Martin ran extremely fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, he was able to leap hundreds of meters. The pale golden blood was extremely dazzling under the firelight.

Most of the twelve disciples were surrounded to death by the flame crows, and the remaining three or four guys of the same rank rushed out of the encirclement by force, dragging their bruised bodies and chasing Martin.

Saint Martin’s wave, it’s impossible to steal a chicken without losing a lot of rice, not only did not pick a single treasure seed, even a large part of his wings were cut off by the sword energy, and the combat power of the heavenly rank was damaged. It will cost a lot to recover.

"Master! 』

The flame crows flew over one after another, Xiao Ni carried the injured Zhang Xibao with his body, and the crows flew to the ground guarding him.

"It's all flesh and blood wounds, not the vitals. The sword energy left by Zhan Nian is powerful enough, even the slough of the immortal was cut..."

Zhang Xibao took out the spirit ginseng again, and in the terrified eyes of the spirit ginseng, he asked, "Are you doing it yourself or let me do it?"

"Quack chicken! 』

Lingshen pulled out a few thicker roots and offered them with both hands.

"Well, you're quite sensible, if you know how to pull out something good, give it to me..."

Zhang Xibao crunched the ginseng silk like he was eating dried radish, leaving half of it unfinished.

"Fly over there and see how the West White Tiger is doing..."

Zhang Xibao pointed into the darkness. When he was fighting Martin earlier, there was a loud explosion on the ground, but he didn't bother to check.

"Master Dark Saint, all the supernatural beings at Gupopa Base have been wiped out!"

Kui Mulang and others came to report, Zhang Xibao nodded: "Everyone has done a good job, and the snow lotus seeds have also been obtained. Our mission this time has been a complete victory!"

There was a cheer in the darkness.

"Where is Master Xibaihu?" Shen Shuiyuan asked suddenly.

"There was a sound of fighting from below, I was flying fast, I went down to check first..."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ni flew down with Zhang Xibao on his back.

"West White Tiger?"

No response.

"Could it be dead?"

Zhang Xibao took out his shiny cane and searched around.

"There are bloodstains..."

Large expanses of bloody flowers were soaked in white ice and snow, as if a few big red flowers bloomed on the snow-white paper.

Zhang Xibao searched for a while, and found a pair of feet under a collapsed snow mountain. He stretched out his hand and pulled out a headless corpse.

"This is Gupopa's, why is it so big?"

The torso of the headless corpse was six meters long, like a giant from a myth, and there were four arms on the torso, and the muscles were as hard as steel blocks.

"Gu Popa's normal appearance is three meters long and is still in human form. Could it be that he has practiced some kind of weird technique?"

Zhang Xibao observed again, there were several fist marks deeply sunken on the incomparably hard torso, which was enough to prove how strong the attacker's fists were.

"It must be the West White Tiger who can fight. With this level of strength, I have to rely on the blessing of the "Dragon Singing Overlord Body" and the inner weapon spirit in the Tribulus thorn stick. Could it be that the West White Tiger burst out 100% of the White Tiger Saint Body? gone?"

Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered that Gu Popa said that the eruption of the white tiger's holy body can only last for 30 seconds, and then there will be a more intense backlash.

"Damn, something's not going well..."

"Xibaihu, squeak if you're not dead!"

"Could it be crushed under the snow mountain?"

Zhang Xibao told the Flame Crows to scatter to look for the West White Tiger.

The stars came in a hurry, Kui Mulang took out a compass, Zhang Xibao slapped his forehead: "I forgot about this, look for it!"

Fresh air was injected into the black compass, and a small dot representing the Western White Tiger appeared. Her position was hundreds of meters away from the position of Gu Popa's body, and she was buried in the ice and snow.

"Dig, be careful not to hurt anyone!"

Zhang Xibao gave an order, and the constellations began to dig, and finally pulled out a broken man from the thick ice and snow.

There was not a single piece of good flesh on Xi Baihu's skin, her body was covered with cracks like a broken porcelain doll, blood seeped from her white robe and even melted the ice and snow.

It can be said that Xibaihu is relying on the battle strength of the ground rank armor to draw the last breath of immortality.

But she was clutching Gupapa's shattered elephant head tightly in her hand.

Xibaihu's mouth was moving slightly.

Zhang Xibao squatted down and heard her say: "Finally... I unscrewed the head of the elephant, I avenged the fire monkey..."

Two female stars covered their mouths and sobbed softly, and the other stars were also silent.

"Don't cry, she won't die."

Zhang Xibao took out the leftover ginseng whiskers and stuffed them into Xi Baihu's mouth, and asked Fang Rui to help Xi Baihu heal the broken wound.

The dejected face faded away, and Xi Baihu recovered her sanity. She asked Zhang Xibao curiously, "What did you give me?"

"Dried radish!"

Zhang Xibao covered her mouth, told her to stop talking nonsense, and turned to order the stars: "Transfer her back to the headquarters as soon as possible, my Phoenix is ​​extremely fast, I will take her away first, and you stay here to clean up the battlefield... "

Xi Baihu's injury temporarily dilutes the joy of victory, the constellations hurried to clean up the battlefield, the phoenix soared into the sky, and flew to the imperial capital with the two injured people.

"Have you got the rare treasure seeds?"

"I saw Martin run away, you are really good..."

After being injured, Xi Baihu became a chatterbox for the first time, the more Zhang Xibao refused to let her talk, the more she rambled on.

"Well, the seeds are in hand, and your combat power is not bad!"

Zhang Xibao responded casually, Chin Maoshu squeaked twice, and handed Zhang Xibao a square inch ring, which contained thousands of rare treasure seeds.

"Actually, I really admire you. I came to the border just to get the rare treasure seeds, but you have been able to stay in a place where the birds don't shit for so many years..."

Zhang Xibao found that Xi Baihu was easy to talk to, and he was bored on the road, so he chatted with her.

"It's not me who is amazing, it's the ordinary fighters!"

Xi Baihu added another sentence: "And those who gave their lives for lofty ideals..."

"Indeed." Zhang Xibao nodded.

The topic was a bit heavy, and both of them fell into silence.

After a while, Xi Baihu suddenly said: "Under the ice and snow just now, I felt that my life was passing away, and one foot was already standing on the door of hell, but you fed me that thing, and I felt that I could still live. "

"Of course, Master Bao has rejuvenated!" Zhang Xibao said proudly.


Xi Baihu was stunned for a moment: "You are Master Bao? I am your fan. When I am bored, I watch your live broadcast..."

"Yo, are you still my fan?"

Zhang Xibao was also a little surprised, he glanced at Xi Baihu: "I don't know your name yet?"

"Tang Yinghuang." Xi Baihu replied.

"I knock, don't I?"

Zhang Xibao took another careful look at Xi Baihu: "I said, why are your eyebrows so familiar? Are you Lin Lang's older sister, from the Tang family?"

"The world is really too small!"

The wind tore Zhang Xibao's exclamation into pieces, and the two guys gradually became acquainted.


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