Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 334 Ship's New Live Broadcast Method


Zhang Xibao ran onto the sofa like a monkey.

"I'm good at live broadcasting, but can live broadcasting really make me stronger?!"

Zhan Nian nodded, and glanced at Zhang Xibao: "Ancient Daxiu relies on believers to obtain that trust, while Yaoxiu directly raises slaves in captivity, but these methods are time-consuming and labor-intensive. You have hundreds of millions of fans, relying on live broadcasts You will be able to gather your strength, let's cover the quilt and have fun!"

"It's amazing, it's amazing!" Zhang Xibao was so excited.

"Don't be too happy, you have two problems to solve now."

Zhan Nian stretched out two fingers: "First, the confidence you get from live broadcasting is too weak. Although your fan base is large, that power cannot be obtained by fans shouting a few words of "Bao Ye 666". The power of faith is far weaker than that of pious believers, so you have to accumulate it slowly, which involves the second problem."

"Secondly, you swallowed the godhead and didn't blow up. It's not all due to the crows, but because I replaced the fairy's slough for you. Your current body is like a funnel. No matter how much power you have, it will be exhausted in an instant. Light, you can't save strength at all, so from now on, you have to accumulate confidence bit by bit like a miser."

"Get ready to start the live broadcast!"

Zhan Nian waved his hand: "Now that your identity is exposed, and you killed that ghost again, the fans adore you fanatically, this is a good opportunity to collect a wave of trust power, you can use the collected trust power to refine swords, compare You use the different fire to burn it slowly and quickly, and it can help you master that power skillfully, killing two birds with one stone!"

After Zhan Nian finished speaking, he was completely immersed in the colorful world of the Internet, and stopped talking to Zhang Xibao.


Zhang Xibao scratched his head, thinking about what kind of live broadcast tonight.

After all, the identity of the dark saint has been exposed, and it is definitely inappropriate to say "Hello everyone, let's learn today" with a smile. It's a little inconsistent...

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin and muttered softly.

"How about a Q&A live broadcast? Bring me closer to the fans!"

After the sun went down, Zhang Xibao had dinner with his two animal pets, Chinchilla and Agaric, and began to prepare for the live broadcast according to the procedure.

Today's live broadcast is not a first-person perspective, but the same as before, the Qingqi pager 5.0 is set up on the bracket, and the camera captures Zhang Xibao's upper body.

"It's a little uncomfortable not wearing a mask..."

Zhang Xibao touched his cheek and motioned for Chinchilla to turn on the machine.

The live broadcast room opened, the number of viewers soared rapidly, and the barrage was like a volcanic eruption.

"Good evening, everyone!"

Zhang Xibao waved towards the camera.

"Handsome guy, who are you?" 』

"Husband, why did you go to Baoye's live broadcast room?" 』

"The account upstairs is male, hey..."

"Bao Ye, quickly fencing with me!" 』

"Can you take a sword from my Dark Saint Qilin?" 』

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes, thinking that this is all a mess, this is different from what he imagined, he originally thought that everyone would be very cautious when facing his identity as a dark saint.


Zhang Xibao cleared his throat: "Everyone, as you can see, I am not only the anchor Bao Ye that everyone knows and loves, but also the dark saint Qilin who protects everyone."

A barrage added for Zhang Xibao:

"Well, it's still the boss of the laboratory building who is young and rich, and the dark horse of the treasure appraiser's association—the treasure appraiser master!" 』

"I love it, I admire it..."

"Hey, it's just a false name!" Zhang Xibao waved his hand.

"Today's live broadcast, let's not appraise treasures, but conduct an interactive question-and-answer session, using barrage questions, and I will answer them, to narrow the distance between the dark saint and everyone, and let everyone understand that the dark saint is not a superior existence , he is also a human being, he can cry and laugh, and he can chat and fart with everyone."

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, the bullet screen surged again.

"Everyone, don't worry, because there are too many people, we will randomly select Baoyou's questions to answer."

There is no random drawing function in the live broadcast room, so Zhang Xibao directly initiates red envelopes in the live broadcast room. The lucky ones who grab the red envelopes can get a reward of points and a chance to ask questions.

"Okay, let me go to the first question!"

Zhang Xibao looked intently and read out the question at the same time.

"What is the rank of the dark saint, and which department does the ability belong to?" 』

"Time is limited, you can only ask one question at a time, the first question is classified, so I will answer the second one!"

Zhang Xibao opened his hand, and the small balls formed by the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth rotated like planets. With Zhang Xibao's thought, the five small elemental balls turned into elemental beasts, namely white tiger, blue dragon, Xuanwu, Vermilion Bird and Qilin!

"Dark Saint, I am the only person in the world with five elements supernatural power!"

Zhang Xibao smiled: "As for why it's the only two, it's because a friend of the Dark Sage is also a person with five-element abilities. His success proves that all five-element abilities can exist at the same time!"

There was an uproar in the barrage, and the answer to Zhang Xibao's first question would definitely hit tomorrow's headlines!

"Okay, let's start with the second question."

Zhang Xibao drew another audience member.

"I'm curious, why the masks of Master Bao and Dark Saint can switch so smoothly, and they look like the real face, what kind of treasure is that?" 』

"This friend guessed right!"

Zhang Xibao smiled and waved, Qilin's mask suddenly appeared, Fang Rui's changes were too fast, the camera didn't capture them at all, so the frame dropped in the eyes of the audience.

"I call this mask the 'Ruyi Mask'. It is a black Qilin mask when it is out for missions, and it is a mask of the Great Sage's face when it is broadcast live. As for its function, you must have guessed it, that is, it can Feel free to pinch your face."

"This treasure friend who asked the question can connect with me!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, the questioner took the initiative to connect. The opposite was a middle-aged man with a mustache. Zhang Xibao felt that he looked familiar.

"Isn't this Mr. Niu! 』Someone in the barrage recognized the middle-aged man.

"Ms. Niu used someone else's trumpet to watch Bao Ye's live broadcast! 』

The middle-aged man chuckled, his brows crossed with embarrassment.

Zhang Xibao remembered that his gourd seeds were going to be appraised by Mr. Niu at the beginning, but he was afraid of being traced, so he took the initiative to disconnect the connection. Now that he thinks about it, time has changed and he is deeply moved.

"Since Mr. Niu is curious, let me show off the ability of the mask!"

Zhang Xibao put the mask on his face, stretched out his hands to knead and knead his face, and after a while, two "Teacher Niu" appeared on the screen!

"Oh my god, this is amazing! 』Mr. Niu's eyes widened.

"Now that we're connected, Mr. Niu can ask you another question." Zhang Xibao took off his mask and smiled.

"Then I can ask! 』

"Ask what? 』

Teacher Niu rolled his eyes, and asked strangely: "Master Bao, have you ever turned into a woman?" 』

Anyone who is familiar with Mr. Niu knows that being funny is his consistent style.

"Uh, well, I haven't had such a novel experience yet..."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, and everyone laughed.

The live broadcast room is full of joyful atmosphere...

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