"The thing that Master Bao likes, why do you have to add two zeros to make it suitable?"

Queen Tang picked up the very heavy knife and took a look. Although she didn't see anything fancy, it was something Baoye liked.

Master Bao has always been a hawk if he doesn't see a rabbit, as all Bao friends know.

"Hahahaha, although I can't see Master Bao's expression, I guess he must be gnashing his teeth!" 』

"Queen Tang came out on the way, it's not easy to get what Master Bao likes!" 』

"Hahaha, it's just a broken knife, I'm playing with Qiufeng!"

Zhang Xibao curled his lips, not even looking at the things in Queen Tang's hand.

"Oh, is that so? Well, I'll take this knife away, and I'll study its material later. The treasure appraisers in the Liuli Pavilion can't tell what its raw material is, but it won't delay my collection."

With that said, Queen Tang wanted to stuff the knife into the square-inch bracelet.

"Hey, hey, don't, let's ask a real price, I bought it..." Zhang Xibao waved his hand.

"Hehe...it's priceless, because I want to give it to Mr. Bao on behalf of Liuli Pavilion!"

Queen Tang put the sword in Zhang Xibao's palm, and looked back at Tang Linlang, both of them had triumphant smiles on their faces.

"It was Xiao Linlang who wanted to play a joke on you just now, so I broke the rules and came out halfway to take down the knife. If Mr. Bao likes it, you can take it without spending money! After all, the sale of black hardwood , Mr. Bao really gave away too much profit..."

Queen Tang explained a few words, everyone tacitly understood about Heijianmu, the other two families didn't know where Heijianmu came from, but Tang and Qian's families were well-connected, and Tang Tonghai had already more or less guessed it. The identity of the Dark Saint.

"Hehehe..." Xiao Linlang winked and made a face at Zhang Xibao.

Things that don't cost money are the most expensive. Queen Tang's plan was to use this knife to repay Hei Jianmu's favor. Zhang Xibao didn't care, and weighed the knife a few times in his hand, and accepted it generously. up.

"The material of this knife is very strange. Liuli Pavilion burned it with a different fire, and there was no sign of melting at all. That's why it was placed in the exhibition area of ​​the treasure appraiser conference and marked with an outrageous price. About this knife Can Mr. Bao talk about it?"

Queen Tang herself is also a treasure appraiser. She didn't know the material of the knife and Tan, but Zhang Xibao did. This aroused her curiosity.


Even if Queen Tang didn't ask, Zhang Xibao still planned to tell, because tens of millions of fans in the live broadcast room were eagerly waiting.

Zhang Xibao casually shot out a strange fire, which was pale in color. According to the color of the strange fire, everyone could tell that the temperature of Zhang Xibao's flame was much stronger than that of ordinary superhumans.

Pale and different fire burned the knife tan, not only did the knife tan show no signs of melting, but even the color did not change.

"The material of this knife is one of the hardest refining materials, named Xuanxing Iron, which is refined from Xuanxing Stone. If you refine weapons and rare treasures, you can make the rare treasures Upgrading, materials such as mithril and fine gold are scum compared to it!"

"Hey, Lord Bao, this leak is a big hit! 』

"It's still the same old sentence, Master Bao is awesome! 』

After listening to Zhang Xibao's introduction, Queen Tang's heart bleeds. If the knife is still in her hands, she will definitely sell it for a sky-high price of over 100 million, but the thing has already been given away, and it is too late to regret it.

"Give it to me for nothing, do you regret it?" Zhang Xibao glanced at Queen Tang, and swiftly threw the knife into Tongtian Treasure.

"You can't take back the water that was spilled from the things you sent out. Mr. Bao picked it up with his ability. I have nothing to say." Queen Tang smiled.

"Come on, then thank Liuli Pavilion for your generosity!"

Zhang Xibao took a step forward, took Qian Chengjin and other people for a walk.

"Sister Queen, I want to play with Sister Li'er for a while, it's so interesting to watch them pick up leaks!" Tang Linlang coquettishly, and successfully joined the team of Zhang Xibao and others who picked up leaks.

In Tongtiantong's field of vision, many things in the stalls and exhibition area are shining, because this place is different from Yibao City, most of the things are real, and most of the stall owners are treasure appraisers, so it's really hard to find leaks. agree.

A group of people were walking, Zhang Xibao stopped suddenly, and everyone glanced around the stall curiously, guessing which treasure Zhang Xibao had his eyes on again.

The stall owner was a smiling middle-aged man. He wore the logo of the Appraiser Association on his chest. Judging from the logo, this person should be a senior appraiser.

"Everyone, which one are you looking at?" The middle-aged man glanced at it and identified the owner of the purchase, Zhang Xibao, the guy wearing the mask of the Great Sage.

When ordinary people see that the stall owner is a high-level treasure appraiser, they will definitely turn their heads and leave. After all, picking up leaks under the hands of these guys is like snatching food from a tiger's mouth. Buying is not as good as selling.

It's not bad if you don't get fooled, but you still want to pick up the leak? I just want to eat peaches!

"What's the price?"

Zhang Xibao saw that there were obviously three sections on the middle-aged man's stall. It should be that different sections have different prices. He didn't say which item he wanted lightly, lest the stall owner would open his mouth.

"Hehe, the units on the first floor are hundreds of thousands, the units on the second floor are tens of thousands, and the units on the third floor are thousands."

After the stall owner finished speaking, Zhang Xibao nodded: "Well, it's not expensive..."

The stall owner felt like adding: "Attention, I'm talking about points!"

If it is points, the items on the stall have to be multiplied by one hundred, which means that the price of the items on the first floor is more than ten million!

"Good guy, are the things on the street stalls so expensive? Why don't you grab it! 』

"Makabaka, this pile of junk is tens of millions? I think ten yuan is too expensive, so I still have points! 』

"Everyone, don't worry, Master Bao is interested, he must be picking up the leaks, the value of the things is not greater than the price of the stall owner, so it is called picking up the leaks?" 』

"Hahaha, Master Bao will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move!" 』

"Oh, that's not expensive..." Zhang Xibao didn't even raise his eyelids.

Hundreds of thousands of points are really not expensive. After all, Zhang Xibao is followed by Qian Chengjin, and the black gold card in the little fat man's hand has unlimited points. As long as you don't spend Qian's money, you can use the card at will!

"Everything is good, what's the price on the third floor?" Zhang Xibao pointed to the third row.

The middle-aged stall owner smiled. Zhang Xibao said it was not expensive. He thought he had met a local tyrant, and he still could afford the third-floor stuff?

"Everything on the third floor is cheap."

The middle-aged stall owner pointed: "The inkstone is priced at 6666 points, because it can draw ink out of thin air, which is quite magical; the landscape painting is priced at 8888 points, because it can show a landscape illusion, which makes people feel uncomfortable. As for this three-legged golden toad, the price is 9999 points, as for why the price is the number of leopards, because I want auspiciousness!"

"What the hell is this golden toad? It's obviously made of copper!" Qian Chengjin yelled, pointing at the golden toad that the stall owner said was selling for 9999 points.

"Three-legged golden toad, three-legged golden toad, it is also called three-legged golden toad even if it is made of iron, wood, or jade!" The middle-aged stall owner glanced at Qian Chengjin, looking at the bumpkin.

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