Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 393 A Bunch Of Little Things

Three weeks later, Mr. Ye Weng told Zhang Xibao that the delivery was ready.

Zhang Xibao came to the treasure refining factory excitedly, and saw two things he wanted in the huge warehouse behind the factory.

Without getting close to the battle armor and giant sword, Zhang Xibao felt a surge of high temperature, which was the effect of the Yan Lingshi.

"The scales on the battle armor are engraved with ancient scriptures, which can not only increase the ability to resist blows, but also rebound attacks. As for the giant sword, in addition to being able to use the flame attack that comes with the flame stone, it can also increase by 30% when it is swung. strength."

Ye Weng looked at Zhang Xibao, and asked with a smile: "I have produced two rare treasures, but I want to know how you transport them away?"

Each part weighs several tons, and the weight of the finished product is even more unimaginable. Let alone transporting it away, it is difficult to pick it up.

Zhang Xibao chuckled, and released Fang Rui, the Dharma Aspect, Ujin Dharma Aspect, which grew in the wind and didn't stop until it was more than 100 meters high.

"Try your new equipment, see if you can take advantage of it?"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the battle armor and giant sword.

The huge dharma figure took up the battle armor and put it on, and then pulled the giant sword out of the warehouse.

Boom boom boom!

Fa Xiang took a few steps, then swung his huge sword and nodded his head to express his satisfaction.

"Very well, come back!"

Zhang Xibao beckoned, Fa Xiang took off his battle armor, his body shrunk, and flew back to his wrist.


The battle armor and giant sword disappeared.

Ye Weng and other people present were a little confused and didn't know what happened.

"Such a big puppet doll?"

"A rare treasure with such a large internal space?"

Although Ye Weng is the president of the treasure appraiser association and has a wealth of knowledge, he is still a little unbelievable.

"It's my golden body of Dharma. It can be condensed by becoming an Earth Immortal. Keep the blueprints of the battle armor and giant sword. Then Qinglong, Baihu, Vermilion Bird, and Xuanwu may all be used!"

Zhang Xibao told the old man, and left the Yibao factory happily.

I'm finally going back to Kunlun to find three five-element treasures!

After Zhang Xibao replenished a large amount of supplies, he rode a phoenix and flew into the gate of Kunlun's foreign realm.


three months later.

On Phoenix's back, Zhang Xibao had a dull expression on his face.

He has been flying for three months in this unchanging mountains, and his heart has become as cold as the Antarctic, as hard as the stones in the mountains.

"It's so boring!"

"Where is this damn Jianmu?"

"Those bastards in the court can hide well?"

The talent shows of the crow boys have been held for several times, Zhang Xibao almost got sick of hearing them sing, and Zhan Nian was busy playing liver games, except for the little mouse, Zhang Xibao didn't even have anyone to talk to.

The mountains are really too big, and it has four sides. It was only a few weeks when we crossed the meat-eating people and arrived at Daxia City. Now Zhang Xibao changed the direction to search, and he has been flying at full speed for three months.

"It stands to reason that Jianmu should be quite big, why can't I find it?"

Just when Zhang Xibao was thinking about what kind of work the crows would do, he suddenly heard thunder coming from afar.

The sky in the distance is clear and cloudless, it is good weather, how can there be thunder?

Things went wrong, Zhang Xibao controlled the phoenix to fly straight towards the direction where the thunder sounded.

After flying for another half a day, Zhang Xibao saw a purple-gold pillar in the clouds, and after flying a little closer, it turned out that it was an extremely huge tree reaching into the sky!


Zhang Xibao suppressed his excitement, flew into the clouds, and looked over the Purple Gold Pillar.

The cyan leaves are bigger than clouds, and the flowers hidden between the leaves are black. Occasionally, a corner of yellow fruit emerges from the gaps in the leaves.

"Yes, this is Jianmu!"

The phoenix is ​​already huge, but compared to the leaves of that tree, it is like an ant.

"It's so big, how did it explode?!"

After the excitement, Zhang Xibao's face became serious.

"Fried? It looks good, why fry it?"

Suddenly, the voice of Zhan Nian came from the side.

Zhang Xibao clutched his chest: "The baby is scared to death, Zhan Nian, can you stop popping out like this, I'm not mentally prepared at all!"

Zhan Nian ignored Zhang Xibao, but squinted his eyes to admire the huge Jianmu.

"Jianmu, do you know why this foreign realm is bigger than all the foreign realms combined? It's because of Jianmu's existence! If you blow it up, this foreign realm will be shattered!"

Zhan Nian glanced at Zhang Xibao: "Of course, this is a real miracle, even if you blow it up for a hundred years, it won't destroy it..."

"Ah, what else is going on?"

Zhang Xibao scratched his head: "But I want to block the way from Shenting to the foreign land, so what if I don't blow up Jianmu?"

"It's not so easy for the guys in Shenting to get in and out of Shenting. Although Jianmu is the link between the two worlds, the real door is not Jianmu itself. You just need to block the door..."

"Oh, by the way, don't forget to take the building wood needed to expand the small world. You don't need to break the branches, just pick some building wood fruits."

Zhan Nian flew back to Qilin Jian, and said: "Be careful when picking fruits, I remember that there are many small things on this tree..."

"What little thing?"

Zhang Xibao asked a question, but Zhan Nian didn't hear it.

"Either tell me everything, or don't tell me, pretending to be a riddle, right? Stinky Zhannian!" Zhang Xibao muttered.

Zhang Xibao began to control the phoenix to fly upwards, looking for a suitable Jianmu fruit and the gate of the two worlds that Zhan Nian mentioned.

The higher the flight, the more Jianmu fruits and the yellower the color.

Zhang Xibao focused on a ripe Jianmu fruit, planning to pick this one.

"It's so big, the Qilin sword is probably not easy to chop. It has to be made of a golden body. The fire element naturally restrains the wood element. This flame spirit giant sword seems to be forged correctly."

Zhang Xibao released the 100-meter Fa Xiang Fang Rui. Fa Xiang carried a huge sword, stepped on the leaves of Jianmu, and ran towards the huge yellow fruit.

To be honest, although Faxiang is 100 meters high, it is only half a body taller than Jianmu fruit. The diameter of this fruit alone is tens of meters long!


The giant sword of Yanling cut at the pedicle of the fruit, cutting off half of it directly, and the huge fruit was hanging on the branch precariously.

"Be careful, don't drop the fruit!"

Zhang Xibao passed his consciousness to Fa Xiang, and Fa Xiang lightly slashed with his sword, then grabbed the huge fruit and yanked it violently.


The fruit was pulled down.


There was a loud noise, like thunder.

Zhang Xibao saw a huge snake-like insect biting Fa Xiang Fang Rui.

The bug's roar was like thunder, no wonder I heard thunder in the distance just now!

"Be careful!"

Fa Xiang held the fruit and couldn't free his hand to touch the giant sword.

Zhang Xibao jumped up, pulled out the Qilin sword and struck at the worm's head.

"Inside the department!"

A ray of divine light slashed at Chongzi's head, perhaps because Zhang Xibao was too small, Chongzi only noticed Fang Rui who was picking the fruit, and the sword actually struck Chongzi's forehead.

Boom boom boom!

The insect wailed a few times and lay still on the leaf.

Zhang Xibao breathed a sigh of relief: "It's not very powerful, is this the little thing Zhan Nian was talking about?"

Suddenly, thunder exploded one after another.

Zhang Xibao looked at the leaves in the distance, and densely packed insects crawled over.

"Makabaka, run!"

Zhang Xibao asked Dharma Prime Minister Fang Rui to throw the fruit into Tongtian Treasure House, Dharma Phase transformed back into a phoenix, and the two guys flew towards the distance.

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