Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 360 The Prey Turned Out To Be

"According to the information, Qi Dongqiang has never been out of the imperial capital."

Zhang Xibao glanced at the message from the Wulonghui, and muttered to himself: "I scattered all the flame crows, but I didn't find any clues, so where can this guy go?"

If he wanted to hunt down Tian Yi, he had to find Qi Dongqiang first, but this guy seemed to have evaporated from the world, and Zhang Xibao had no place to target him.

That night, Zhang Xibao was checking the confidence he had accumulated during this period, when suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and jumped out of the sofa.

"If Qi Dongqiang still stays in the imperial capital, it can only be said that the old guy Tianyi is still coveting Qinglong's body, Vermilion Bird and Baihu are about to enter the Kunlun Alien Land, Xuanwu is injured and reorganizes the Five Dragons Club alone, and there are only stars on Qinglong's side keep..."

Zhang Xibao let out a low growl: "This old guy will steal people after stealing the house!"

Phoenix rushed towards the medical base of the White Dragon Society as quickly as possible.

With Tianyi's weird methods, no matter whether it is a forced intrusion or sneaking in, none of the stars can do anything to him, except Zhang Xibao.

On Phoenix's back, Zhang Xibao sent a message to Taihuohu: "Be careful, Tianyi hasn't left, he's still coveting Qinglong!" 』

Fenghuang was fast, and arrived at the base in a short while. Zhang Xibao hurried into the base, took a look at Qinglong, and found that Qinglong was still safe, so he felt relieved.

The tail fire tiger, Fang Ritu and other stars under the Qinglong constellation are guarding here, Zhang Xibao asked the tail fire tiger: "Is there anything unusual recently?"

Tail Huohu and others shook their heads: "No, everything is normal."

"Be alert!"

Zhang Xibao walked up to the roof of the medical base alone. The cold night wind blew the clouds, and the dark clouds covered the moon.

He muttered to himself: "Did I guess wrong?"

"You guessed right. 』

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao turned his head to look at the dark place on the roof, and Qi Dongqiang was looking at him with a strange smile on his face.

This person is obviously not Qi Dongqiang, but Tian 1, that's right...

"As expected of a dark saint, his brain is better than Qinglong's. 』

Qi Dongqiang, in fact, was Tianyi laughing, he crushed the spirit stones one by one, just like eating nuts, "eating" the fresh air in the spirit stones.

During the riot, the warehouse of the Five Dragons Society was stolen, and a large number of reserved spirit stones were lost. It seems that Tianyi stole it and did not escape.

"However, you still guessed a little wrong. I don't like Qinglong anymore. What I you!" Hey Hey……"

Day 1 Hey hey straight laugh.

If a pretty girl spoke to Zhang Xibao like this, Zhang Xibao might secretly be amused for a while, but when Tianyi, a bad old man kept saying that he wanted him, Zhang Xibao felt a chill.

Ganqing Tianyi still stayed in the emperor and did not leave, he was waiting for Zhang Xibao to come back.

Good guy, Zhang Xibao called it a good guy, but the prey is myself?

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes and felt the coercion emanating from Qi Dongqiang's body: "You absorb these spirit stones, survive to reach the peak of the heavenly rank, and you need a chance to become a human immortal. Without a chance, no matter how strong you are, you are just a god." Jie, you treasure master, I am a human immortal!"

"Wrong, big mistake! 』

Day 1 shook his head.

"Before accepting this body of yours, let me teach you a good lesson. 』

Tian 1 made an inviting gesture: "You sure don't want to fight with me on the roof of this medical base, do you?" If the two of us fight, everyone around us will definitely die. 』

"You're right. It's Chi Guoguo's conspiracy. I accept this trap."

Zhang Xibao followed Tian Yi and jumped straight to the bottom of the building. The two walked one after the other like old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Zhang Xibao's eyes flicked around Tianyi's neck, thinking about whether to sneak attack, so as to stab him to death with a sword, but Tianyi's movements and steps were weird, no matter how Zhang Xibao searched, he couldn't find a suitable one. Time to sneak up.

Zhang Xibao thought to himself, Zhan Nian didn't move at all, it seems that he doesn't plan to help him anymore, is this guy going to raise him free?

The two seemed to be strolling in the garden, but they were actually wary of each other, and their pace was very fast, and they were out of the scope of the imperial capital in a short while.

"Just this part of the journey, your killing intent has never stopped, it's nice to be young, hehehe..."

Tian 1 rubbed his neck, the hairs on it exploded, he seemed to enjoy the feeling of being like a light on his back.

"Why, how do you want to teach me a lesson?"

Zhang Xibao sneered, if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't find a chance to kill with one blow, Qilin's sword would have seen blood a long time ago.

Tian 1 asked back: "How can a supernatural being of the third level of the earth level kill a strange beast of the first level of the earth level?" 』

Zhang Xibao replied: "The benefit of weapons"

"That's right, human beings have weak limbs, but they stand at the top of the food chain. They have guns, and supernatural beings have strange treasures. With the help of strange treasures and exercises, a level-C supernatural being can kill a level-A beast . 』Day 1 grinned.

"You mean to say that with the help of strange treasures or kung fu techniques, you can kill me, a human immortal, with the strength of a first-level heavenly rank?" Zhang Xibao almost laughed out loud.

"At the same level, there is still a chance to kill at a lower level, but how can it be possible to kill directly across a higher level? Do you think you are the protagonist of a novel? Heavenly level murderer?"

"I have lived for three hundred years, and I have mastered more than fifty high-level exercises by heart. All the advanced exercises of the Five Dragons Club were picked out from my fingernails. You little human fairy who is less than twenty years old, How dare you underestimate me! 』

Tian Yi suddenly rushed towards Zhang Xibao, ferocious like a lunatic, and at the same time as fast as lightning.

Zhang Xibao beckoned and pulled out the Qilin sword from Tongtian Treasure House, and chopped off Tianyi's head.


Qilin's sword cut empty.

Tianyi's body twisted like a shadow, and this sword with some confidence smashed the earth, but it didn't hit Tianyi.

"Ah, this body is still not fast enough! 』

Tian Yi's voice came faintly from the air, and a drop of blood fell to the ground. Although he avoided Zhang Xibao's sword, he was still injured.

"Have you ever heard of the palm technique falling from the sky? 』


Zhang Xibao slashed towards the sky, splitting a palm print into pieces.

"I really know the Six Meridians Excalibur, hahaha..."

whoosh whoosh...

The fresh air in the air unexpectedly condensed into flying swords, aiming at various acupuncture points on Zhang Xibao's body.

Fang Rui formed a battle armor on the surface of Zhang Xibao's body, and the flying swords formed by these clear qi could not break through the defense at all.

Zhang Xibao pouted: "Is it useful?"

"Ants can kill elephants too! 』

The voice of Day 1 came from the air.

"The body of the immortal is really strong, I like it even more..."

Tianyi couldn't take down Zhang Xibao, relying on more than 50 high-grade kung fu techniques to constantly harass him, Zhang Xibao had the power to kill with one blow but couldn't touch Tianyi.

Zhang Xibao is not worried about himself, he is worried that Tian Yi will turn around and run away when he sees that he can't take him down. A bloody storm broke out inside.

How to win day 1...

Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes.

"Let's change our style of play!" Zhang Xibao said suddenly.

Tian Yi really stopped and looked at Zhang Xibao with great interest.

This guy is crazy...

Zhang Xibao said: "Didn't you want to take over my body? I'll give you a chance. Get out of Qi Dongqiang's body and fight in the sea of ​​my consciousness. You won't die!"

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