Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 341 There Is A Big Problem

"Xi Rang!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened, and he patted Chinchilla's head: "This is a pillow that just fell asleep. You can touch this baby if you catch a rabbit!"

"Get it out!"

Zhang Xibao took out his big black sword, intending to split the mountain in front of him.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

Zhan Nian suddenly floated out from the flying sword, blocking Zhang Xibao's next move.

"I'm going to split the mountain and dig out the soil!" Zhang Xibao said as if you don't want to stop me.

Zhan Nian said faintly: "Use the confidence you have accumulated so hard to split mountains. In this strange land, what should you do if you encounter enemies?"

Zhang Xibao looked around and shrugged: "It's been flying for a whole day. There are only low-level beasts in this alien territory. How can there be any enemies?"

"Who says there are no enemies?"

Zhan Nian smiled inexplicably, before Zhang Xibao questioned, he flew back into the big black sword.

"Obviously there is not even a single hair..."

Tucao return to Tucao, Zhan Nian will not deceive himself, Zhang Xibao decided to dig out the soil without using divine power.

Changing the flying sword into a shovel, Zhang Xibao started digging sexily. With his strength, he could quickly dig out the soil, but it's not as sharp as splitting the mountain with a sword.

"Ah, I haven't done this kind of physical work for a long time..."

"Why is digging more tiring than beating people?"

"Using bombs will not work at all, it will only blow up the soil into a mess, and there is no way to dig out the soil at fixed points!"

"Chingony, I suddenly have a bold guess, do you think the mountain in this foreign land will grow slowly from that piece of soil?"

While digging, Zhang Xibao muttered to chat with Chinchilla.

Soon, a tunnel deep underground appeared.

"Those guys probably never imagined in their dreams that the dignified dark sage is digging in the dirt here!"

Zhang Xibao's buzzing sound came from the cave.


With a light hey, a dazzling light lit up in the cave.

Zhang Xibao held up his shiny cane and looked towards the collapsed tunnel he had dug. A tunnel with a larger diameter appeared in front of him, which was more than two meters high and could accommodate Zhang Xibao to walk in it.

"I'll go, how big can a rabbit's nest be?"

"The tunnel seems to have been specially reinforced..."

Zhang Xibao touched the wall of the tunnel and began to walk down the tunnel. He turned to look at Chinchilla: "Did you discover this place just now?"

Chinchilla shook his head: "No, there are thousands of tunnels densely packed inside, I didn't have time to check."

"Never mind him, show me the direction, let's go and dig the soil away."

Zhang Xibao shrugged, and with the help of Chinchilla, he groped towards the target.

rumbling rumbling...

Thunderous footsteps suddenly sounded in the tunnel. Zhang Xibao had only heard this sound of galloping horses in TV dramas.

"What's the situation, the tunnel is about to collapse?"

Zhang Xibao and Chinchilla looked puzzled, and pricked up their ears to distinguish carefully.

The light from the shiny cane went deep into the tunnel, and pairs of blood-red eyes reflected the light.

It turned out to be a group of rabbits!

"Good guy, so many spicy rabbit heads!"

Zhang Xibao swallowed his saliva.

Although he is very greedy, the first priority now is to get food.

"Stop, you monster!"

Suddenly there was an unidentifiable voice from the group of rabbits, Zhang Xibao was a little confused, looked around, but he didn't see any monsters.

Chinchilla also had an innocent expression on his face, indicating that he was not the one who spoke just now.

"Who is it?"

Zhang Xibao stared and found that the rabbit behind the group of rabbits was actually standing, holding a weapon in his hand!

The talking guy is a brown rabbit with black patches.

So the monster in the rabbit's mouth is Zhang Xibao?

"Some of these rabbit-shaped beasts are quite intelligent!"

Zhang Xibao was taken aback suddenly: "Hey, that's not right, how can the rabbit speak Daxia dialect, this is a new foreign land just opened, there is a problem, there is a big problem!"

"Monster, put down your weapon, or we'll be rude!" the brown rabbit emphasized again.


Zhang Xibao looked at the cane in his right hand, then raised the shovel in his left hand: "Which one are you talking about?"

"Be careful everyone, it's about to attack!"

The brown rabbit yelled, and the rabbit soldiers with spears became vigilant.

"Wait, I'm not a monster!"

Zhang Xibao lifted off the cloak and took off the Qilin mask. Just now, he used the flying ability of the mask for the convenience of chasing rabbits. These rabbits probably regarded themselves wearing the mask as monsters.


The rabbits breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not put down their weapons. The brown rabbit asked again: "Which tribe do you belong to, and why did you destroy our gate?"


Zhang Xibao thought to himself that the gate of the rabbits was probably the entrance of the tunnel. Just now, in order to speed up the process, he dug the entrance of the tunnel in a mess.

"Uh, this..."

Zhang Xibao scratched his head, thinking that I didn't know you guys had spiritual wisdom either.

"I'm here to find something." Zhang Xibao planned to change the subject.

"Looking for what?" asked the brown rabbit.

Zhang Xibao replied: "Looking for soil..."

"Is it the kind of soil that can grow automatically?" The brown rabbit asked again.

Zhang Xibao smiled as kindly as possible: "Yes, yes, yes, that's the kind of soil I'm looking for!"

"It's broken, this human being wants to steal the sacred objects of our rabbit family, brothers, follow me to drive away the bad guys, go!"

The brown rabbit yelled, and the rabbits with spears rushed over like a tide.

"Holy object?"

Zhang Xibao was a little confused, did the fight start after this disagreement?

The spears in Rabbit's hands were small wooden sticks, not even a decent piece of iron, so they couldn't even pierce Zhang Xibao's specially made cloak.

The spear pierced the black cloak, and Zhang Xibao felt that the rabbits were tickling him.


Zhang Xibao yawned boredly: "Have you had enough sex? Let's sit down and have a good talk!"

The rabbit soldiers were all exhausted, but they were still biting the bullet and "attacking".

The brown rabbit snorted coldly: "We have nothing to talk about with robbers!"

"Hey, you're still excited, aren't you?"

Zhang Xibao swept the corners of his clothes, and a group of rabbit soldiers retreated. He took two steps instead of three, and picked up the ears of the brown rabbit: "You are the one in charge, right?"

"It hurts, it hurts..." the brown rabbit yelled.

Zhang Xibao held two rabbit ears, held the brown rabbit up to his eyes, stared into those glowing red eyes, gritted his white teeth and asked, "Can we talk now?"

"You can talk, you put me down first!" The brown rabbit kicked and struggled in mid-air.


Zhang Xibao let go, and the brown rabbit fell to the ground.

"What do you want to talk about?" Brown Rabbit asked.

"Um, I just want to dig some of the soil you mentioned. Since you are wise, I'll trade it for something and I won't bully you."

As Zhang Xibao said, he dug into the Tongtianbao Curry and took out a bright red carrot.

Shouldn't rabbits just eat carrots?

This carrot was originally used for cooking, but now it can be exchanged for soil...

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