Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 31 Sixteen Forms Of Fist

"There are sixteen styles in this set of boxing techniques, so be optimistic!"

Zhang Xibao concentrated, and Director Bao began to punch.

"First move, lunge and punch!"

Director Bao stepped forward and punched.

?_?? Zhang Xibao always felt that something was wrong.

He continued to read intently.

"Second type, kick through the throat!"

Director Bao turned his fist into a palm and thrust upwards suddenly. At the same time, his right leg bounced up, and his calf kicked forward like a spring.


Zhang Xibao gasped.

"What's wrong with me, isn't this... Isn't this military boxing???"

He muttered to himself: "The next step is to fight horizontally..."

Sure enough, Director Bao withdrew his legs, turned his palms into fists, swept his fists out, and made a voice: Ha!

Zhang Xibao turned around blankly and began to put on his shoes.

"Hey, Zhang Xibao, what are you doing?"

When Director Bao saw that Zhang Xibao was leaving, he became a little anxious.

"Director Bao, Teacher Bao, if your sixteen-style boxing method is called military boxing, I should have mastered it."

Zhang Xibao was a little speechless, I was looking forward to learning boxing, you gave me a set of military boxing, the pants are so fucking off, you show me this?

"Oh? Got it?" Director Bao frowned, hearing the disdain in Zhang Xibao's words.

"That's right, I learned it when I was in elementary school. My title of little military boxing hero of Beishi No. 6 Elementary School is not in vain."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, looking like a hero, not mentioning the courage of the past.

"In that case, why don't you make a set for me?" Director Bao was still a little skeptical.

Zhang Xibao put down his schoolbag and made a crackling call.

The sixteen-style boxing is quite smooth and aesthetically pleasing, it seems that Zhang Xibao is not talking nonsense.

After Zhang Xibao finished punching, he picked up his schoolbag and was about to leave.

"You stand there for me!"

Director Bao clenched his fists, as if I would break your legs if you wanted to drive them away.

As soon as Zhang Xibao thought that Director Bao had received Qi Dongqiang's strange-treasure glove unscathed, he dared not leave immediately.

He didn't dare to take it seriously, seeing Director Bao's angry posture, if he dared to take another step, he might really get beaten up.

Director Bao asked with a smile: "Zhang Xibao, do you look down on military boxing?"

Zhang Xibao quickly waved his hands: "Don't dare!"

"Don't you dare? That's contempt!"

"Six Little Army Tiquan Little Heroes, right?"

Director Bao walked over quickly and kicked Zhang Xibao in the groin with a left kick.

Zhang Xibao hastened to shrink his stomach, barely dodging the kick, the little brother felt a chill, and was almost kicked.

"Director Bao, what are you doing?"

Before Zhang Xibao could ask again, Director Bao whipped his right kick, and the speed suddenly increased by four or five points. Zhang Xibao watched the kick, but his body couldn't react in time and couldn't dodge it!

"Little hero, huh?"


Director Bao's prosthetic leg landed heavily on Zhang Xibao's buttocks.

"Oh ho ho ho!"

Zhang Xibao flew out and landed on the ground, holding his buttocks and screaming.

"Director Bao, why did you kick me?"

At this time Zhang Xibao was still puzzled by Monk Zhang Er. It's okay to be beaten for no reason!

Director Bao said angrily: "This is the price you pay for looking down on military boxing!"

"Have you realized Zhang Xibao?" Director Bao asked again.

Zhang Xibao lay on the ground and pretended to be stupid, covering his buttocks, thinking that I would be beaten up and asked if I had enlightened, what did I understand? (⊙o⊙) Do you understand the hammer?

"Do you think that military boxing is only used to strengthen the body? It removes all the bells and whistles, leaving only the purest skills. When you practice it to the extreme, it becomes a real killing skill. !"

Zhang Xibao sat on the ground with staring eyes, Director Bao glanced at him: "I'll call again, it's serious, just watch!"

Director Bao punched again, and this time it was really different!

The horse stance is horizontal, the foot is as stable as a mountain, the fist is windy, and the palm is as sharp as a knife!


Director Bao's punching punch unexpectedly hit a punch!


The horse stance strikes horizontally, and the soles of his feet seem to crush the floor!

Zhang Xibao broke out in a cold sweat when he saw Zhang Xibao in a daze, the little brother flinched unconsciously.

"This is the real killing technique!"

Zhang Xibao muttered to himself.

The same is the 16-style military boxing. Although Zhang Xibao, the little hero of the six small military boxing, plays smoothly, the performance is more meaningful. And Director Bao's 16-style, it seems that each style can take away the life of an enemy!

"What is the most important thing in martial arts?"

Director Bao finished the sixteen moves, retracted his fists and adjusted his breath, the sixteen punches just now seemed to bring him back to the battlefield, and the chant echoed in his ears again.

Zhang Xibao blinked, and replied: "There is nothing invincible in martial arts in the world, only speed can't be broken?"

"Why don't you read the lines here? Do you think you are the Fire Cloud Cthulhu?"

Director Bao glared at Zhang Xibao, and said three words: "Stable! Accurate! Ruthless!"

"As long as you are stable enough, the enemy can't hit you!"

"As long as you are accurate enough, your fist can hit wherever you want!"

"As long as you are ruthless enough, hehe, even a fierce tiger standing in front of you can kill it with one punch!"

As he said that, Director Bao quickly punched again, and this punch directly caused a sonic boom!

"Zhang Xibao, do you still want to learn this punch?"

Zhang Xibao was dumbfounded: "I will learn, of course I will!"

Director Bao paced back and forth in front of Zhang Xibao, pinched his chin and said, "I wanted to proceed step by step, but seeing your situation, it's impossible not to do something special."

"Special?" Zhang Xibao looked at Director Bao suspiciously.

"Well, if you want to learn boxing, you must first learn to be beaten!"

Before he finished speaking, Director Bao's casserole-sized fist magnified in front of Zhang Xibao's eyes.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Xibao dodged his fist with an iron bridge, then tripped a prosthetic limb protruding suddenly from below, and fell on the mat with a thud.

This is definitely public revenge!

Director Bao is so big, he is too narrow-minded!

Didn't he just mocked him for his punching skills, and before he could say anything, he just turned around and wanted to leave.

Without waiting for Zhang Xibao to protest, a big foot stepped towards Zhang Xibao's face.

If you step on it, it will definitely be disfigured!

Zhang Xibao was rolling on a wild donkey, his big feet stomping heavily on the mat, the four corners of the mat were raised and there was a crackling sound.

"Stop, stop!"

Zhang Xibao Liyu jumped up and started to lead Director Bao around.

Director Bao's legs and feet are inconvenient, and he can't tell when he walks, but he is not as good as Zhang Xibao when he runs.

Director Bao took the anti-fall mat with his foot, Zhang Xibao slipped and flew towards Director Bao involuntarily.


Zhang Xibao shielded his arms in front of his chest, Director Bao punched his arms, and he flew out after flying over.

"Stop, stop, stop hitting!"

Zhang Xibao surrendered with both hands: "Wrong, wrong, I don't dare to look down on military boxing anymore!"

"If you ask around, how can you use the black tiger to deal with your own students?!"


Director Bao snorted coldly.

Zhang Xibao: _(:D)∠)_

Zhang Xibao felt that he had discovered Director Bao's strange arrogance...


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