Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 300 Dragon Blood Fruit And Dragon Bone

Shaquan Jinzhang is a treasure, forget about Sharma's four wives.

Zhang Xibao picked up the Shaquan golden staff, and took away the rare treasure necklace from Sharma's wife's neck. After finally coming to the Nine Serenities, he couldn't go out empty-handed, could he?

Sharma had an indirect hatred with Xibaihu, so Tang Yinghuang advocated killing him.

Out of consideration for the next mission, Qin Li felt that instead of killing him, Sharma should lead the way to find the exotic treasure seeds and keel.

In the end, the two looked at Zhang Xibao, hoping that Zhang Xibao would come up with an idea.

Whether Sharma is dead or not is not important to Zhang Xibao, he is busy observing the situation of Shi Jing.

The fire from the Vermilion Bird sword burned the corpse vine, and in the ashes of the corpse vine, Zhang Xibao found a small black bud!

"Dead, but not quite dead..."

Zhang Xibao took a stack of talismans to seal the little black buds, then put them into the box he carried with him, and threw them into the Tongtian Treasure House.


Seeing the two girls staring at him, Zhang Xibao came to his senses.

Tang Yinghuang asked: "To kill or not?"

Zhang Xibao knew that it would be difficult not to kill Sharma Xibaihu, so he thought for a while and replied, "Isn't it too cheap to kill him with one sword?"

Tang Yinghuang was stunned for a moment: "How to say?"

"Isn't it more painful to kill him by throwing him in the supernatural prison of the base for a hundred or eighty years? The spirit of the fire monkey is guarding on the third floor underground. Let him make atonement with the fire monkey!"

When Zhang Xibao said this, Tang Yinghuang was shaken, and she nodded: "Then don't kill him yet!"

Sharma could understand Daxia language. He knew that he couldn't die for the time being, but after hearing Zhang Xibao's bad idea, he couldn't help but glance at Zhang Xibao.

"What are you staring at? Then stare and feed your eyeballs to the Flaming Crow!"

Zhang Xibao pulled the arrow shaft on Sharma's buttocks, causing him to yelp in pain.

Zhang Xibao and the others made a plan. Zhang Xibao handed the Flame Crow Flag to Qian Chengjin, and asked him and Crow King Xiaoni to escort the four Sharma wives who were in shackles to leave the foreign land first. Sharma on the road continued to explore the depths of the Nine Serenities.

"With Xiaoni following, there should be no problem. This is not the first time these two have partnered."

The three of them took Sharma, a prisoner, on the phoenix, and the phoenix soared into the sky, flying in the opposite direction to Qian Chengjin and the others.

"Sharma, do you know where there are keel bones in this foreign land?"

Zhang Xibao played with Sharma's square-inch bracelet: "Tell me, I can consider giving you a pill to heal your rotten ass."

"I know where the keel is, give me the treasure first!" Sharma replied in a muffled voice, lying on Phoenix's back.

"Hehe, you still dare to bargain? Do you believe that Lord Bao kicked you out of here?"

Zhang Xibao pulled the arrow shaft on Sharma's butt again, causing Sharma to cry out in pain.

"Okay, I said, don't touch the arrow shaft!"

Sharma struggled to crawl far away from Zhang Xibao, and then said, "There is a keel where the rare treasure seed grows, keep your word, give me the healing pill!"

Zhang Xibao glanced at Sharma's miserable butt, fearing that he would stain the phoenix, so he threw him a hemostatic pill.

Sharma took the pill and didn't eat it, but turned over and looked at the dragon tongue arrow on his buttocks. He planned to break the shaft of the arrow before eating the pill.

"You made arrow shafts out of black hardwood?!" Sharma exclaimed.

Zhang Xibao snorted twice: "I have too much black hardwood in my hand, what's the matter with cutting two arrow shafts?"

Seeing that Sharma kept breaking the shafts of dragon tongue arrows, Zhang Xibao gave him a bad idea: "You might as well pull out the arrow shafts at once, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain!"

Sharma hesitated for a while, gritted her teeth, and pulled out the arrow shaft with a puff, blood spouted from her buttocks like a fountain.

There was another cry of pain, and Sharma stuffed Baodan into her mouth, clutching her buttocks and waiting for the wound to heal.

At that time, Sharma was in an alienated state holding the Shaquan Golden Rod, but the power of the Dragon Tongue Arrow was reduced by half, otherwise the arrow would have blown up half of his body, instead of being disabled as it is now.

After the phoenix flew for half a day, the place where the rare treasure seeds that Sharma mentioned arrived.

The terrain is still a steep bone mountain, but the bone mountain here is different from the previous one. The bone mountain here stretches out for tens of miles, like a whole.

"The rare treasure seeds are there."

Without Sharma's prompting, Zhang Xibao saw the Qingqi reaction on the highest bone mountain through the Tongtian pupil.

"It's weird, this Nine Serenities is full of stale air, but this bone mountain with rare treasure seeds is surrounded by fresh air?"

Zhang Xibao circled the phoenix for a while, and discovered the reason why only the bone mountain here can produce clear energy.

This continuous bone mountain turned out to be the remains of a dragon!

"Look, isn't the bone mountain with the rare treasure seeds growing a dragon's head?"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the largest bone mountain and described: "The two hollows are eye sockets, the bottom of the mountain is the jagged teeth, and the back of the neck is the continuous spine."

"It is said that real dragons can be big or small, can rise or hide, when they are big, they are like mountains and rivers, stretching for thousands of miles, and when they are young, they are like worms and mustards. No one can find them. Now it seems that it is so!"

Qin Li gasped slightly: "But where did the dragon's horn go? This dragon's head is bare..."

Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered the dragon horn hilt that Zhan Nian was carrying, and his expression became weird.

Could it be that Zhan Nian has something to do with this Nine Serenities?

"Ahem...Maybe this dragon is middle-aged and bald!"

Tang Yinghuang rolled her eyes and remained silent.

On the top of Dragon Skull Mountain grows a big blood-red tree, the crown of which is dotted with bright red fruits.

"Dragon Blood Tree: The tree that grows on the remains of a real dragon. It absorbs the blood of the dragon and breeds different fruits. It is called the dragon blood fruit. Eating it will transform the body, and it may cause changes in the body of the cultivator." 』

"Could it be that Gu Popa's elephant head and owl's bird head returned to their ancestors after eating the dragon blood fruit?"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the dragon blood tree and said to Qin Li and Tang Yinghuang, "My square-inch treasures contain a lot of things. Let's divide the work and cooperate. You two Yujian go to pick the dragon blood fruit, and I will get the keel."

The two women nodded, and Yu Jian flew towards the dragon blood tree, while Zhang Xibao took out a thorn stick and prepared to move the mountain.

It may be because of the long time, not all Dragon Bone Mountains can be used, Zhang Xibao used Tongtian Tong to select those dragon bones with sufficient fresh air to chisel down.

The internal space of Tongtian Treasure House is very large, and it is not a problem to install a keel hill.

"Qinglong said that the five dragons will need a lot of keels, so I'll keep half of them..."

While Zhang Xibao was picking and picking, chiseling the keel, he suddenly remembered the snake spirit that Tongtianbao Curry was suppressing.

"Either let Zhan Nian refine the snake spirit into a boss in the sea of ​​consciousness for me to drive, or use the keel to refine a snake body and fuse with the snake spirit to create a powerful puppet!"

"Not bad……"

Zhang Xibao chuckled and chiseled even more vigorously.

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