."

Director Bao took another sip of tea from his cup, pointed to the chair next to him and said, "Sit down first, let's chat."

Zhang Xibao sat obediently on the chair.

Director Bao asked: "Zhang Xibao, do you have any objections to my handling of you and Qi Dongqiang this time? Tell the truth!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand indifferently: "I don't have an opinion, I don't have an opinion, so how dare you!"

Director Bao shrugged his eyebrows: "Don't you dare? That means you have an opinion?"

"What's your opinion?" Director Bao stared at Zhang Xibao, as if he really wanted to hear Zhang Xibao's opinion.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xibao covered his chest in pain and said, "50,000 teeth are too expensive!"

Director Bao almost spit out a mouthful of water.

"It's really expensive..."

Wiping the water stains from the corner of his mouth, Director Bao said: "I just learned about your situation. I don't ask where your money came from, but can you tell me how you took Qi Dongqiang who was wearing a strange treasure?" Was it defeated?"

"Hey, it's nothing, just react faster and have more strength."

"At that time, Qi Dongqiang was like a lunatic. He didn't know how to punch, and he was as stupid as a pig when he went straight. I just dodged sideways and tripped his leg, and he fell to the wall by himself, knocking out three teeth. Bad luck for him!"

What Zhang Xibao said was reasonable, and he couldn't fault it. He is not stupid, how could he show his cards.

"So that's how it is."

Director Bao nodded his head, as if he agreed with Zhang Xibao's statement.

After hesitating for a while, Director Bao said to Zhang Xibao, "Do you know that you have caused trouble?"

Zhang Xibao didn't speak, and looked at Director Bao with a puzzled expression.

Director Bao sighed: "Just take the money back and compensate Qi Dongqiang, if you insist on saying those words to humiliate them, they value face the most, but you slapped the other party's face.

Besides, I don't think Chi Delong seems to be a man with a lot of money. He bowed and apologized to you on the surface, but in fact he already has a grudge against you in his heart, and maybe he will trouble you in the future! "

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised that Director Bao was able to tell him this with all his heart.

The Zhang Xibao reminded by Director Bao is of course clear in his heart, but if he regresses, will the other party let him go?

Zhang Xibao pretended to be stupid and said in a daze: "The sky is bright and bright, I don't believe he can do anything to me!"

"You still think too simply!"

Director Bao sighed, stared at Zhang Xibao and said something endless: "This world is not black and white."

"Perhaps you've heard rumors about me. I did retire from the army with a broken foot."

Director Bao opened his trousers, and Zhang Xibao saw that his right foot was wearing a prosthesis.

Zhang Xibao remained silent.

"As a person, I'm not good at sophistication, and I don't like to laugh too much, so the students are afraid of me, but what I want to tell you is that the world is not as simple as you see it. Look at the problem and not the appearance. You need to use your brain more, plan before you act, you know?"

Director Bao pointed to his head, and Zhang Xibao nodded.

"How about it, don't leave after school, come to the equipment room of the school to find me, I will teach you a set of boxing techniques, so that you can have the ability to protect yourself when you encounter things."

Without waiting for Zhang Xibao's response, Director Bao waved his hand: "If you want, you can find me in the equipment room after class, and go to class now!"

Zhang Xibao stood up, bowed to Director Bao, opened the door and walked out of the office.

Director Bao looked at Zhang Xibao's leaving back with some doubts.

What's wrong with me?

Why teach this boy boxing?

Is it pity for seeing him as an orphan?

Do you feel guilty that your students were bullied by Qi Delong?

Maybe it's because seeing this young man is like seeing the people he was familiar with back then!

Zhang Xibao walked in the corridor back to the classroom, muttering to himself.

"Director Bao is a good man! Don't ask him to Bao Heitan again?"

Director Bao in the office sneezed, unaware that he had been issued a good person card by Zhang Xibao.

He picked up his phone, and the system pushed a news on the screen. The title was: At 9:10 in the morning, XX Bank in Beishi was robbed. Two robbers have been captured. The unknown hero destroyed the robber's vehicle. Bring precious capture time!

"Hiss~ This bank seems to be near No. 1 Middle School, right?"

Director Bao clicked on the news with a curious expression on his face.

At 9:10 this morning, two people with supernatural powers robbed XX Bank. One of them, who was a fire-type superhuman, ignited a big fire at the scene, and cooperated with the other supernatural person to rob more than two million yuan. The tool was destroyed by an unknown hero, and the robbers were arrested on the spot by the police who arrived. The case did not cause any fatalities. Only a bank clerk was fainted from fright, an old man sprained his waist, and several people were trampled on. hurt……

The news concealed the process of Taihuohu catching the robbers, and all the credit for catching the criminals was given to an unknown hero who blocked the keyhole of the motorcycle.

"Hey, did Zhang Xibao get the money from this bank?"

Director Bao muttered to himself with a strange expression on his face.

Our unsung hero Zhang Xibao pushed open the classroom door, and all the students in the classroom all turned their eyes to him, looking at him with fear and curiosity.

This class is a history class, and the history teacher knocked on the table on the podium with the textbook.

"Student Zhang Xibao, hurry up and sit back, don't disturb the students in class!"

"Hey, good!"

Zhang Xibao trotted back to his seat, and found a history book from the pile of books.

The eyes of the students followed Zhang Xibao in unison.

The history teacher knocked on the table in dissatisfaction: "Where are you looking, look at me!"

The students turned their attention to the blackboard and the teacher.

Han Meimei lowered her head and asked quietly, "Hey, are you okay?"

Zhang Xibao didn't speak, and gave her an OK sign. The history teacher kept a close eye on her, and Han Meimei didn't ask any more questions.

Zhang Xibao stared blankly at the textbook, not actually in a daze, but diverted his attention to communicate with the "Tongtian Dabaojian" in his mind.

"Shu Ling, get out of here!" 』

Zhang Xibao called out a few times silently, and a golden figure reluctantly appeared.

"Qi Dongqiang's glove is the rare treasure you bit into pieces, right? 』

The pages of Shuling's book rattled, as if it was smashing its mouth.

"In the future, without my permission, you are not allowed to eat other people's treasures, you know?" 』

"You know how easy it is to expose this way? 』

"Forget it this time, let's not make an example next time!" 』

Zhang Xibao severely criticized Shu Ling, but Shu Ling made a humming sound, sounding aggrieved.

Through the emotions conveyed by Shu Ling, Zhang Xibao figured out what Shu Ling meant.

What Shu Ling meant was that since it followed Zhang Xibao, it couldn't eat any rare treasures, not even the dragon carp it had coveted for a long time, and it had to help Zhang Xibao live broadcast the work, it was so wronged!

Zhang Xibao felt a little guilty, so he quickly comforted Shu Ling.

"I'll catch dragon carps for you after a while, okay?" 』

"But you really can't just eat other people's treasures, it will bring danger to us, we are grasshoppers on the same rope now, if I die, you have to disappear too, right?" 』

"There will be exotic meat, and there will be exotic treasures, be good! 』

The book spirit stopped whining, but spit out a black ball from the opened and closed pages to Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao, who was in a daze, had a thought, and suddenly a black bone-washing pill appeared in his hand. He silently stretched his hand to his mouth, snapped it into his mouth and ate it.

It's better to eat this pill first, otherwise the Chinchilla will protest again after seeing it.

"Zhang Xibao!"

Han Meimei glanced at him in surprise.

"You Zhang Xibao with thick eyebrows and big eyes has also learned to eat in class, right? You eat candy, right? Give me one!"

Zhang Xibao: ?\_(ツ)_/? No! ! !


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