Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 302 Sharma's Wilderness Survival


"Ha ha ha ha!"

After listening to Xiao Ni's narration, Zhang Xibao laughed heartily.

These guys in the castle are really stealing chickens and eating rice. Not only can those ghost moths not hurt the little crows, but they have become the most nutritious rations.

As for the closed magic circle of the castle, it is not a problem for Zhang Xibao at all. There are enough high-grade spirit stones in the Tongtian Treasure House.

In the end, Zhang Xibao successfully activated the magic circle. Xiao Ni flew back to the city center and carried the base station back. Before the spirit candle was extinguished, Zhang Xibao let Xiao Ni enter a foreign land and placed the base station in the highest one in Jiuyou. The tip of Bone Mountain.

"It's time to call it a day!"

Zhang Xibao blew out the Consonance Candle, the black and deep foreign gate suddenly closed, and the floor returned to its normal state.

"Let's take advantage of the beautiful country's failure to react, and run in Phoenix! Martin was seriously injured and dare not show up for a short time. Who dares to stop us?"

Zhang Xibao's proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

Zhang Xibao counted the number of people, and including Sharma's four wives, there were a total of eight people. Fortunately, Fang Rui's size has grown a lot recently, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to fly.

When Sharma's four wives learned that Sharma had been abandoned in the Nine Nethers, they wept with joy, and Zhang Xibao looked surprised.

One of the women with supernatural powers explained: "Sharma controls us with strange treasures. Under him, we live like slaves. When he is thrown into a foreign land, the strange treasures on us are disconnected from him. So we are free at last!"

Following where the women were pointing, Zhang Xibao glanced with his Tongtian pupil, and found that these women's necks had been implanted with some kind of strange treasures that could respond to qi. If the women were not lying, these strange treasures should be miniature magic circle bombs.

"As long as you tell all the information about Sharma, I will find someone to take out the bomb in your neck after returning to Daxia. At the same time, the black dragon will make a judgment on you."

A group of people boarded the back of the phoenix, surrounded by the flame crows, across the ocean, and flew towards Daxia.

Just approaching the border of Daxia, Zhang Xibao opened the live broadcast room and found that the Qingqi signal was full.

"Hey, it's better to be in Daxia, the signal is everywhere..."

Zhang Xibao sighed, and focused on the live broadcast room.

It may be because of the working day. The number of viewers in the live broadcast room is not as large as the day before yesterday, but the number of people is not increasing slowly.

"Oh oh oh, it's great that Master Bao is safe and sound! 』

"Baby, what happened? I was really scared to death the day before yesterday! 』

"Quickly tell me, dear friends, your curiosity is going to explode! 』

"Blindly guessing the spirit candle opened the door to other worlds. Anyone who is an old fan of Master Bao has seen that candle. When Sharma took it out to show off, I remembered that it has the effect of channeling ghosts..."


Zhang Xibao snapped his fingers.

"This treasure friend guessed right, send me the address in a private message later, and send you a Qingqi pager 4.0!"

After explaining a few words to the treasure friends, Zhang Xibao smiled mysteriously, operated it through Shuling, and the words "linking" began to be displayed in the live broadcast room.

"Master Bao wants to appraise treasures?" 』

"Which treasure friend is this linking to?" What is the black screen? 』

Zhang Xibao smiled and said nothing, just stared at the studio.

The miniature base station has been placed on the highest bone mountain in the Nine Serenities. It stands to reason that it should be able to adapt to Daxia's base station and connect Sharma to the live broadcast room.

Master Bao has less and less time to open the live broadcast room. With Sharma as a free part-time job, Zhang Xibao can hang up the phone at ordinary times, and let Bao friends see how Sharma survives in the wilderness!

Anyway, Sharma couldn't control the switch of the pager unless he lost the pager, but would he dare?

"Bao Ye smiled and said nothing, it seems that the opposite friend Bao is quite mysterious! 』


There was a strange sound in the live broadcast room, and a vague shadow appeared on the other side of the screen.

It's done!

Zhang Xibao grinned.

"Mom, it can't be Sadako, right? 』

"Upstairs, as long as you are brave! 』

"Where is Baoyou on the opposite side? Why is the frame dropping with such a strong clear air signal?" 』

"Hey, can you hear me?" Zhang Xibao asked the other side.

In the sizzle sound, everyone vaguely heard some words.


"……Egg! 』

"asshole! 』

"But... evil! 』

The picture flashed, the shadow on the opposite side gradually became clear, and a familiar face appeared on the screen.

Sharma yelled at Zhang Xibao: "Get me out!"

"I have money, a lot of money, I will give it all to you, as long as you let me out!"

Visible to the naked eye, Sharma had a lot of wounds on her face. Zhang Xibao guessed that it was caused by a wolf-shaped beast, right?

Thinking that Sharma was too loud, Zhang Xibao casually silenced him.

"Mom, Sharma! 』

"It's him, it's him, the pretender, Sharma! 』

"What's the matter, my lord? 』

Zhang Xibao sneered, and explained to his friends: "This guy is the one behind the death of Xingxiu on the western border, so Lord Bao exiled him in a foreign land with no one there, and let him purify himself for a while!"

"Hahaha, Master Bao did a great job! 』

"I think this should be worse than killing him, falling from heaven to hell, enjoying the ultimate despair!" 』

"It's too cool to let him live broadcast starvation for my friends! 』

When Sharma calmed down a bit, Zhang Xibao lifted his silence.

"One day I can go out, and I will never let you go!"

Sharma snarled at the camera: "Believe it or not I threw this broken machine away?"

"you dare!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the camera and said: "Be honest and wear it for me, otherwise I won't let you out the next time the door to another world opens."

The threat was indeed effective. Although Sharma gritted her teeth with hatred, she showed no signs of destroying the Qingqi pager.

Zhang Xibao snorted twice, and said to himself: "Isn't it just right?"

woo woo woo...

Sharma's long stay and yelling attracted many wolf-type beasts.

The screen in the live broadcast room began to shake, it was Sharma running desperately.

Although Sharma wasn't afraid of wolf-type beasts, but they couldn't stand them taking turns to fight without fear of death. Sharma also knew in his heart that if his vitality was exhausted, he would be miserable.

in a few days.

Zhang Xibao's live broadcast room.

The barrage rolled like a torrent.

The anchor of Master Bao was not there, and the live broadcast room was on-hook, but everyone watched the live broadcast with great interest.

"I've never seen such a healthy fat man..."

"It's started, it's started, Sharma is starting to work!" 』

"My friends, today I, Sharma, will order a small barbecue set for you all! 』

"Strange beasts, strange beasts, more or less smelly!" Clean and hygienic! 』

Several wolf-shaped beasts confronted Sharma, and Sharma rushed forward with a blank expression.

The fire control technique and the water control technique took turns, and several wolf-shaped beasts were quickly killed by Sharma.

Sharma tore off the beast's hind legs and started to roast it with fire. He seemed to have accepted the reality, gnashing his teeth to tear the rough roast meat, and did not communicate with the friends in the live broadcast room.

For this hateful live broadcast, Sharma is already numb. Except for the big and small numbers, the live broadcast room will automatically black out. People will watch when he eats, drinks and sleeps!

What annoyed him the most was that some friend Bao gave him presents, but it all fell into the pocket of the anchor Baoye!


"Damn it!"

Sharma roared every day, like a wild man.

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