Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 370 Breaking His Wings

got windy.

A desolate demon raised its head, its eyes were just blinded by grains of sand.

The wind is normal in the desert, and it doesn't stop the business from going on.

There are many businesses in this gathering place, but there is only one main thing, and that is food.

Desolate monsters only need to keep devouring things to advance, and food is very important to them.

In addition, if the wild monster wants to breed offspring and expand its power, it must kill alien beasts or tribal people for sacrifices. Those goods can be used as food and sacrifices in transformation rituals.

Several sane wild monsters were communicating with unintelligible notes, suddenly one wild monster screamed with a headache in his arms, and the remaining wild monsters looked at their companions, and found that guy's eyes were scratched by gravel .


A few desolate monsters laughed at this unlucky companion. Their recovery ability is very strong, and it's just scratched by the gravel, it's no big deal.


The ugly smile froze on the face of the wild monster. It looked up at the sky, and its companions also looked up at the sky. Suddenly, all the wild monsters screamed in horror.

Sandstorm is coming!

The desolate monsters have never seen such a big sandstorm. In the past, the wind carried the sand, but now it is the sand that drives the wind.


The giant sandstorm was like a millstone, and the gathering place made of stones and sand bricks was instantly sucked into the center of the millstone. There was a piercing creaking sound, and the desolate monsters were like the stuffing in this flesh and blood mill, crushed together with their sins.

Above the sky, Zhang Xibao on Phoenix's back was standing with a golden staff in his hand, looking coldly at the destroyed wild monster gathering place.

From the time he saw the corpses of the tribal people in the gathering place, he became firm in his determination to exterminate such abominable monsters as Huang Yao.

"It's pretty powerful, isn't it?"

The cold gaze disappeared, and Zhang Xibao's gaze at his younger sister Mu Ge softened.

"It's very powerful!"

Mu Ge opened his mouth wide in surprise: "In almost an instant, the thousands of desolate monsters in the gathering place were all killed. I had to rely on the Bai Ze flying sword to strike ten swords and eight swords to achieve this effect. It’s just an earth-level rare treasure!”

"This golden staff blesses the divine power and can almost surpass the heavenly level." Zhang Xibao was very satisfied with Shaquan's golden staff's abilities.

"Wait a minute, what is that?"

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes and looked towards the ruins of the gathering place. There seemed to be something buried under the yellow sand.

The phoenix flew down, Zhang Xibao and Zhang Muge saw clearly what was buried in the sand, it was half a strange statue.

Zhang Xibao raised the Sand Spring Gold Staff, and the sand seemed to come alive, flowing towards the surroundings one after another. After clearing the sand, a sacrificial altar was exposed on the ground, and half of the destroyed statues lay down on the altar.

"There is blood on the altar, it should be the place where the desolate monsters worship, but there is something wrong with this statue..."

Zhang Xibao took out the Qilin sword, and split the statue with one sword. The weird statue was hollow, with a big golden-red meat worm lying inside.

The body of the big meat worm is golden and red, wriggling like a heart. It has no wings, claws, or facial features, only a fat body.

"What is this thing? It seems that there is no fully developed chrysalis..."

Sensing the approach of Zhang Xibao and Zhang Muge, the big meat worm started to squirm.

"It's disgusting!"

Mu Ge stopped in her tracks. As a girl, of course she hated this kind of worm from the underworld the most.

Zhang Xibao didn't care, he slowly leaned over with the Qilin sword, and poked the big meat worm with the tip of the sword.


"I knocked, it exploded!"

Zhang Xibao exclaimed.

The imaginary picture of the meat worm bursting did not appear. The worm skin on the surface of the meat worm melted like a candle, and the inside was not disgusting insect juice and internal organs, but mixed with red golden light.

"This is……"

The golden light flew towards Zhang Xibao involuntarily, Zhang Xibao stretched out his fingertips to touch it, and uttered two words: "Divine power!"

"This is not an ordinary bug. The bug's body is full of divine power. It looks more like a "blood bag" that replenishes divine power. It's quite interesting..."

"Do you want to try?" Zhang Xibao asked Mu Ge.

Mu Ge shook her head: "Whether it's a bug or not, I'm not interested in the power of faith emanating from its body!"

Zhang Xibao absorbed the divine power into his consciousness, and suddenly he felt a strong irritability.


Qilin's sword clanked, and Zhang Xibao felt that restlessness dissipated.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Mu Ge asked.


Zhang Xibao shook his head: "It's the smell of divine power that's disgusting."

"Divine power still has a taste?" Mu Ge tilted his head.

"That's a feeling, not a real taste."

Zhang Xibao raised the Qilin sword and jumped onto the phoenix, hooking Mu Ge: "I have a better idea, do you want to listen to it?"

"What is it bro?"

Mu Ge feels that Zhang Xibao must have thought of some trick again.

"The statues enshrined by these desolate monsters must be the existence behind them. The big fleshy worms in the statues may be some kind of means for that existence to collect power. We have to destroy all its statues and big fleshy worms in advance, and break their wings. Then kill with one hit!"

Zhang Xibao smiled and looked at the Shaquan Golden Staff in his hand: "Before we look for that guy, we should pull out all the places where the desolate monsters gather!"

"Okay, we can also get rid of the desolate demon by the way, and relieve the pressure on the tribe." Mu Ge nodded in agreement.

The two hit it off immediately, and the phoenix flew deeper into the desert, where there were countless desolate monster gathering places.


On that day, the desolate demons remembered the fear of being dominated by sandstorms again.

The sandstorm fell from the sky like a big hand, darkness fell, and all the desolate monsters disappeared deep in the gravel.

"Volume, give me crazy volume!"

"Smash it, smash it hard!"

Zhang Xibao waved the Shaquan Golden Staff, the condensed sand was like a big hand, and it only took one stroke to smash a gathering place into pieces.

Boom boom boom!

Gathering places of desolate demons were constantly smashed into pieces.

Sure enough, as Zhang Xibao guessed, not only were there weird statues in every gathering place, but there was also a big fleshy worm hidden inside the statues!

Mu Ge thought the big meat worm was disgusting, so he didn't touch any of his divine power. In order to improve his strength as soon as possible, Zhang Xibao would not refuse anyone who came and absorbed all his divine power.

The supernatural power contained in the meat worm greatly increased Zhang Xibao's strength, and Zhang Xibao felt that he was about to reach the level of an earth immortal.

"That's right, that's right, playing Qiufeng really improves his strength the fastest!"

Zhang Xibao grinned grimly and looked at the gathering place of desolate monsters that had been blasted into pieces.

Zhang Muge looked at Zhang Xibao's back with a worried face.

She felt that Zhang Xibao was a bit weird. At the beginning of destroying the wild monster gathering place, Zhang Xibao's face was often cold, but now the cold look disappeared, replaced by excitement.

A sense of excitement full of killing!

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