Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 382 Master Bao Engages In Burning Operations Again

The French boat roared out of Kunlun's strange land, and then roared into Haocang Island.

Regarding the matter of immigrating the natives of Daxia City, Zhang Xibao handed over the full authority to Qin Li. After all, this girl is best at management.

Zhang Xibao hurriedly returned to the new headquarters of the Five Dragons Club, which is the basement of the laboratory building.

North Xuanwu Qin Dachuan and his daughter Qin Li came up to meet him, Xuanwu said excitedly: "Son-in-law, there is news about the Resurrection Flower, there might be one in the Nine Nether Territory!"

Qin Li and Zhang Xibao looked at each other, and then looked at Xuanwu at the same time, which made the old guy feel guilty.

"Cough cough cough..."

Xuanwu quickly changed the subject.

"The Black Dragon Society discovered some stone inscriptions while exploring the Nine Serenities. It recorded that a kind of fairy grass called the Resurrection Flower is highly similar to the Resurrection Flower you mentioned. It should be the same thing. That's right. Qinglong is saved!"

Zhang Xibao nodded: "I'll go back and look for the Resurrection Flower, but I came to the headquarters this time for another matter."

Three glittering golden godheads appeared in Zhang Xibao's hands, and Xuan Wu and Qin Li's eyes widened at the same time.

"Ah, this..."

Xuanwu asked suspiciously: "Didn't Xiao Li'er say that the godhead is extremely precious, and it is hard to come by, why is it like a Chinese cabbage in the dark sage, and Xibaihu accommodates one, but there are three more here? "

Originally, Xuanwu still had some opinions on Zhang Xibao's giving priority to Xi Baihu's incorporation into the godhead, but now he has nothing to say.

Qin Li was also confused, she looked at Zhang Xibao.

Time was running out, so Zhang Xibao didn't explain carefully, but just smiled slightly: "It's just killing three heavenly ranks..."

Beixuanwu is now at the peak of the heaven rank and can fully integrate into the godhead, but Vermilion Bird is still close, so Zhang Xibao temporarily stores the remaining two godheads in the Tongtian Treasure.

He has to carry this thing with him to be at ease. After all, the safety factor of the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club is definitely not higher than that of the Tongtian Treasure!

After integrating Bei Xuanwu into a godhead, Zhang Xibao received a call from Qian Chengjin.

The little fat man was very excited, and while dancing, he reported to Zhang Xibao: "Brother Bao, the snow lotus has opened, wow!"


Zhang Xibao asked excitedly: "How many plants have been planted, and how are the results? How is the effect of the strange treasure seeds compared to wild ones?"

Zhang Xibao crackled and asked, and Qian Chengjin shook his head blankly: "I've just opened one flower, and I'll report it, and the others are still opening one after another. As for the results, we can only count them after opening. Get someone to experiment!"

"Okay, I'm going to go to Hao Cang Island right now, strengthen the defense, and wait for me to go there!"

Zhang Xibao hung up the phone, took Qin Li with him, and flew towards Beishi on a phoenix.

Because Qin Li wanted to assist Zhang Xibao in managing the immigrant natives, so he took her with him along the way.

"Our Five Dragons Club's plan of 'everyone is a supernatural being' can be initially implemented!"

Zhang Xibao discussed with the equally excited Qin Li.

"Five Dragons will no longer have to worry about the lack of manpower, but who should distribute the rare treasure seeds to, this needs to be carefully considered."

"The members of the Five Dragons Club have to go through a long period of screening before they can enter the interior. Although the time period is long, they have maintained the loyalty and purity of the interior. If the "Everyone is a superhuman" plan does not have a good screening mechanism, it may It will cause chaos, and even cause an increase in the crimes of supernatural beings!"

After the excitement, Qin Li expressed his doubts.

"Regarding this issue, I have several preliminary ideas in mind, one of which is intended to be implemented, and the other is still under planning."

Zhang Xibao thought for a while and said, "Let me talk about the first idea first!"

"I once exchanged a book of high-grade exercises called "Fengling Deed" in the merit point mall. The function of this exercise is to help supernatural beings form bonds with objects such as strange beasts and spirit bodies."

Zhang Xibao said the name of the exercise, and Qin Li nodded: "I have an impression of this exercise. At the beginning, I also wanted to raise a beast pet, but I haven't accumulated enough merit points."

Zhang Xibao continued: "After the godhead is integrated into the body, it can help supernatural beings break through the heavenly ranks and become human immortals. You should understand the principles of human immortals and higher levels. Before human immortals, they rely on clear energy, and after human immortals, they rely on divine power. , This divine power comes from believers, and my fans are also equivalent to believers, so the Daxia entertainment circle hacked me a while ago to help me gather divine power."

"I see……"

Qin Li looked at Zhang Xibao with a weird look. It turned out that An Sheng himself was the mastermind behind the uproar in the entertainment industry. No wonder Qinglong always laughed and said nothing!

Zhang Xibao snapped his fingers: "So, my idea is to use divine power to form bonds with supernatural beings. If it succeeds, the problems you are worried about will not be a problem, and our four sources of divine power will be stable in the future!"

"Dark Saint, you mean to form a pact with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands or millions of supernatural beings?"

Qin Li was shocked by Zhang Xibao's idea, and the girl was speechless for a long time, because this burning operation is so beautiful!

"Of course, this is just a preliminary idea. To make this happen, not only does the "Seal of the Spirit Deed" have to be effective, but the loss of divine power is also a problem. But if it succeeds, there will be more than five immortals in Daxia in the future!"

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "If these two conditions are not met, then the joy will be for nothing."

Suddenly, Qin Li's eyes lit up: "Why didn't the dark sage give it a try with me? Let's try it out first, and then we'll know if the spirit contract can be made, and how is the power loss in the process of forming the contract?"


Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Once the contract is concluded, the two parties cannot break the contract. If the leading party dies, the strength of the slave party will be greatly reduced. It is not suitable, not suitable! Besides, if I form a contract with you, Xuanwu must not take it Shall I pluck my head off?"

"Is the dark saint afraid of hurting me?"

Qin Li smiled: "With your current combat power, you don't have to worry about what you said at all. It's just a small experiment. Don't you wonder if this idea can be realized?"

Zhang Xibao: "..."

"I've been holding back this idea for a long time. I originally planned to go to Hao Cang Island to find Qian Chengjin for an experiment. Since you are also curious, let's try it?"

The two hit it off.

Zhang Xibao recited the formula and urged the "Ling Feng Qi" with divine power, and the golden talisman emerged out of thin air and slowly flew towards Qin Li.

"Close your eyes, let go of your mind, just don't reject the spirit sealing contract, even if you fail, there is no danger, don't be afraid..."

Zhang Xibao exhorted.

Seeing the golden talisman flying into Qin Li's eyebrows, after a while, Qin Li, who had closed her eyes tightly, opened them, and she felt that there seemed to be something between herself and Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao supported Qin Li excitedly: "It's a success, you can really use divine power to bond with supernatural beings!"

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