Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 286: Many Treasure Seeds Are Just Playing



Zhang Xibao jumped up, just about to open Shuling's mouth and take out the 4.0 prototype, when suddenly a virtual screen appeared in front of Shuling!

What surprised Zhang Xibao the most was that the scene on the virtual screen was exactly the same as his perspective!

"What do you mean?"

"The book spirit merged into my sea of ​​consciousness, and the scene I saw was displayed by the book spirit using the magic circle in the 4.0 prototype?"

"Good guy, I really have a camera on my head!"

"When the time comes, the live broadcast that Baoyou will see will not be the first person, VR?"

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand and dangled in front of his eyes, a dangling palm also appeared on the virtual screen, and the picture on the screen was still dropping frames as Zhang Xibao blinked...

"Then don't I want to live broadcast in the future, without being restricted by time and place..."


At that time, the flame crows will carry the base station, even the king of heaven and I will not be able to stop Zhang Xibao from broadcasting live at the auction!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xibao laughed.


The cry of the golden mouse interrupted Zhang Xibao's meditation.

Zhang Xibao patted Chinchilla's small head: "This time you have contributed a lot, so I'll reward you with a rare treasure seed too!"

The Chinchilla stretched out its two front paws, and ate the snow lotus seeds like eating melon seeds.

The fungus ran over and meowed around Zhang Xibao, with a resentful look of being out of favor.

"Okay, okay, a bowl of water is flat, and I will give you a rare treasure seed, let's use it as a reward next time!"

Zhang Xibao also fed the fungus a strange treasure seed.

"Since that's the case, let's feed Xiaoni and his crow's legs one too. Anyway, I took two hundred seeds..."

If outsiders see Zhang Xibao feeding the priceless rare treasure seeds to pets one by one, their eyes will probably pop out...

"I can't help it, having a rare treasure seed is self-willed and arrogant!"

After awarding the rare treasure seeds to the flame crows who played the role of the twelve disciples, Zhang Xibao still had 184 seeds in his hand, and he would have to throw them for a while even if they were all in vain.

"Hurry up and upgrade, when the time comes, give me the entire real Twelve Disciples, or Crow Dao F4 or something..."

Zhang Xibao encouraged him for a while, and let Xiao Ni take the younger brothers back to the Flame Crow Flag.

"Well... I have mastered the powers of fire and earth, can I gather all the five elements with this snow lotus seed?"

Zhang Xibao took out a large handful of sparkling snow lotus seeds.

"The color of each seed in this thing is not the same. I don't know which color represents which line. I don't know, so I dare not eat it. If I am fried, I'd better wait for the experiment..."

The 15 seeds awarded by Zhang Xibao to Wang Xiao, He Xiansheng, Chin Maoshu, Fungus, Crow King Xiaoni and the younger brothers were of different colors, namely 1 brown, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 blue, and 12 red.

When the strange treasure seeds take effect, Zhang Xibao only needs to tell which color corresponds to which row according to the abilities they produce, and then he can eat the strange treasure seeds with confidence.

And the order in which the seeds are eaten is also particular. Zhang Xibao has mastered the fire and earth elements so far, and the next should be gold, water, and finally wood.

Only in this way can the five elements generate and restrain each other, so that the five supernatural powers can form a closed loop in the body, so that the five elements will not be out of balance.

In the afternoon, Chinchilla found Zhang Xibao excitedly, squeaked, and wrote on the pen and paper:

"I have supernatural powers! 』

"Oh? What kind of power is it? Let me be healthy!" Zhang Xibao asked Chinchilla to show him quickly.

Chinchilla arched its body, straining as if constipated, its white hair stunned.

"Huh?" Zhang Xibao exclaimed.


Chinchilla let out a cry, and the white fur on its body shot out like a hidden weapon, and it shot the table out of densely packed small holes.

The white hair pierced through the solid wood table and was finally nailed to the floor. Zhang Xibao pulled out a white hair and observed it, and found that the soft mouse hair had become harder than a steel needle.

"Yes, yes, little mouse, you finally have the ability to attack!"

Zhang Xibao congratulated, Chin Maoshu crossed his waist, very proud.

"The yellow seed seems to be the gold-type ability, which happens to be the next ability I need."

Zhang Xibao opened his Tongtian pupil, and among all the yellow seeds, he picked out the one with the strongest response to clearing qi, threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

"It's time to see what abilities the fungus has gained?"

Zhang Xibao found the fungus and saw the black cat wake up leisurely.

"Agaric, show off your abilities, shall we?"

The fungus jumped off the sofa and led Zhang Xibao to the balcony.

On the balcony, the flame phoenix tree was growing luxuriantly. Zhang Xibao thought about it, and had a guess in his mind.

The fungus went straight to the flame phoenix tree, and stared for a while, then something miraculous happened, the flame phoenix tree began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ka Ka Ka...

The sound of twigs snapping was clearly audible.

"Stop, stop, fungus, it's ok..."

Seeing that the flame parasol tree was about to pierce the ceiling, Zhang Xibao quickly stopped the fungus.

"Cat Druid, good, good!"

Zhang Xibao scratched the chin of the fungus, and said: "The blue seeds are the wood type."

Zhang Xibao finally confirmed that the rare treasure seeds the flame crows ate were of the fire element, and the change produced by the twelve flame crows was that the rocket was even bigger.

How big is it?

Ordinary flame crows spit out arrows on fire, but flame crows that have eaten strange treasure seeds spit out missiles!

"Then the water system is between Wang Xiao and He Xiansheng, anyway, don't rush to eat one, take your time..."

"Well, there's one last thing left."

Zhang Xibao took out half of a snow-white wing from the Tong Tian Bao Curry, the golden blood stains on it glistened.

"Half of the molted wing has been separated from the body for a day and a night, and there is no sign of decay."

"How to use this thing?"

Zhang Xibao scratched his head, he couldn't extract the divinity inside because he was absent.

Even if it can be extracted, it may not be usable, because Zhang Xibao absorbs the divinity of the relic and Martin's sacred skeleton, and rashly absorbing the two divinities may cause repulsion.

"Do you want to stew it?"

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "No, no, it's too disgusting. It's acceptable to eat strange beasts, but I can't accept eating Martin's wings, although I really like braised chicken wings."

Zhang Xibao had no idea about refining it into a rare treasure, so he froze half of Martin's wing into the refrigerator...

"I don't know how the big black stick is worn out, and I don't know if Zhan Nian has recovered?"

"Hey, annoying..."

Zhang Xibao fell into the street life again, he either went to class and listened to Mr. Qin Jiuyuan's understanding of talismans, or went to Panzi Garden to play with Xiao Linlang.

Queen Tang bumped into Zhang Xibao while pushing Tang Yinghuang in a wheelchair to play with Xiao Linlang. In order to avoid revealing their identities, the two pretended not to know each other, and only smiled at each other when there was no one around.

"Are you good at pretending?" Zhang Xibao mocked.

Tang Yinghuang chuckled: "To each other..."

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